

I think it's laziness and that they just don't care. "Oh, they'll know what I mean." I don't want to have to decode whatever it is they're trying to say. I understand the occasional typo or grammatical error, but a post that's full of them? I give up on it and move on.

On the Other End of this, what about People who capitalize Random words Throughout their Posts?


Do you mean our MovieChat names?
I will only use capital letters if that is what the name starts out with, but if someone's screen name starts with a small case letters, like say.... croft? That's how I spell in out.

With people's actual names, I think it's rude not to use a capital letter.



Funnily, just today my closest friend emailed and spelled my name in all lower case. So of course I thought of you and this thread.


such a great question. Around these parts, I've been referred to as "jamesboland," which I've learned to take in stride.

In tribute, I have made the first word of my post all lowercase.
