

I don't know that much about Ed Sheeran, but the whole Twitter thing (not a user either) does seem a rather pointless echo chamber for the most part.

But you mentioned Trump and his twittering. Today on the News, in regards to North Korea trying to blow up Japan again, Trump's Twitter was cited. Not an official statement from the US Government. The man's Twitter! That doesn't sit well with me, at all. Without Twitter, we'd be getting a lot more thought-out and... sane, responses to problematic situations.

Also, it's an anonymous forum, where people can share with the world their, sometimes, vilest thoughts, that were before reserved for close friends, and strangers on the bus. And the 140 character limit eliminates any possibility for nuanced discourse IMO.



I guess it makes these celebrities seem more relatable and approachable (at least on the Internet). And it can be a good promotional tool. But it can also backfire. Also, people will always jump on anything that allows them to speak their mind, and then hide behind "But freedom of speech says I can call this person [insert insult here]. They're the ones with a problem for getting their feelings hurt." I wonder what happened to personal accountability.

As for Trump's tweeting, it creates the impression that these people don't know what they're doing. Not only is he communicating his own humiliation, he's dealing with very powerful (and dangerous) people, through an app. And that's the first thing that comes from the US government in times of tragedy or alarm. I don't get it!


I had a Twitter account, briefly, way back when it was new. It wasn't celebrity-ridden then, and if there were any on there, I didn't know about it.

I used it as a fun way to be in touch with my friends. It was mostly just silly, funny, sometimes witty tweets back then.

When it began to morph into the mindless drivel it's become now -- mostly due to adding the ability to re-tweet -- I bailed.


I'll likely get flamed for this, but IMO, Twitter is 99.5% mindless idiotic blather...and that includes our cheeto in chief



just trying to give it some benefit of the doubt. In my limited exposure to Twitter (which is quite deliberate), I've never persoanlly encountered anyone in that percentile


I used to use twitter (90% private use, visible only to friends) but I stopped using it in 2011. I guess it's changed a bit since then and there are more celebrities on it now. I feel like the smart way to use it for celebs, is to have an assistant or PR person man your twitter, the way they used to open fan mail for celebs.
That way they can weed out the freaks. I don't blame anyone for leaving a platform where they just face all the freaks directly with no filter. But the solution is use it as another PR tool, not obsessively reading everything that everyone says about you.

The president should just stop it. Period. He needs to let staffers run his social media accounts. His shenanigans are undignified and it will backfire on him. (or on all of us Americans).
He doesn't have the discipline to use it appropriately and he gets obsessed with unimportant things when there are so many important things he should be focusing on.

The character limit is bad because he's the kind of person who wants to use every last character. Like he makes a comment, he says what he needs to say, but there are still 4 characters left. Oh dear, we can't leave 4 characters go to waste when we could be spouting more nonsense! So he adds "SAD" at the end. And that just ruins it. It instantly sinks into 7th grade idiot level. He's got no self control. Know when to say 'when'.


I've never understood social media, it seems anti-social to me. Not much love getting bandied about on those platforms.

Don't say or do something that you can't back up yourself in person.

Unfortunately Trump can back up what he says in person and that's dangerous. #Sad.



"I saw a fight break out over a recipe for Vegan Macaroni Cheese! It got nasty."

As it should, vegans don't eat cheese and so they should keep their fantasy longings to themselves - the pervs! 😋



Just a generation or two more of them not being vaccinated and we should be free f them Dazed 🙂




Twitter's my main source of news now. I choose to follow sources I trust, and it's usually much faster than the 24-hour news networks. Once, there was a wildfire very near my parents' house in the mountains. People around there were tweeting pics and showing exactly how close the fire got to their home. My parents were in the process of evacuating and I couldn't reach them. The twitter feed was very helpful (there are a lot of fires in our area). The other day, there was a plane crash on a freeway I was traveling on. Twitter had more instant info than any one news site. I also follow some folks with inside info on what's actually going on in D.C., and some with good senses of humor.

As far as celebrities that can't deal with negative comments, they need to grow a thicker skin, or just don't do social media. Everybody gets hateful comments. If it bothers them, then don't read them. No biggie. Aren't kids taught the "sticks and stones..." thing anymore?


I have a counter question for you. Aren't kids taught not to be rude to other people anymore? The responsibility is with the person giving out the insults, not the one receiving them. If you don't have any impuls control, don't do social media.


Mina, I think that, with few precious exceptions, parenthood has become obsolete. People breed. They no longer actually raise children. Come, and go, as it were.

So very sad.


I think there have always been rude people, but social media is just amplifying the whole thing. And because you don't stand with you real name, you feel like anything goes. Not something that should be accepted as normal. Try going into a work meeting, and saying that Stacy shouldn't be in charge of customer care, because you think she looks like a man.

I don't know if it's the parenting per se, but I do know that the parent-teacher axis of child rearing has been broken. You might get punched in the face for mentioning a problem instead of getting a bit of cooperation from some of these people.



They should be taught not to be rude. But there will always be bullies, evil, jerks, in the world. We can't control what others do, but we can control how we react. It's what used to be called "growing up".

Coincidentally, I just saw part of a Little House episode where Laura's upset because Nellie is calling Laura's pa stinky and has a worthless job. Pa, not caring what Nellie thinks, tells Laura he does stink because that's what happens when men work hard. He teaches her that no job is worthless if it helps put food on the table. He then tells Laura that people who make fun of other people have nothing better to do than to walk around with their noses up in the air smelling people. Laura laughed and realized how silly this all was. They can't stop Nellie from bullying, but Laura learned how to handle it with confidence.


Yes, but how much bullying should one person be able to take? This isn't just one jerk in school or at the supermarket. They're in the thousands if you're really big. No matter how grown up you are, people ganging up on you would grate on your nerves. That's a serious social problem. And instead of focusing on the celebs who can't take it, we should be focusing on the thousands of people who don't know how to act. After all, it should be the bully who gets in trouble, not the one that's being bullied, no?


Like I said, they can just turn it off. How exactly would you control mean people? Am I being mean to you right now? What if you consider someone a bully who just has a different opinion? Who's the judge and how will they control the tweets? There are hundreds of millions tweets per day.
Many celebrities handle it just fine. The ones who can't should learn what the ones who can are doing. Or, if they're actors, they can just act like John Wayne and not give a hoot. If they're singers, they can act like Frank Sinatra, and again, not give a hoot.


Well, you haven't called me an assfaced moron yet, so we're cool.

I understand it's difficult controlling so much content, and it can go sideways (where do you draw the line). Yes, people shouldn't be so easily offended, but the opposite applies as well. People shouldn't be so quick to give offence either. Saying "just turn it off" is a bit like putting your fingers in your ears and pretending the larger problem doesn't exist IMO.


I'm not saying there's not a problem and that we, as a whole, should ignore it. I'm saying that if I don't like what I'm reading, I'll stop reading it. I personally can't control what someone on the other side of world writes on the internet.
I am actually very saddened how the culture has coarsened. The use of the f-word was shocking when I was growing up. Now a day doesn't pass where I don't hear it. The yelling, bullying, the absolute crudeness, is heartbreaking. But there's also the people who need "safe spaces" because someone might hurt their feelings. And that's kinda pathetic. The whole thing is out of control.


Well, if the Internet isn't the perfect place for extremes, I don't know what is. It's just sad that all this nonsense exists.


I'm actually not sure why celebs want to do social media. If it for marketing purposes it should be managed by a team of professionals to represent / pretending to be the celeb.

How a real celeb has time to do social media anyway?


I wondered about that as well. I know some celebs almost make it a life choice. Look at those Kardashian(sp) girls.


I don't know about the Kardashians, they are not popular, in fact practically non-existent, here in my country. I just heard of them from internet memes.

But if such celebs are big on social media to maintain their popularity, logically they should use a professional team anyway to fake it so that they won't get burn from negative comments. They have the money to. Why doing it yourself? It's like team of lawyers, etc. No celeb would represent themselves without lawyers in court or at contract negotiations, etc. They should know a thing or two that the celebs themselves might not know because, you know, it's their job. Any difference with social media?


She (Kardashians) was robbed in France. She was assaulted and robbed. They stole very expensive jewelry because she posted on twitter and Instagram where she was and where she was going.
I guess they want to put their spin on whatever.
Lawyers for twittering. Lol


Trump is careless with words on twitter.


Trump is careless with words

Fixed that for you


I really don't see the point. It seems it's just a forum for people to try to be more than what they are or show how clever they
think they are or for people waiting to see who will say something stupid so they can pounce on them.
It's now some trophy to see how many like you, or follow you. In the end what does it matter.
Facebook is somewhat similar. IMO. People post pictures and things to try to one up somebody else.
Or everybody is judging everybody else. I realize this isn't everybody. This is my own personal opinion and doesn't reflect
that of MovieChat.



I remember too,dazed,that back in january 2016 someone threatened Milla's mother with blowing up her house if she doesn't make Milla to talk to him,sick people...



Tell me about it...if you read the old posts for the final chapter,then you'll know that if the fans don't get what they want they become violent in words.I understand that we have waited this movie for 5 years,but they overreacted with this.


It is a lot like the trolls that have popped up (and still popping) on this site. They really must be lacking something
to spend so much time and energy to harass and rip people apart. Imagine if they used that energy for something
good. What a Wonderful World it Would Be.


Yes, I am cruel a great deal on that site. I use it to rant, mostly about animal abusers, but sometimes so -called "stars" especially when they act like fools.
