MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why is it seen as crazy to believe 9/11 ...

Why is it seen as crazy to believe 9/11 was an inside job?

When someone tells a story and it doesn't stand up to reason, or science, you say 'okay, you're lying. What's your motive?'

Yet if you say that about 9/11 you're a crackpot.

Isn't taking someones word without proof crazy? Maybe not crazy, but the epitome of naivety?

Take this for example.
QUESTION: Can we see the footage of the plane hitting the pentagon?
ANSWER: No. But trust us, there was a plane.
QUESTION: Why can't I see it?
ANSWER: National security. It's classified. Don't ask again. Here, a frame of the fireball. Go play now.

Doesn't this sound like a terrible abuse of power? Shouldn't you be suspicious of someone who won't back up their claims with evidence that we know exists?

QUESTION: You know all of the hijackers who were at several airports that day. Can we please see footage of all of the hijackers? Maybe boarding the planes?
ANSWER: No, you may not. That's classified.
QUESTION: But it will prove that they were at least at the airports that day.
ANSWER: Just trust us. They were there.

Why is it because its "the government" that people go "oh okay, that's fine."?

So now my point of view is that its crazy to actually believe anything the government tells you if they aren't backing it up.


Well...with the risk that the others maybe upset with me...yes,the US secret services know about the terrorist cell way before 9/11.They just needed a reason to start a war....these events and life casualties could've been prevented...


The fact that G. W. Bush's Administration ignored warnings by (former President) Bill Clinton of the vulnerabilities of sky-scrapers, cut anti-terrorist funding for the FBI and left their hands tied, the fact that the G. W. Bush Administration refused to share and exchange valuable information with our allies, and the fact that threats of attacks on American (i. e. United States soil) were deliberately ignored, not to mention the fact that, if the fact that other countries had been hit by international terrorist attacks was any indication, the United States was bound to get hit sooner or later, which we did, all contributed to the the 9/11 attacks on U. S. soil taking place.

The fact that we supported a country that was extreme in their policies towards their people (i. e., Saudi Arabia), also contributed to the fact that we were attacked.

Having said all of the above, I refuse to believe that 9/11 was an inside job.


16 years on, it's been my experience that debating this topic is as fruitless as 99% of political debate, which ultimately boils down to "my side good, your side bad".

I post one of the videos that DO exist showing the airplane striking the Pentagon. You respond with "that's not a plane, it's a missile". I post pictures of the plane wreckage. You respond with "fake" or "the pieces of the plane should be bigger". I post a video of Mohammed Atta and company (may they rot in hell) going through security at Logan. You respond with "why is there no video of them getting on the plane".

It becomes discussion board trench warfare and no one ever changes their view.


Notice how OP is arguing with everyone in the thread except the guy who referenced the abundance of evidence supporting the mainstream narrative of the 9/11 attacks.


I noticed. It's a very familiar pattern.


Every word right here^^^


Because it pays to NOT question anything... so new people will veer that way, since some value truth less than ostracizing.

"Gulf of Tonkin"
"Ties To Al-Qaeda"


USA is trash. Just a fact. Now that we have bully in chief trump at the helm, it's more clear then ever. Stupid is as stupid does. 9/11 was staged for cheap oil. The end. Only intelligent people know that.

LOOK at the MAJORITY of Americans they can't figure out how to use a tv remote, or vertical blinds. You expect them to understand complex socioeconomic issues!? LOL!!!!!


Pitiful, pitiful....

You lost me with your first three words....."USA is trash"

IMO people who feel this way, believe this was staged for cheap oil (odd we haven't confiscated the oil fields), who believe this was a conspiracy so therefore they hate the "Trashy USA"....should be drop shipped into Afghanistan! These are the inept ones.


TexasJack is completely right. I will add that conspiracies that are dubbed "wacky" or "crackpot," are usually conspiracies that end up abandoning the larger implied argument (here, that the government used 9/11 to justify a war) to play whack-a-mole with the details of the event itself.

I've noticed that a lot of conspiracy theorists have an Aspergers-like obsession with details (such as the temperture that jet fuel burns at) and rarely, if ever, actually care about the consequences of the issue as a whole-- other than to call the government evil or dub it a New World Order. Their interest simply never transcends the details.


no point arguing with conspiracy nuts - they think they have some superior knowledge or insight when the opposite is true.


Some of these "conspiracy nuts" are veteran pilots, architects, engineers etc who have formed organisations to express their disgust at the official story. Details like the pentagon plane doing a 360 corkscrew descent, levelling with the ground and hittting the pentagon without touching the grass had pilots saying "impossible unless you're the best pilot in the world". The radar tower people believed it must have been a military jet with all the manoeuvrability. The guy this stellar flying was pinned on? He failed his exam on the Cessna at the flight academy. He literally couldn't handle a light plane.

So the biggest conspiracy is the one that the government put out, because it doesn't add up.


Please go to the Infowars website to discuss your nonsense ad nauseam.


Now I'm interested in you. Why do you put so much weight into what the government says? Did you grow up in a town where you were forced to pledge allegiance to the flag each day? I wonder where this level of trust comes from.


I would argue that you're the one who trusts government. You trust the very people who repeatedly display breathtaking incompetence to somehow pull off this master deception. You trust them to be able to maintain silence on what would have to be a huge conspiracy for 16 years.


Secrets can be held for a very long time when under the threat of death. Maybe even agents under the influence of mind control.


This conversation is WAY too stupid for me to waste my time on.


"I Am the FBI."


Bubba agrees.


"I am the walrus."


Thank you, Bubba!


"Fruitcake anyone?"


the short of it is the more people involved in a conspiracy the less likely it is that everyone would keep silent and it would be such a huge logistics nightmare likely multiple parts would have leaked.

To answer you examples:
1. the plane hitting the pentagon. It is called cctv with a low frame per minute recording. The only one that could see the plane was a gate camera and the plane is partly visible/partly blocked by the gate. you can see the tip of the plane and the back fin. At that time there was not as many exterior cameras in the pentagon. If you ever worked in security, even high end government security you would be surprised on what is not covered. In addition to that there is plane wreckage that would have required trucks to unload to get there had it not been a plane. No record or evidence of trucks at that time. SO this is highly unlikely.

2. Airport footage of the terrorist. It has to do with the 5th amendment and disclosure on part of the private airports. They had to turn over much of the footage to the government for investigation but that stuff cannot be released to the public unless the airport allows it. Which they probably would not because something in it could make them liable for more civil lawsuits then they already faced. Also in addition, this was 2001; airports likely did not have the type of surveillance they have now. and in addition there is some pictures and videos that were released to the public, some of which you can see in several 9/11 documentaries.

The burden of lies on those making the claim. In the 9/11 case there is little evidence of government involvement and what little exists is easily explained by rational non-conspiracy reasons. It is important to keep in mind that the government was fully aware of the terrorist cell and even had an idea of what was planned. But due to the laws at the time they could not be arrested until they committed a crime.


If you think anyone in the Bush administration or in US Gov't in general is intelligent enough to pull such a job AND fool the entire world AND only be figured out by chronic jerkoffs on the internet and Rosie O'Donnell then i'd like a brick of whatever your' smoking-
Much obliged in advance...send it US Mail...
Im sure the Gov't will be in on that too;)


Why is it? Because it is.


Troll better ... Jeez...nobody cares...


Well the 'neo-cons' (or zionist) who subscribe to the 'American Century' (which is actually the Jewish/american century) were pretty smart because they had all the pieces needed to do this. They had the smarts to put a 99 year lease on the non-profitable and possibly 'needing of demolition' twin towers (given the billion dollar cost of removing asbestos). These seemingly 'worthless' towers were ensured for around 4 billion each and Larry given exclusive right to rebuild. The security team who looked after the buildings had connections to the bushes.

The distraction team (the terrorists) all entered via the known CIA consular.
The planes were most likely missiles or some description, dressed up to look like planes.

With the owner and security team on board, there was no problem laying some explosives to topple these babies at free-fall speed.

So people like Bush didn't even have know about this (and I don't think he did). He was a puppet by these neo-cons who operated with impunity in both the Pentagon (where they stole a trillion dollars) and the intelligence organisations, both in the US and Israel.


Oh cool
Lets just blame the jews
Gimme a break dude


I use the term Zionist to describe the upper echelons of the Israeli and American powers, not Jews. And "Jews" belong to the a Jewish faith, not necessarily aligned with the Israeli state.


it always comes back to the jews with these conspiracy nuts


Yeah exactly...maybe lets all lay off the Jews for the next thousand years...we seem to have given them enough trouble they never deserved...sheesh!!
Maybe lets EVEN try not to kill each other...i know ... Im a need for applause...
(PEACE PRIZE incoming...)


ShogunofYonkers, Winner of the 2017 MovieChat International Peace Prize 🏆


Thank you peoples of earth...



Have you ever been psychoanalyzed? You just might have a 9/11 derangement syndrome. Something to think about.


I think you need to investigate the dangers of indoctrination, and nationalism and believing something like 'the government' without reason or fact.That is actually the dangerous psychological condition.
