Have you ever worked as a waiter/waitress?
I haven't.
No I have not, but I know it's a difficult way to make a living. That's why I normally tip 20%.
Yes, a long time ago when I was in high school. My first job ever, at age 16, was in the restaurant department of a local department store. Believe it or not, I stayed for 4 years and learned how to work every job in that area. Besides waitressing, I learned the grill, the sandwich board, snack bar, employee cafeteria, the dish room, hostess for the main dining room, and even acting manager at closing time. Not too bad for a teenager.
No...people are crummy to waiters and im certain that i couldnt balance all of those plates like real waiters do...im a spaz
Tip your waitstaff very well folks!!
sharethey want to be understood.
shareMy first job was waitressing (if you don't count babysitting). It was a summer job when I was in college. It was in a restaurant at a very popular local amusement park.
It was hard work but fun. We were so busy on the weekends. You just about ran your feet off! But the managers had high standards. We always had to be polite and quick.
The couple who were the managers also taught me a lot about serving the public. The woman in particular had a lot of good advice.
"Your customers won't care so much if you get an order wrong as long as you are pleasant and cheerful and correct the order."
She used to tell us that being pleasant and nice to people was SO important. Most people had their fill of sour faced, grumpy waitresses. I think her advice worked because I got a lot of good tips!
No, I've only worked store retail and that was bad enough dealing with the public.
I don't think I would have lasted in a waitressing job. From friends' I understand it's grueling and customers can be even worse than in a store.