MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > women love bad boys and dangerous men

women love bad boys and dangerous men

what do you think?



they love the hard tough macho men.



they hate pussies and sissies and wimps.



If by them you mean women, I completely agree.


women hate me with a passion.


Must be a reason; they usually like me.


checkmate told me I am boring and fat.


Lesbians don't hate pussies


I know lesbians who like puppies but most like pussies.Really fluffy ones especially.


Is it necessary to be vulgar?


checkmate told me I am a boring retard.


I don’t know who checkmate is, but being called a boring retard is showing checkmate’s ignorance. The best way to counter a poster such as checkmate is to ignore or not reply....not to lower yourself by using gutter language. :-)


checkmate was a user at tvtome and tvrage. she lied to me many times.
I don't know why. she was a troll. she claimed I have bipolar. which I don't.



ooohhh spank me sexy lady.


Girls don't want to be naughty. lol


SOME women love bad boys and dangerous men. Not this one. 😬


Then whst


Huh? Sorry, I don't understand.


Lol it was a joke. If you don’t love bad boys then who do you love


Sorry I didn't get your joke. But anyway, I guess you could say I love the opposite of bad boys, which must mean good boys, right?


^ ✊[fist pump ... I keep having to explain my emoji usage, dammit!]

Give me a good boy any old time. They're hawt.


Thank you! Life is tough enough without having to deal with a bad boy. 👍 🤜


Yes! Who wants to deal with an arsehole? Unless you're too young, too stupid, and/or too messed up to know better.



Agreed! I don't have time for that.




Ah, ha, ha! Good one, Cat!




a lot of women love dangerous bad boys because they think I can change him! He's not going to screw me over. I'm different from the other girls.


I don't think it's a lot of women, although sure, some. Same as some men are attracted to crazy and difficult women. Same side of the coin, but some men don't want to acknowledge it. Go figure.


I always wonder why in that situation. Why do you deal with this difficult, batshit crazy woman?


I always wonder the same thing [giveup]

But then I wonder exactly the same when it comes to women who are attracted to a$$hole bad boys [giveup again]


Yeah, I wish I could help ya. I honestly have no idea why (us) women do the things we do. We don't face consequences like men do, which is incredibly unfair.


I wish you could help me too. Thanks for the wishes, though.

I think men face exactly the same consequences as women do for their stupid choices, and messed up backgrounds that cause them.



They only put up with it if the woman is hot, or "out of their league" so to speak...

No one puts up with an ugly crazy woman...

Whereas with women and badboys, the badness is part of the appeal... Because she knows at the very least he is not a "nice" guy, which is a big turn off for most women. Nice guy is not the same as good guy...


It's the same thing with "bad boys." No one's going to put up with an ugly bad boy either. What would be the point?

It's semantics. Nice guy, good guy, they're the same, as far as I'm concerned.* I find nice/good guys to be hot. Always have, always will.

*But out of curiosity and for the sake of discussion, what difference do you see between the two?


It's not just semantics... Nice guys just try to be agreeable and pleasant... They are very subservient and such... It doesn't mean they are good people. It just means they are generally not assertive and will not take the lead...

No woman wants a pushover, or someone who will not say what they want... Someone who doesn't think highly of themselves... A doormat. That is not the kind of equal partner women tend to find attractive...


It is semantics. You define nice guys as being someone who's subservient and pushovers, but I don't.

Men don't usually like women who are pushover, and subservient either, because that's hardly an equal and attractive partner. But virtually everyone, male or female, likes people who are agreeable and pleasant, and why wouldn't they? Do you want a doormat and find that attractive? No. No one does.

Good = nice, nice = good. I've never known anyone I'd consider good who wasn't also nice. YMMV.


If she's kind and pretty I don't care if she's just a nice girl and isn't very assertive. I don't look for pushovers or subservient women, but it wouldn't turn me off. I've met some lovely women who are like that.

I don't think it turns off men the way it turns off women. Most women I know are repulsed by subservient men. They don't even consider them masculine... They're umanly, regardless of how nice they act...


So women aren't equally attracted to a man who's good looking and kind, and subvervience isn't a turn-off to you? It'd be a turn-off to anyone who's looking for an equal partner.

I'm attracted to men who are kind, nice, and good. In fact, I'd say that's the ultimate turn-on for me. Acting nice isn't the same thing as being nice. Or good.


Subsevience is not a turn off for me. Nor do I think it is for most men. I don't look for it and I would prefer it if a potential partner was confident for her sake, but it does not bother me at all. It doesn't come into the equation.

I wouldn't respect or lover her any less.

Would women date a subservient man? Could they ever respect or love him? Doubt it.

That's the thing with bad boys. You're almost guaranteed that they're not subservient.


So what you're saying is someone being an equal partner isn't something important to you, and doesn't even come into your equation.

Of course you'd respect her less if she were subservient! It'd be impossible to do otherwise.

I most definitely do *not* want a subservient partner. I want an equal. And a nice and good guy.

ETA: Bad boys is just another way of saying arseholes. I don't respect them, because they're arseholes. How could anyone respect an arsehole? Let alone be attracted to and want to be intimately involved with one! Not any sane, self-respecting person anyway.


What does equal partner even mean? That we make big decisions together, that we share and experience our lives together? That we have an equal say in the things that matter? Sure...

I can still have that with a shy girl... With a woman who idolises me... Why not? It will take more effort to get to know her actual opinion and feeling on matters, but it's not a big deal at all... It's not ideal, but it's not offputting...

Re: Badboys are arseholes... Sure... Yet women love them, fall for them... Hard... All the time. 😁

I'm glad to hear that you have such a mature and enlightened view on relationships, but the real world shows us that in matters of the heart, people aren't rational... 😎


Yes, it means all of those things, but now you're switching bait and replacing subservience with shy. You said earlier you equate subservience with being a doormat as it applies to men, but somehow not with women. Why would a woman who views herself as a doormat not be unattractive to you? And why would you want a woman who idolises you? You don't think that says anything important about her character and self-worth?

If you don't find these things to be very important, well, okay, but in reality they are.

I don't have a problem with a guy who's shy. Not ideal, as you say as how you feel about a woman, but doable, if everything else is right.

I don't want to be idolised. Been there, done that, and it sucks. At best, all it does it pander to your ego. At worst, it means a lack of any meaningful connection because the person is viewing you through some distorted lens of their own that has little to nothing to do with who and what you are. Who wants that? Not I.

As I said to begin with, yes, there are some women who are attracted to bad boys, just as there are men who are attracted to bad girls. Neither are capable of or looking for any meaningful connection.

You don't seem to want to recognise or acknowledge that there are as many men who are just as caught up in the same trap as there are women. That's a result of being fvcked up, and men fall equally as hard as women do for someone who's fvcked up; it's not gender-specific. If you think otherwise, well, all I can say is you're wrong there.

I can't speak for the rest of the world, only for myself. There has to be something more than someone looking good on paper (and certainly more than physicality, although that too matters) for things to work. Call it chemistry, call it intuition, call it whatever you like. It may not always appear to be rational, but if you're intuned with your true feelings, they'll guide you. Does it truly feel good, or not?


Not switching bait. I don't find subvervient women a turn off. I don't seek it, but it doesn't bother me in the slightest. The same with women who idolise me.

I don't think it says anything about their character or self worth. Some women relate to me in that way, while being as successful, confident and independent in other parts of their life. These things aren't linked.

Anyway, I don't think the appeal of badgirls and badboys work the same way. I know you disagree. That's fine.

I do agree with your last comment that liking someone has to do with a lot more than what looks good on paper.


I think that's hooey, and that its only a consoling type of thing for some men to think.

But then, I realise you're trolling, so ...




Im not a troll thank you very much.


Yep! That's why they love me! I'm a bad dude!



One person objected to me calling her a lovely lady.


Then she's apparently hyper PC, and somewhat of a moron. Just ignore her.



Do you think some women like sweetness?
I don't know. Maybe some find it sickly.


You're asking the wrong guy for advice about women.


I like to know what other people think, out of interest.


My sister once told me that women want a man they can respect.



I think mental/physical strength are viewed as good things. I also think that being courageous, fearless, brave are good things as well. I think from a woman's point of view it's unmanly to be a coward and run away. She'll laugh at him.


You just nailed it, sugar.



Not all women like the same thing. Some women like bad boys, some women like devout boys, some women like ambitious sharks, some like their fellow jocks or gamers, and some even like (oy) vegans.

Some like other girls.


What's wrong with vegans???



They're tedious.


Sounds like you've met some (one? more?) who are proselytizers. That's the only thing I can figure.

I'm not a vegan, but wish I were. I'm only an admirer. Wish I were a Vegetarian anyway. I don't think I could ever give up eggs and cheese.


Go ahead, be a vegetarian, but FYI most vegan diets are nutritionally inadequate. And most vegans don't seem to be aware of that, which doesn't stop them (yes) proselytizing.

But to get back to my original point, there's a lid for every pot, and some gals have no interest in the "Bay boys", but won't look at anyone but a fellow vegan, trekkie, gun nut, whatever. So anyone who complains about women only liking one thing, something he doesn't have, totally misunderstands the arts of love.


do you think some women like stupid fat males?


Go to google images and look or pictures of "Star Trek Wedding".

In other words, "yes".


Not really




You started a thread asking what "Not really" means...


I see.
