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Hillary Clinton sells 300,000 books

Big Whoop. All that proves is that there are 300,000 gullible people out there. Probably just as many would buy something if it were authored by Hitler or Khaddafy (Libya). Am I supposed to run right out and buy a copy of "Everyone's Wrong!" (except me) because it sold a few hundred thousand copies?


It makes me sad to think about it but there are probably 300,000 people who would buy Mein Kampf if it were re-released today.


I've never read Mein Kampf but recall it being discussed in a history class at college. It seems to me that a fair amount of that book is Hitler blaming others for his personal misfortune. Also, that the country lacked a political direction that Hitler was only too willing to guide others towards. Sounds like somebody in current times that we know.


I read Mein Kampf for my history degree
Hitler was a lunatic AND a crappy writer
And if he believed even half the nonsense he put in that book he was the most delusional idiot ive ever heard of...its really astounding that an entire nation of generally nice people bought into that horseshit
Really a stupid,stupid book


Could you give me a synopsis of MK. Agreed that Hitler was of pretty low intellect. What happened in Germany after WWI IMO was nationalism spun out of control. People let their pride instead of their intellect guide them. It did not help that hyperinflation reigned challenging the more rational Germans in terms of frustration eating away at their well being. Germans really lost a lot as they were one of the most prosperous European nations before WWI. It is a situation that really should be taught in depth here as one never knows what the future holds. There is a lot more to be learned than Germany simply lost a war. Simple mindedness might unfortunately spring that lesson on us here in the US if we are not careful.


Agreed about the current crappy political climate (from both sides)
Hitlers book devoted a ton of pages to painting the jews as ancient/demonic figures
It was all so poorly written and genuinely stupid ive forgotten most of it...sorry
Interesting read from a historical sense but jeez...makes you wonder about your fellow man


Every book goes through an analysis by the publisher to refine the content before printing. I wonder how much polish Simon and Schuster put on Hillary's book.


LOL She sold THAT many? I thought toilet paper was a lot cheaper.


LOL and touche, pj!


"That bad, huh?"


I wonder if she will donate all the profits to the Clinton Foundation.


she needs to go away


Yeah, she's gradually worming her way back into the public eye, exactly what I expected. πŸ˜’


Actually the Clinton Foundation was shut down quietly and secretly after Hilldog lost the election. Nobody knows or cares what happened to all the money and what was the intent of the Foundation in the first place.



The fact that it was clandestinely shut down means she's not now actively seeking the limelight once again? What would one expect from the corrupt Clintons other than that ? I'm willing to bet there are people out there still concerned about the money trail who aren't as apathetic and defeatist as you. And since you're so aware of this ' open secret, ' I guess it qualifies as common knowledge. πŸ™„


Actually its not common knowledge which is why no one is investigating it. Even Wounded Warriors got busted for spending too much money on themselves. So how can 2 of the most infamous Politicians in the world get away with shutting down their foundation right after the election? It just boggles my mind.


Interesting. Here's a woman who under oath couldn't remember specific details, is a proven liar, yet sells a book that tells her reasons why she lost the election - something that could be explained in a 30 second sound bite.

The irony is that the only people she'll fleece are those who voted for her. If I supported her I don't know why I'd give her money to tell me what her spin on her colossal failure was.


She is such a loser. She's blames everyone and everything except the REAL reason: she's a terrible person, a liar, a cheat,
a thief, and a cold calculating bitch who is only interested in power and money.


"Fruitcake anyone?"




"I Am the FBI."


"I Am the FBI."

whatchu talkin bout movieman


It's a quote from "Twin Peaks The Return". The protagonist, Special Agent Dale Cooper (played by Kyle MacLachlan), is FBI. It's one of the best five TV shows ever IMHO. You should check it out, Bubba. See trailer below.


"Fruitcake anyone?" (another quote)


WOW! You are seriously giving bubba some faulty information and a wretched recommendation. Twin Peaks Redux was painfully bad. Pointless tired same old retread Lynch we have seen ad nauseam from the emperor with no clothes.


That's why they make chocolate and vanilla, pan.


"The owls are not what they seem."


Just idle curiosity, did you see the first two seasons, pan? And if so, did you like them?


"My log saw something that night."


Yes I was a big fan of season 1. Season 2 was not as good but I still enjoyed it. Redux was just bad. Far too self indulgent with Lynch pooping out the same tired Eraserhead static and repellent imagery that stopped being "innovative" 3 decades or more ago. No offense but the Emperor has no Clothes my friend.


I will admit that I was a bit irritated how he stretched about 14 hours of story over 18 hours. Way too many slooooow scenes and songs at the Bang Bang Bar. I still enjoyed it though, and would love a season four or another movie.


"In the grand design, women were drawn from a different set of blueprints."


The finale didn't piss you off? It was like a big FU to viewers.


No. It stunned me at first, and I thought "WTF?" But then I realized it was pure Lynch, ending on a weird cliffhanger. I never really thought he was going to tie up all the loose ends. It seemed to me that episode 17 was sort of the finale, and episode 18 was the first episode of the next part. It leaves me hoping for more.


"That bad, huh?"


Sell...why not donate...oh wait,she ran out of money...


its completely contrived.
