Things in today's movies that are annoying ?
Not in any particular order ...
1. Product placements in the middle of an important visual or scene?
2. The attitude of today's movies having to pretend they are so cool and smart. They run the movie really fast and noisy so you have to pay real attention of you miss something important. I guess it makes people who like the movie have to go see it again.
3. Again, the continual self-conscious reversal of expectations. Throwing stereotypes around any which way they can be used, as attention getters in the movie but maybe no real reason for it. Like always showing the little kids as being smarter with computers than adults, or Asians being smart. The young are smarter than they old, and when really old the condescending final reversal of that before death where a doddering old man with wisdom pushed the plot forward.
4. The constant profanity. I wonder if Hollywood is happy now that they have got profanity laced all throughout everything.
5. The inverse relationship between quality of the special effects and CGI and the quality of the movie. If there are good effects, then the movie is usually bad.
6. The same faces in the movies all the time. Certain stars and studios seem to have a monopoly on movies. Give other people a chance ... including Americans.
7. The constant examples of women fighting and defeating men, over and over, constantly until it is almost everywhere. It is sad but true that people have different fighting capabilities, and skill is important, but a 100 pound woman is not going to defeat a 250 pound man in a fight 999,999 times out of a million. It would be nice if movies would try to reflect reality just a little.
8. The total waste that most movies are. I used to see 1-3 movies a week 20 years ago. Not the movies are nothing I want to see, nothing I think anyone else should want to see ( just kidding ), cost way too much. The movie industry used to at least instill values in movies, and way back they have the newsreels and it was where Americans got their news. Today movie are like food, candy, and so much other stuff, cheap junk with an agenda.