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In our world of evil and injustice, has there been a line yet that humanity HASN'T crossed?

Hi everyone.

In our real human world of evil and injustice, where violence and murders and other terrible deeds happen all the time, has there been a line yet that humanity HASN'T crossed and bad or similar misdeeds it HASN'T done, except MAYBE blowing up our whole Earth or destroying some planet in outer space etc, then again, who knows what we might see in hundreds of years time?

I mean, we've had TWO World Wars, plenty of other wars go on in places all the time, individuals doing loads of wrong, police officers killing innocents and getting away with it, The Holocaust, 9/11 etc etc etc and in general, we know plenty of wrong because sadly they HAPPENED WAY too many times in humanity for us to see.

But is there a line humanity hasn't crossed and does that mean that there is STILL hope for us? Thanks/


Very interesting question. The human species will probably kill itself before we get the chance to destroy any other planets, thankfully. Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't wiped ourselves out with Nukes yet.

Genetic modification and Artificial Intelligence is something we have been playing around with and is a line we will cross in the near future that could be disastrous. Another thing that comes to mind is Biological Warfare. Who knows what kind of sick shit we will create....Maybe we already have?

It's a shame Global Warming is so political because its going to effect future generations. No one can be 100% sure if it exists or not, but lets not ignore it.

We have never seen Cyber Warfare on a LARGE scale. Can you imagine if the Grid went down for a year? Untold numbers of people would die.

I really hope humans never learn to control the weather. I can see that one backfiring.

One last thing that is disgraceful in this day and age is the deforesting of the Amazon Rain forest. Once its gone, its gone.

Is there hope? Theres always hope but we need a miracle.


There's been so many heinous acts in human history that I think we've pretty much covered them all.


Sunny gets it right again!
Go Sunny🌞you are doing it well!


Not too long ago, I read a newspaper account of a woman who had sliced up her newborn with a samurai sword and then eaten parts of it.

That was a new one for me.


Raw, or cooked, perhaps with Fava beans and a nice Chianti? And what a shitty way to use a Katana! The woman should be stoned to death.


Caligula did that almost 2,000 years ago. He was really sick.



More sick than that notorious 1979 film about him? Probably. :)


I have not seen that film so I can't comment. And I never will.



There hasn't yet been a dirty bomb nuclear attack by terrorists in a civilian area. It's been a concern for a long time though. I'm not sure if it's ever been planned, and if a plan was ever attempted and foiled, we probably wouldn't be told.


Well this is certainly a lovely thread.




I LOVE that film! It's in my top five of all time!



All living things compete for survival. Humans are no better or worse than any other species, just fancier and more creative.


2 McQ (OK if I call you that, and have you seen that film from 1974 with such title?) - don't forget that difference between us and other animal species if that we actually REALIZE our and others of ours humans, wrongs, and we are capable of abstract thinking and cognitive feelings and official emotions - ironically, THAT is arguably THE main reason why the fact that WE do wrong is considered so terrible and shocking overall.


“police officers killing innocents and getting away with it” Huh? That bit was unnecessary and not true. Have you not read or seen the news? There is a war on law enforcement. More police have been murdered by thugs than “so called innocents” being killed by police. Tell ya what...if you ever need defense against one of the thugs...”Who ya gonna call”? Ghostbusters!!


True. But those things also happen.

The only MAIN reason "thugs killing cops" isn't too shocking a news anymore is because we don't come to naturally EXPECT more from thugs, but we DO expect more from cops, and that is PROTECTION of the innocents, and when they happen to shoot and kill innocent bystanders either by mistake or worse due to racial segregation (DAMN!), of course that will shock us more.

Point is - we DON'T want COPS being violent and whereas it would be GREAT if thugs also either didn't exist or kill innocents, that's what they do by nature of their duty, so its not too unexpected.


“Point is - we DON'T want COPS being violent and whereas it would be GREAT if thugs also either didn't exist or kill innocents, that's what they do by nature of their duty, so its not too unexpected.”

I decided to reply today, 3 days later after hearing this morning four, yes 4 South Carolina police officers were shot! Do you suppose maybe they were hesitant to engage the “thug”? After all since we can’t expect a thug to behave better due to their nature and we don’t want our cops to be violent, maybe this is the result. I’ll take cops being so-called “violent” any day over them holding back when they are defending me or when they engage with a thug!


But I hear all the time stories about cops shooting innocents based on the colour of their skin, THAT doesn't make cops look good overall.


Not true! This from

“In 74 percent of all fatal police shootings, the individuals had already fired shots, brandished a gun or attacked a person with a weapon or their bare hands, according to an analysis of actions immediately preceding the shootings, which draws on reports from law enforcement agencies and local media coverage. These 595 cases include fatal shootings that followed a wide range of violent crimes, including shootouts, stabbings, hostage situations, carjackings and assaults.”
