If you could watch just one TV series...
...for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Past or current series.
Mine would be the original Dick Van Dyke Show. It ran for five years, but there are 158 episodes.
...for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Past or current series.
Mine would be the original Dick Van Dyke Show. It ran for five years, but there are 158 episodes.
Frasier! I have watched the entire series from the beginning to the end and I can come back and watch it all over again. I never get tired of it and I still LOL even if I have seen the episode twenty times before. I have dozens of fave episodes.
The Dick Van Dyke Show is a very good choice. I was just watching that last night. A smart and funny show!
The way you are with Frasier is the way I am with Dick Van Dyke - I've seen them all numerous times but I still laugh at everything - often in anticipation of what's coming.
I've seen Frasier, but to be honest, I don't think I've seen all of them. I was busy raising children during its initial run so I didn't catch up with it until it went into syndication. Maybe it's time to hit my local library and watch them from start to finish. I know there were a number of episodes that I thought were just a hoot.
I have all of the seasons of Frasier on DVD, but it's all on Netflix too, so I'll watch that if I am not into anything else that's on.
Dick Van Dyke is also on Netflix too..... all the seasons. I love the one where everyone goes on a fishing trip, but Laura stays home because she has a cold. Every little noise in the house scares her. Millie comes back and the fun really begins..... So many others are great too..... the one where Laura gets her toe stuck in the tub faucet at the hotel.... Ritchie being pecked in the head by the bird.... I could go on..... LOL!
You made me laugh just remembering. A few years ago I bought the complete Dick Van Dyke series. My favorite is "A Ghost of A. Chantz." It's the one where they stay in a haunted cabin. My kids enjoyed Dick Van Dyke, too. They like the episode "It May Look Like a Walnut."
I don't do Netflix, but I"m sure my library will have all the Frasier DVDs.
Frasier is definitely one of the best, tied with Simpsons as my favorite show. Still watch reruns of it, one station here in LA plays four episodes per weeknight, which is too much for me but I appreciate having it there.
shareThe Office US. It just doesn't get old. I've gone through the series many times now, it's always on rotation on my Netflix list.
shareMad Men. No matter how many times I see it, I always notice some new subtlety I missed.
shareThat is another one I can never get tired of! Mad Men is the best!
shareI didn't know you're a Mad Man fan, MissMargo! Makes sense though.
shareI remember that period. The early 60's to the early 70's. They did it well.
shareI thought so too. They did so much research in order to pull it off. Not many shows bother to that degree.
shareYou really do go back in time when you watch Mad Men. It wasn't until the early 70's before I realized that we women do have our rights. We aren't people that men can push around. We deserve respect.
That was just one aspect of this show. There is so much more.
I enjoyed the subtle comedy of Mad Men. There was a scene where the daughter has a plastic bag over her head and body, and Betty tells her the dry cleaning better not be ruined. Hahaha. Doesn't even occur to her the girl might suffocate !
Or when the Drapers go on a picnic and Don just pitches beer cans into the brush, and when they are finished they just shake out the blanket with all the napkins and what-not still on it. People are still thoughtless about the environment today, but it's not as acceptable as it might have been back then.
That would be tough.
Dick Van Dyke would be up there for sure.
I might go with The Andy Griffith Show.
Not that it's better but it does have 250 episodes.
Oh yes, Andy Griffith was a favorite of mine, too. I think it would be my second choice after Dick Van Dyke.
(Psst! Don't tell anyone, but when I named my youngest son Andrew, I had Andy Griffith in mind; he was such a caring guy, I thought.)
This is just too hard. You can't pick just one. Andy Griffith was such a great show. I do have to say that I prefer the ones with Barney over the ones after he left.
shareI've always felt Dick Van Dyke was one show that never "jumped the shark"
The last season was as good as the first season.
Not like a lot of shows that keep going on well after their time.
I've been going through TAGS and posting about each episode. You should stop by some time and share some thoughts.
I hope to do the same with Dick Van Dyke.
Does your son know he was named after Andy Griffith ?
No, I've never told my son that Andy Griffith was the inspiration for his name. I never told my husband, either.
That's funny. I guess it was good your husband liked the name.
At least you liked Andy and not Barney or Otis.
Not that their bad names but if they ever found out who they named after it might cause a bit of a problem.
I can't stop laughing!! Otis! Otis the drunk. I literally have tears streaming down my face. If the day ever comes when Andy tells me he doesn't like his name, I can say, "Well, you're lucky your name isn't Otis!"
I'm glad I could help you be prepared for such a moment.
My mom once told me she almost named me Rocky. It was her second choice.
There was a boy she liked whose name was Rocky.
I often wonder how my life would be different if she named me this. If at all.
"At least you liked Andy and not Barney or Otis."
Or Gomer!
So true.
Goober might actually be worse.
Some great names on that show.
Dud Walsh, Briscoe Darling. One of the fun girls was named Skippy.
Imagine explaining that one.
Even Opie would be awkward to explain. I don't think Floyd would go over too well, either. Emmett, Ernest, Asa, Rafe? I could go on...yes, I looked up some of the other characters on the show.
The problem we had (we're no longer married) is that my husband's name was long - 9 letters beginning with G - and Polish, so it was tricky to find a name that worked with our last name. Simple and short was what I was aiming for.
Those are all great examples. How could I forget Opie.
I'm glad you actually thought about it .
A lot of people don't think about how naming their kids will affect their lives.
Especially considering their last name.
I went to school with a girl named Nancy. Her middle name was Ann. Her last name was see-ann-see.
Say it all together.
The poor girl never knew what hit her.
I have several others.....
Perry Mason! I watch it on Me TV each night. I don't care about how often I have seen each episode. I still enjoy it. He was the leader in courtroom drama.
The Twilight Zone should have been my Number 1 pick! I never get tired of that!
Columbo is also a show that I could watch over and over. I know this because I have watched each episode over and over.
I've seen a number of Perry Mason shows, but not all. I think I'll add it to my list of shows to revisit.
I recall watching some Twilight Zone episodes but they creeped me out so I haven't seen very many. To be fair, I was pretty young at the time.
The Twilight Zone is actually quite thought provoking. As a kid, I thought it was all about the scares. It isn't. Most episodes have a message about the human condition. You should re visit it.
shareThe last ship...i saw that tv show twice,already...it's quite good,and the outter limits.
shareI've never heard of The Last Ship, so I looked it up. The premise doesn't sound like something I'd normally watch because it sounds depressing to me (most of Earth's population wiped out). What is it that makes it so entertaining for you?
shareThe pace of the action,the turning events,i like the science...the virus was interesting...a bit the same with the t-virus from resident evil...
shareHave you ever heard of The Stand by Stephen King? It's about an accidental government leak of a super flue. It wipes out most of the population. It's also a story about good verses evil.
the book is fascinating.... long, but great! the miniseries wasn't bad either.
I've watched a while ago a tv show based after stephen king...i only remember about this is the one line..."give me what i want and i go away.Refuse me and i asssure you,i can punish"...sounds familiar?
shareFamiliar? No.
From what hownos just said, I am assuming you are talking about this stuff you are obsessed with..... Resident Evil.
I was talking about a book and it's movie adaptation.
No...the assumption is wrong,this time,MissMargo...anyway,the only book of stephen king that i read was with a father and his daughter living in a small town.The people were acting strangely and turns out to be all vampires.At the end of the book,this man sets fire to the town and leaves.I don't remember the name of the book,i read it when i was still in school.
shareI knew it would come back to Resident Evil
shareI completely understand the fascination with science, so it makes sense that this would be a favorite of yours. I don't like violence but I do enjoy a good murder mystery because I'm interested in how the detectives think, and how they put the clues together to figure out who committed the crime.
Because I'm not into science fiction, I doubt I would find The Last Ship to my liking. But I really do enjoy hearing the choices of others because that's how one finds new things to explore. Thanks for chiming in!
"I'm interested in how the detectives think, and how they put the clues together to figure out who committed the crime."
That is what I like about Columbo. He comes off as a slob.... a bit absent minded. Most of the murderers think he's a fool.
He's the smartest one in the room!
Or Poirot,that belgian detective...and Monk - i loved that shows...
shareYes, I love Poirot. And Monk. And Columbo. I even like watching Murder She Wrote, even though Jessica very often annoys the heck out of me. I just really love murder mystery shows.
I've never seen that movie, but I did see her in Gaslight. Kind of funny to see a young Lansbury. She looked pretty much the same for such a long time!
shareAnd that's why Columbo was so popular, don't you think? I remember watching Columbo, but doubt I've seen them all, Another show to add to my list to re-watch. Wasn't it part of a rotation of mystery TV movies on NBC? I think MacMillian & Wife, and McCloud? I think there were other shows but I can't remember what they were.
shareToo bad you're not into science - fiction,Glen...i wanted to recomend stargate sg1 and stargate antlantis.You'll find them interesting,i was a big fan of these shows when i was younger....but you welcome,friend😉
shareWell, maybe I'll give Stargate SG-1 a try and see what it's like. My local library has it, so it won't cost anything to try it. Who knows? Maybe it's time to try something different.
shareYou will like it...exploring other worlds,encounter another civilizations...before you'll see the show,first you should see Stargate - the movie.The tv show is a continuation of the movie.Have fun,mate😉
shareTough. Either: As Time Goes By or The Wire.
shareOooh, As Time Goes By. I love that series. I feel like the characters are my friends because I've watched it so many times. It's like a comfort food. It would be in my top 5, for sure.
The Wire is too dark for me. I know it's very popular, but not my cup of tea.
Twin Peaks - hands down.