MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I'm kinda scared of being shot and shot ...

I'm kinda scared of being shot and shot in the head to be killed.

Can't imagine what it must be like but something tells me it is horrible, I mean, I can't even imagine being in any situation where I am going to be shot in the head and killed.

But has anyone outside of dead bodies actualy been in the experiment and does anyone know, does it hurt when a bullet hits your brain and you die, or do you die quickly without feeling anything?


I think you're asking the wrong people. Oh wait, you can't ask the dead people what it feels like. Maybe you can ask Malala Yousafzai since she survived.

Sorry, don't mean to be flippant, but I suspect that if you are fatally shot in the head it's over so quickly that any pain you experience is very short-lived. But, what the heck do I know?


Gabby Giffords might have some insights also.


Oh yes! Perfect. I forgot about her.


Have you been doing something you shouldn't be doing, Man?



Dont you love this dude?!
He was short and to the point this time as well!
Unfortunately, i have no data to share with him...if im shot in the head tomorrow i will share some feedback though


He does come up with some of the oddest topics.



I know right?

I have respect for his game...even though im usualy lost!


I am too sometimes.



It’s something to be avoided.


The actual brain has no pain receptors...Everything that surrounds it is extremely sensitive. In theory if one had his skull cap removed leaving the gray matter exposed and a bullet was shot into the tissue...the victim would feel absolutely up...lucid decapitation 😱😱😱


Somehow I knew that someone would know some scientific facts about this. πŸ‘


I be dropping the new science and kicking the new k-nowlage...


I haven't the foggiest.


I think many feel this way. I am more scared of being shot in the head and not dying, ain't nobody got time for that! To die would be a grand adventure
