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For mature and scientific audiences only

So here is what i have gathered...

1. There is probably no end to a thread

2. Attractive Dutch girls pop by and derail your lifes work...jeez louise so annoying

3. My MC pals have limited patience for my particular brand of silliness

4. I look really hot in a sundress...i admit that was a weird moment


We're just glad you made back in one piece Spock.


Thank you dear fellow

I should add that its quite difficult to navigate those strange, striped lands
The 'up' arrow does not work too well in that alien world
And dont get me started on the typing...oh thats no fun for sure

Also, i think im more of a Captain Kirk but i liked the ST referance anyway amigo


The fact that a thread may never end is kind of intriguing. I am a math guy after all.


I will continue my mission soon...just taking a breather

You are welcome to join in the hopeless, worthless and possibly upsetting to other posters antics my wild Canadian friend!
But i caution you, there are no Mounties there to assist us!
And pack a snack


2018: A Thread Odyssey



'Yonkers Wars: A Big Dope'
could work too


You boldly went there!
Glad you made it back,very impressed with you're commitment Jim.


I quite like you Dazed and that is no lie
But i am still down the well and seeking the bottom of this damned thread

And i am certainly not that Jim fellow...i hear you all go on about him so i sort of get that..?
Anyway i heard Jim is super hot
Hes like a a solid 9

*im sorry but ETA: i was attempting to connect the Capt. Kirk post to Jim that started this place...also its possible that im a bit drunk
Go figure!


Not that Jim!
Jim Kirk,James Tiberius Kirk of the Starship Enterprise.

*I quite like you too.


Im not an easy crowd to please, or maybe I am. But whatever. You made me laugh out fuckin loud so that's worth something.


This amigo-ship continues to grow buddy!

You were on my mind 5 minutes ago lol
Im currently watching an old horror movie and thought of responding to your fun weekly post...i was all 'is it dishonest to include this title if i havent quite finished it?'
LOL you kill me StoneBroπŸ˜‚


I can't kill you. Im Already dead. Cuz of you!!!


I think we are both goners my friend...
MC seems to have no objections when it comes to chewing up us sexy guys amirite??


Glad you left bread crumbs and were able to find your way out.

Next time don't forget to take some hard candy with you.
Maybe some Werthers.

You do look amazing in a sundress if I'm being honest.

Welcome back.



Im pretty sure that im going back in

Kenny Loggins style...

There is no way a thread keeps going forever!



A very "interesting" thread, but glad you're back, Bro! And you do look amazing in that sun dress!



I really look hot
And these wooden clogs do wonders for my stems i must say

Sadly, im still fighting that GD simply wont die!

No quit in me


You're welcome!



PPS It's sort of a Twin Peaks meets Fargo meets Blair Witch Project kind of film.



PS Have you ever seen the film "Resolution"? I really like it, but the ending has left me (and a lot of others) puzzled.



I did see that one
I remember liking it a lot
But i must confess i dont remember the ending very clearly...i believe it was 'meta' but thats about it


I probably should have watched this explanation video first:

It postulates one of the prevalent viewer theories, that the "monster" of the film is US, the vieweing audience demanding a violent end. I'm not sure if I buy that, but it is an interesting theory.

Btw, I saw the word "meta" a lot in the comments on this movie.



I really should give it a second viewing...i remember thinking it was good, low budget stuff

Thanks for the link!
I will watch it now


Excellent, and you're welcome. Please let me know what you think about the ending.



Thanks for the link my good man

That really was a fine, low budget indy beast!

I love the huge budget popcorn flicks ( capes, lightsabers...whatever really!) but man do i adore the $0 bucks films
I admire the heck out of a 'small' thriller film...

Much obliged Amigo
I should watch the whole thing again



I heard that threads can have an end.


I dont know
Ive spent several days making an ass of myself trying to find out

Time well spent id say


What are you complaining about me for?! I was actually trying to help you out!


I know sweetie
I just like to tease


I really don't want to see that first hand.I mean really,please don't


I helped too, until I fell off the rails due to over-imbibing.

There will be an end to the thread when we figure out how to tie a knot!! 😜


Thats quite true
