MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > THEE General Discussion forum game: Chan...

THEE General Discussion forum game: Change one letter in a movie title and alter the plot to reflect it.

By way of example I'll start

Schindler's Pist

Oskar Schindler knocks back the mulled wine and the ginger wine at the large reception at the beginning of the movie. He blacks out until the Soviet's arrive to liberate everyone.

DISCLAIMER: Someone else filled in for him and there was no increase in casualties from the original movie. Just a drunken Liam Neeson wondering about for a couple of hours on screen.

Rules, 1 letter changed only. The original title can have as many letters and words as you wish but only 1 particular letter in one particular word may be altered.

We can have other threads for spoonerisms and the like.

Bring your best game now!


Jurrasic Pork

During a preview tour, a fancy high-tech restaurant suffers a major power breakdown that allows its cloned jurrasic pork delicacies to run amok.



I would actually watch that.





Fasic Instinct.


Ha! Good one!



He just changed one letter, you see? Basic into Fasic!



That's the joke. Like, Yasic Instinct. Lol. Or.. or... Dasic Instinct! Kasic Instict! The possibilities are endless!


The defining quality of a joke is that it's funny. Also: The OP specified changing one letter in the WHOLE TITLE, not one letter per word.


Nero dark shirty


Silence of the Lamps

Broken lamps don’t shine

Leon, a lonely lamp repairman, slowly loses his grip on sanity when a young apprentice enters his life.




You're on a roll with the Limps!



I demand a trilogy!



Well, in that case...

The Silence of the Gimps

The much anticipated follow up to Forrest Gimp. Harvey and his army of lawyers find The Gimp in his woodland hiding place, and make him an offer he can't refuse.


The Oddfather.


It's A Wonderful Lime

The touching melodrama of one limes life.
The trials and tribulations of being a lime from seed to adult.
You’ll laugh, cry and pucker at this heartwarming story.
With a surprise gruesome gin and tonic ending that is not to be missed.




I love it. "A chance encounter".



Absolutely genius !



Who Flayed Roger Rabbit ?

So Rogers been missing. Where is he?
Follow the epic adventure of searching for Roger.
From the first clue of a pile of fur straight into the kitchen.
You’ll never look at Hasenpfeffer the same again.



This one played out nicely didn't it. 😉




Who Plated Roger Rabbit?

In this stunning sequel to Who Flayed Roger Rabbit we find out the rest of the story.
It's been 10 long years since the flaying of Roger.
Travel along beautiful countrysides and through giant gardens to find the answers.
To some of the best restaurants in the world.
This road movie will leave you speechless as you ride in cars, buses and taxis.
Only to be shocked by who really holds the answer.



This is too much fun.



Who Pâtéd Roger Rabbis?

Just when you thought you knew everything you find out you knew nothing.
Many years after the aftermaths we learn things aren't quite what they seem.
Hors d'oeuvre anyone?
Follow the trail of Rabbi's fur lined parka straight to the conclusion.
Does Jessica really not know what happened.
The schmaltz may hold the key.



Whey pâtéd Roger Rabbis?

In the prequel to the aftermath of the aftermath we find a
melancholy Jessica. Is she searching for or hiding the answers?
See what happens when this new recipe comes into existence.
It will have vegans everywhere running for their lives.



Trey pâtéd Roger! Rabbis?

The couples realize they have only three pots.
The judges realize they have only three pencils to mark their scores.
The Rabbis realize they have three rabbits feet.
In all the confusion and broken language chaos ensues.
Who is behind this triple threat of madness?



Trey pâtéd Roger.Rambos?

It's Rambo.

Rambis in his destructive manner wiped out everything.
We all know it's not a cooking competition until something gets broken.
Rambo may be the one person who can stop this insanity.
We already know he eats things that make a billy goat puke..
As far as bunnies go that is still to be determined.



Trey pâtéd Roger Mambas

As Roger is dancing in his studio he notices something in the corner.
Being afraid he runs outside and hails a cheap taxi.
He climbs inside only to realize the cab is filled with venomous snakes.
He knows his 16 mile journey will be tough to survive.
If only he had his trusty bow. The driver starts to laugh and turns around
only to reveal that it's......



Trey Hated Roger Mambas

"Matt Stone was my best friend" was the last thing Trey said
at the funeral. He'll always be remembered for walking a little "off"
because of the roscoe he always wore. He had a licence so it was OK.

Trey never recovered from seeing Matt fall to the ground after
they gutted Roger Mamba. He absolutely loathed RM and was never
the same after. Especially after a few dark beers. Hate ruled his life.
His last words before his disappearance were " You'll all know the
truth someday. You'll find out that..."



Trey Mated Rover Mambas

For as much as Trey hated the Mambas and all the destruction
they have caused he thought of a good use for them.

He was fortunate enough to find a female named Danni
and a male called Froct. He knew he use them to make
millions. When Trey was finally ready to start he realized
an absolute horror. Danni had suffered a horrible demise.
What happened to Danni? Was it natural causes, an accident
or did Dracula have something to do with her "death"?



T.Rex Maced Rover Mambas

As the macing continued the mambas slowly died off.
After the battle Trey and Drac sat down for a few
bloody Mary's with juice squeezed fresh from the garden.
Trey wasn't quite sure how make one and Drac wasn't
able to post a link to send to him. He did the best he could.

As they were relaxing one more mamba dirty and sweet
and clad in black came after them.
T.Rex was there to save the as they used their trusty gong to
kill the last mamba. They told it to bang the gong and let's
get it on. Everybody was finally safe.



What are you so afraid of?
You know that's what love is made of.


Planet of the Papes

An astronaut lands on a planet run by a cabal of Popes and is subjected to one Mass after another.

