Do you ever post something and hit the submit button only to re read what you wrote? After that, do you hurry to edit your mistakes or change your wording a bit so that it makes more sense?
I do this so often. I feel that I must race to do this before anyone sees my first"draft" which I should have read before I hit the submit.
Just curious, or am I the only "editor" around here?
I'll come back to see your replies (if any) later on. Right now, I have places to go.
You'll all be happy to know that I edited this before I sent it out to you. π
Of course I do. It's second nature to me. I care about my reader, and I respect myself. If my writing were sloppy, why would anyone take me seriously? It's also all too easy to get hosed by the spell-checker, wherein you write "stop being a cunt," and it comes out "stop being a can't."
I rarely proof and edit while composing. The composing window is too small. I'll finish composing, then click Add Reply. Then I can peruse the whole post. I almost always find typos, phrases I could have turned better, and other things that want changing. I go back into Compose mode at each edit that needs revising, then click Add Reply and pick up reading where I'd left off. This approach ensures that I don't overlook a change that needs making; plus--you know--German.
The one kind of edit I will not make, and which I think no one should, is the fraud edit, also known as the Croft Edit, where the original post is asinine, the poster gets called out on it, goes into the lying, preposterous post, completely changes it, and replies, "What are you talking about? That's not what I said at all."
In writing, in directing legitimate theater and movies, in cooking, in dressing oneself--oh, hell, in just about everything--editing is everything. Except for the Croft Edit, which is nothing.
That's not what I did at all. Oh, I'm so confused. Mine English is . . . good so not. Posting here I . . . will keep doing, even though everyone now knows that I am an asshole.
Bingo ! You definitely nailed what good writing is about. It should show some respect for the reader. Dumping a garbled, ego-driven mess on readers and suggesting they sort it out and make sense of it does the exact opposite.
Never fucking mind ! I'm really fed up with trying to get along with you. I'll never agree with you again although I was right about what comprises good writing.
Where the hell is this coming from, db? You explained and I explained. I thought we were cool since it just seemed a misunderstanding.
Your reply to me seemed more like a response to Kane and I thought you were taking a shot at me since you've (jokingly) said similar things to me before.
It's really such an effort to try and get along with me? Well, that saddens me. My skin isn't that thick. I have to be honest, I never know if you're serious or not when you come in and call me "trite" and whatnot. Every time I'm a little taken aback and wonder if I said something wrong.βΉ
Where in the hell are you coming from ? Your so-called explanation came across as another one of your head games. I made it clear who I was responding to. I even said I backtracked in the thread to make sure. You obviously got the notification and responded. And also as obvious is your ax to grind with me but you brought it upon yourself.
No, man, I have nothing against you whatsoever. It's really sad that you think I do and that you think I'm playing head games. I apologized for not being more clear with my sarcasm.
I understand you replied to me, but even I admit my post was just silly and it really didn't seem your response had anything to do with it. I thought that maybe the Sports Illustrated joke was still bothering you.
That's an outright lie because you've clearly been harboring resentments toward me but I can understand that & relate because it's a human thing to do. However, this argument is becoming really convoluted & I prefer to back away from it because I've been really emotionally stressed this past week & have more important priorities.
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Okay, no need to call me a liar. No, I don't resent you at alI. I have wondered a couple of times if you harbor resentment toward me as you seemed annoyed with me.
I'm sorry you've been having a stressful week. Maybe we can talk again after things have calmed down.
You accused me of having a grumpy old grandpa shtick. True, I get irritable & abrasive occasionally. But it seems as if every thread you chime in on, you somehow manipulate it into being about how you're " all that and a bag of chips. " Now to me, that's a shtick. Just something for you to ponder until that day.
My "schtick" is just to have fun while talking about movies and tv shows. Your grumpy grandpa schtick (at least, I was hoping it was just a schtick) is not so much fun. One moment I'm sassy, the next I am trite. And I never know what to take seriously.
You may be happy to know that I actually started a thread on tv shows that went downhill. You can go and make that one all about you (or not), if you want to.
I've done a couple of Croft edits I confess,but only to on some old posts to Croft where he was trolling!
They hidden amongst old posts,kind of an Easter Egg that I hope will amuse someone if they find them one day.
I understand where you are coming from, R-Kane. That's what this post is all about. I just wanted you to know that I saw your post. I'm afraid that I might not have seen you post if I hadn't decided to read the whole thread. You see, your post wasn't among my notifications when I came here this morning. I'm afraid that you did reply to Dazed. It looked as though you had taken the time to reply to what I'd said. I just want you to know that I read what you said. Your posts are indeed well thought out. I can always see that.
Thank you, Margo. It is always a pleasure to hear from you. While I am good at writing, I am not as good at navigating the internet, and there are times when my replies do not go where I want them to go. I am glad that the universe pushed you in my direction.
I did like that preview box! Aside from the obvious differences from IMDb to this site, that is one of the first things I noticed. Yikes! No Safety Net!
I do this once in awhile.
With me I usually add words that I've forgotten. My typing can't keep up with my thoughts.
I have many of these out there. I don't understand how some of you know what the heck I'm talking about sometimes.
The one that bugs me is when somebody replies. Then you're either replying to what they said
or going to come back to it and it's completely different.
Even worse they change their post after you've replied and now your reply makes no sense or
makes you look like and idiot.
I have a question for people who do drunk posting: do you wait to sober up before you edit your stuff? Because, if you don't, isn't there a good chance that you are even more blotto when you're doing the editing, and is that really likely to produce a better result, or more likely to conjure up a dead girlfriend lie?
I do all that in the "add reply" box. I type up my post and then re-read and edit, check for spelling, etc. I read it after I submit it as well, sometimes I catch typos or a "your" instead of "you're", that sort of thing. Sometimes I change it, sometimes I don't...
Occasionally I go in the edit box to add something I've forgotten, or to elaborate a bit more. I write that I've edited that reply, just for transparency and to avoid confusion. Arvin used to change posts on me (and not only me I suspect) and it bugged me so much! I don't want to be "that guy", so I prefer to just say it's edited if it's something significant.
I also make sure to quote someone if I think they may change something they have said, BUT I just like to quote some people so that they know that I was commenting on what they said, and not what someone else was talking about. These conversations get a bit long at times, and sometimes a comment gets lost in the shuffle.
In any case, if I like something that someone says, I think it bears repeating! π
Thanks to everyone who replied! It's always nice to know that you are not alone.
I pretty much do what you do.
Yes, I remember Arvin changing things he'd said. He wouldn't just elaborate or correct some spelling. He really would change the whole complexion and meaning of what he had said in order to make a person look ridiculous.