What's The Meaning Of Life?
Let's try to sort it all out.
There is no "meaning" to life.
We are born, we live, we die. Like algae.
The rest is silence.
Such as this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gyXyYTq4aI
shareThat Cruise character is everywhere isn't he.
Well, there is also THIS, if one prefers:
Wow. He really drank ALL the kool-aid didn't he?
Well, that's where you end up when you start trying to make sense of the nonsensical.
But really...can you imagine being married to him, and having to listen to that round the clock??
I'd be like, "Can't we just be quiet, and have sex again?"
I'd probably be the same way.
Do really think that he'd shut up during sex?
I bet he's got a whole ritual.
Probably a bunch of his wranglers around to make sure nothing happens to him.
Re my previous point about being " clear. " Could anyone possibly be more doubletalking than this ?
The comments on that video are hysterical.
<< This is like when you have to babysit your friend who is on acid and listen to them rambling while tripping ballsο»Ώ >>
<< What kind of schizophrenic shit did he just say?? He sounds like a mumbling idiot. I can't figure out what he is trying to explain. It was like he was playing a movie part. >>
<< He's bat-sh%t crazy. No wonder he hates psychiatry. There's about 10 diagnoses worth of material in this interview alone.ο»Ώ.. >>
<< You know, it's about scientology, man... being a scientologist is like.... KAPOOSH!! Exactly like that. Cannot describe by words, but... when you just... you just KNOW IT, it's like BAM! Look, they are there to help, to create a better reality with improved conditions... for fucks sake, if you're onboard, you're onboard, if not then fuck you, we are helping, KAPOOSH! You see? KAPOOSH! BLAM! Just.... WOW. Period.ο»Ώ >>
<< In the fifth minute, I get a subtle impression that Tom Cruise is willing to kill you, and capable of rationalizing it according to his beliefs. >>
Wanted to shut it off after 30 seconds...
Watched the entire thing
I think im hypnotized
F'ing crazy
It used to mean "a magazine published by William Randolph Hurst."
Now it means "It's what we, ourselves, make it to mean."
To have the best time you can have, while trying to make others do the same.
its not easy, this life.
Hamlet. Excellent, Dazed!
George Harrison answered it in 'What is Life'
meh? or meeh?