MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Will the world ever change for the bette...

Will the world ever change for the better as long as humans exist?

Or will we forever exist in conflicts and have anger issues and problems and whatnot?

Also, I sometimes say things in an attempt to explore something I don't mean as in its not how it MAY seem on the surface, but I get conflicts thrown at me by people who say this is how it is, express a lot of anger in return, don't forgive me if I apologize and just drop it (and no, I don't hurt people OR attempt to promote any type of injustice in any way) and at best - I tend to realize that INTERNET may in the end not BE a safe place for those explorations and discussions of even potential exceptions, like say if I saw something strange in a film etc and it gets people riled up, but they bring up TRADITIONAL examples of this and that and not argue about the MAIN aspect of the topic, its like I say to myself - Yes, we get it, but can you calm down and move on please, thank you?

I wonder sometimes if in our world we were just INCAPABLE of conflicts PERIOD, but what WOULD it take to make us that way really?

Maybe most of us should take "A Clockwork Orange"'s violece aversion therapy, no?

I also often have the rather unhealthy habit of silencing certain discussions because I often just feel I personally have had enough of them - maybe its because I mentally invent a better world for me whereas reality exists anyway in harsh ways beyond our wants and knowledges, correct?

And bearing it all I sometimes wonder - will our human world like EVER change for the better?


ask me something simpler


How old are you?




Wow, you are an experienced adult, I'm only 31.


why do you ask such deep esoteric questions ??


In my childhood years, I looked at it all in simple ways, now I realized there are complexities to it all as well, and the emotionally driven internet discussions on such matters just brought it out closer to light. (Back in my days, internet wasn't THAT developed, but I guess people read books more often, except that there, both from good and bad sides, authors didn't publicly insert excerpts from conflicting arguments, calling someone say a mysoginistic prick, racist bastard, encourage certain people to have their balls chopped off etc in the name of good, even if thankfully on the lesser side, they may not have been racist, mysoginist or just plain evil either in the FIRST place whereas often I see on movie boards, people tend to read morals, argue, fight and some attempt to prove how good they are and others defend themselves despite CLEARLY having an ignorant point of view about something or somethings, often for their own deeply rooted selfish reasons, actually I am not that surprised that men are mostly evil even though I think they shouldn't be.


what country are you from ??


I was originally born in Russia but have moved to UK in 1993 (before the notorious October of that year's Constitutional Crisis events, look them up online) when I was 6 and have lived most of my life to this day here.


Interesting - what do you do for a living ??


I work, in simple terms, part time as a hospital cleaner and I strangely enough, still live at home with parents but in about 2 years or so, with luck, I may move out, its all to do with finance and money though and to be honest, I frequently struggle when it comes to higher education ala university studies, even though I have my secondary school education which is mostly OK with some good and even great grades, though more than a few average ones and a few minor failures here and there, but my work experience and some communication skills could ensure that maybe later I might still get a good job later in life.


At 31, I was married/a father and on my first house which was mortgaged to the max. All the best to you.


Thanks for the best wishes.


Hahaha you're old! Hahah haha ha...




You're with two years younger then my father...i guess i should call you "sir" from now on...


I have a 25 year old son almost as old as you


Good to hear that.


My dad's 65 and my brother's 20 bu to be honest, I ironically don't FEEL much like I'm 31 but sometimes in a very weird way, I IMAGINE myself being and feeling perhaps a little older in a "looking forward to the future kind of way".

And on a side note, I wonder how many people over the age of say 65 use the INTERNET and many of life's modern gadgets like iphones and internet features there effectively and well?

I'll need to teach my dad more about how to use computer to send and receive e-mails, install anti-virus software and take more advantages of smartphone and their various features including Google Play and internet ones.


What I mean is I GENERALLY feel AND act and even LIVE a lot YOUNGER than a 31 year old man normally would - I still play Playstation, I spend a lot of my time watching films on DVDs, eat fun and delicious and sweet food, cry and feel down on occasions, worry about my understanding of the world, ask philosophical questions, get a little too emotional whenever I disagree or don't FULLY understand CERTAIN things, attempt but sometimes fail to relate to others but I can be happy and successful here and there too.

On the other hand, maybe 31 IS STILL YOUNG an age for that matter, I mean even if I'm no longer in my teens or twenties, I am hardly in my 50s or old either.


To understand the world is not that difficult. If you want you can read Dawkin's book The Selfish Gene and The Greatest Show on Earth. Or, if you are interested in religions also, The God Delusion.

Both will provide you with clear enough understanding about life, conflicts, religions, morality, good and evil.

The difficult part is to decide what to live for AFTER knowing all of those.


You could perhaps also read some Dostoyevsky there as well actionman. :)


I'm 29.


I will call you son from now on


I'm honored,sir...two dads...


well... there is conflict and there is arguement... there is good faith, reasoned debate as a way to explore a topic (socratic method) and there inane, semantic verbal jostling for the sake of it...

To answer your question, I don't know, but I think that parts of the human world have changed for the better and other parts have gotten worse... For example we are becoming more empathetic to others and inclusive of different ways of life for fellow human beings in our societies, while being aware of our impact even on nature... At the same time, we are still capable of increasingly masive destruction of one another and our world with progress in science and advances in social organisation... We also seem to be suffering more and to be more isolated and de-humanised as we become more connected by and dependent on technology... I can learn from dozens of people around the world online in a single day, but I can also troll a similar njmber using the same technology... is it progress? is it retrograde? Maybe both...

I think our nature is contradictory and we sill alwaspys have those aspects to our human world, but I am hopeful that we can be more good than bad... it's a choice we can make...


No. The world won't get better. Or worse. It's just it.


It gets worse ... it is not a steady state. As humans became more powerful and invasive and our numbers grew problems we never foresaw began to the point that now all these problems are growing and converging thanks to the human infestation. It is like how Trump got elected ... after over 200 years our country ought to have the sense to not elect Trump, but also not to ever get into a situation where anyone could delude themselves into thinking Trump was the answer to anything.


Why does every discussion have to has Trump in it. I get it, he's important to you guys. But come on... Let's talk about something else.


I think you fail to see the significance of the election of Donald
Trump, but if you don't want to talk about Trump, then don't.


Trump was certainly not the best candidate for president, but he was easily a better choice than the corrupt, immoral, warmongering Hillary Clinton.


Guess we disagree ... at least Clinton was competent and had competent people to work for her. Trump has put people in office who want to bring down the government, and we did not vote for that.


Were doing fine
Little work here and there no worries


I believe that things are better than they ever have been. The only REAL problem we have is Radical Islamic Terrorism.



We have a LOT of problems besides that, and Trump with Harvey Weinstein doesn't even cover 2% of its fractions.


And don't forget Crooked Hillary.



As long as humans exist, there will be conflict. It's nature.


Yes, conflict is inevitable. Sartre once wrote that "hell is other people." How come no one else can see that oneself is the smartest person in the world? But it's not IF we fight that matters, because we will fight. What matters is HOW we fight. That is where we have a choice. Fighting can be done in a loving, civil and constructive way, and can actually result in strengthening a relationship, or it can be done in a hateful, barbaric and destructive way that can end a planet. The choice resides with each and every one of us.


It's in our dna to hate each other.It's not that simple to remove the agresivity,unless you temper with the human genome...and that could be a very bad idea.


Maybe we will create general AI just in time to take over as the highest form of intelligent life on the planet before we extinguish ourselves.


It's very close to do it...did you noticed the advance in the technology now days?


As impressive as some of the cool technologies that have
been developed are, I'd have to disagree with you on the
arrival of general AI. Yes, computers can beat most humans
at most games ... but they have no idea what they are doing,
or any real motivation for doing it. We are very far from
developing a conscious artificial entity ... and I am not sure
even if we could what that entity would be like. For example,
think about if you woke up and discovered you were a one
of a kind artificial being who had no equals, a bunch of stupid
humans who were destroying the world you were born into, and
mistrusted you enough to keep you looked up in a computer
center, what would your existence be like? What would you do?
I think this is going to take at least 100 more years, and probably
a lot more.


I think it is all in how people are brought into the world and socialized and how that society really rewards people. Right now it is psychopaths that have an actual competitive advantage, so that is what we get in leadership and what we see as role models, and it perpetuates in a positive feedback look.

I think we could be trained to be just as free and creative, but with a clear understanding of the golden rule ... that is what it takes. But when you are growing up and your own family and friends violate that idea out of bad character and laziness it motivates everyone to cheat.

The worse and more ubiquitous it get, the harder it is to examine or change people. It seems to take major disasters to get people to reassess their rules, but even then they go right back to dog eat dog if they are not careful. FDR died in 1945 after laying in place the New Deal, and every year the oligarchy has been trying to character assassinate him, ridicule his policies, and put Reagan's dysfuctnional nonsense ahead of it ... and every year as we move farther away from what worked and what we know worked, the country gets more unfair, unequal and class war.


While you've made some good, legitimate and sensible points, brux, Reagan's dysfunctional nonsense started even before Reagan came into power. This dysfunctionality that you're referring to began in the late 1960's, when Richard Nixon was elected POTUS and took office. It continued under Carter, began to really snowball under Reagan, continued to snowball under Bill Clinton, both of the Bushes, continued under Obama, and is continuing today, and worsening, under Donald Trump.


Nixon had wage-price controls, and Carter was pretty much a do-nothing,
like Obama. He talked a good kinder-gentler talk, but he was kind of an
idiot. The real changes were implemented under Reagan, who is really a
lot like Trump - an image that was used as the cover for very hard social
conservative policies. They tried to replace FDR with Reagan, forcing Reagan
especially after he was out, into some kind of great man mold when in reality
he was just as demented and every bit as stupid as Trump.

From that point on it was all just rubber stand front men trying to make it
look like we still had a liberal democracy, but it was then that we started to
really diverge from the rest of the developed world -- a point that Bernie
Sanders drives home every time he get the chance to speak.


you don't like anyone.
