So if i have a dog that protect my property,i should register him? And about homeless dogs,we had a few problems in wich there were sadly some deaths.
sharePerhaps farm animals could be exempt?
Here in the US there are very liberal rules for farmers in terms of hunting/'varmint' control and the sorts of structures needed for livestock
I doubt anybody will pick on the farmers...its the dummies in the cities and suburbs that let theyre pets run wild that seem the big issue here
People don't need a license to have children. But they can be neutered for having too many Chinese kids.
Texas is the one place where your neighbor's kid better not go in your yard and mess with your dog. Kids have rights, but so do gun owners and there is law enforcement.
I see so many cops on traffic stops who instead could be checking on dog licenses. Would you rather be passed by a speeding car or would you rather have canine incisors in your botox?
I second that.?
shareThere's no limit on how many birds you can have but there is a limit on children who will shoot at a cat burglar.
Ought not dogs be policed by K-9 units?
On a sadder note, the homeless dog problem and death Alice described could be considered a grave situation. Of course the police can't be everywhere to protect people from homeless dog attacks, but those dogs may as well have licenses. It seems anyone can get one these days.
Somebody's knocking at my door.
Im cautious when it comes to granting the government more power, creating extra fees and allowing our gov't (which works for us!) a single inch more into our lives
But i do agree with you very much on the 'unwanted/homeless' cat and dog problem
It is a travesty...measures probably should be taken
I don't know if state laws vary, but in my state dogs have to be licensed. The license is good for one year. As a matter of fact, I have to renew my dog's license. Thanks for the reminder! I can do it on-line.
It used to be all dogs six months or older. But the state figured out a way to get more money sooner. Now it's all dogs three months or older, don't know where a three month old puppy is going to roam . But I guess they can.
It's not expensive, it's less if the dog is spayed or neutered, about $8.00. That's a heck of a lot cheaper than the $300.00 fine if they catch you and your dog isn't licensed.
Of course that doesn't always help with some of the dog problems. There was a terrible event in town a few years ago. Some people had a pit bull and they let it loose, actually I think they did it on purpose and it went after a cat and mangled it. The town was so angry. The owners got a slap on the wrist.
I love cats and I've taken in my share of strays. Mine are all neutered and spayed. But there are a lot of irresponsible dopes who allow their cats to roam free and have litter after litter of kittens.
Laws are fine. But you just can't create a law that prevents stupidity! Some people just ignore their fines.
Sadly there are no laws against stupidity!
And many thanks for adopting strays and homeless animals
I respect that a lot
Dogs are required to be licensed here in NY as well but nobody does it (i never did) and the cops never seem to check
They are busier with other stuff
I don't think that regulating cats and dogs matters as a lot of the problem exists outside the realm of humans. Cheetahs, pythons, and gorillas are a different matter as it took the action of a human to bring them to the continental US where they simply do not fit the ecosystems here. That would be an excellent area to get started in on the Federal level as the number of dipchits who want to be connected with exotics only seem to be increasing. Nothing to guess at as to the impact as we can look to areas such as the Everglades to know what an invasive species will do in short order.
share Oh those pythons and other giant snakes, a pet peeve of mine! The irresponsible people who buy them and let them loose in the Everglades to wreak havoc on the local habitat, grrr, they infuriate me!! They need to be thrown into the Everglades themselves and forced to capture as many snakes as they can.
I cannot even believe those snakes are sold to private owners. They keep growing and who has room for a twelve foot python? If people would at least be responsible and turn them over to a zoo or a pet shop instead of letting them loose that wouldn't be so bad.
About ten years ago some nut a few blocks down the street was threatening to commit suicide with one of his snakes. He had a couple of poisonous ones in his house including a western diamondback rattle snake. The police managed to get the guy calmed down and they took the rattler into custody. It was in the newspaper. The police were trying to figure out what to do with the snake. They did not want to keep it.
I was thinking, "Heck, I'll chip in for a plane ticket to send the little sucker back to Texas or Arizona or wherever he calls home."
Why in the world people want to keep dangerous animals boggles the mind.
Ideally, the nut job would have been left to meet his fate as he wanted. Then the cops could have used their guns to send the rattler to the great desert in the sky. I'm sorry but there is NO excuse acceptable as to owning venomous or constricting snakes. For every owner that MAY turn out to be responsible in handling such animals there are 50 others who only want to own such animals so as to intimidate others or can't even keep a goldfish in a bowl never mind a snake in a cage. Not worth the risk in my mind to satisfy a small group of people. Then there is what passes as sexual pleasure (?) for some such as mild electro shock applied to others. If it is so great then it must be fantastic if it is applied to the person watching others "enjoy" themselves. God help us if some superior intelligence uses such behavior as a measure as to whether the human race is worthy of survival.
sharejust allow folks to hunt down strays... problem solved...
shareI can tell you from experience that there are many untamed cats that will avoid humans with great intensity which means you will most likely not be able to trap or shoot them. I would be willing to bet there are many such cats that have never been sighted by people so nobody would know enough to go after them. You might as well try carrying water a distance using a colander (kitchen tool to drain water off from cooked food).
sharewell.. if they are so out of our way, what's the problem?
shareUm...They breed in the absence of humans just fine plus they are territorial so the space you may have though was free and clear is now inhabited. Further, the new residents may be harder to observe and therefore do something about. It is a fairly futile task hence the colander analogy unless you want to spend gobs of time tracking animals that may be impossible to find other than their droppings for something to pass the time away. I would ask you why hunt a stray as you describe it if they are not impacting you in any noticeable way? After all it was your suggestion not mine.
shareWell... i was responsing to the original poster who saw strays as problems... personally, i don't see an issue with stray cats (lots of them around), but the stray dogs can be pests and cause issues (killing pets, noise and generally being bothersome to kids and people when in packs)...
i don't know if there is a hygene difference between the two species, but at least they're not rats...
I might agree if the government's answer to everything wasn't to simply charge more money to pet owners, which essentially solves nothing.
A big part of the problem of homeless domestic animals, aside from pet owners not having enough money to care for them, is that a lot of people are put in a situation where they aren't allowed to keep a pet in, say, the rental property they want to move into. So if you have to choose between having an affordable home, or having a pet and no home, obviously a lot of people are gonna get rid of pets so they can live. Maybe if the government would demand more landlords allow pets to be housed on their properties, this wouldn't be as big of an issue.
You're right. I just wish it was as simple as that.
Everyone loves homeless dogs,so when a bunch of dogs attack and kill a child - true story - who is to blame then?
It was a kid in the park,he walked away from his parents and he was attacked and biten multiple times by a pack of homeless dogs.And the authorities - believe it or not - accused his parents for carelles.It happenes in 21 century Romania.
When I was a youngster you had to have a license here where I live.You were given a small metal registration badge about the size of a postage stamp was attached to its collar.
It's strange to think that you and your home have to be vetted(!) in order for you to home a rescue animal but you can buy an animal without any checks.
I'd also enforce fines for not clearing up dog poo.I'd actually like to force the owners faces into it,but I don't think you're allowed to do that.
Thank you and to you.