

Tequila in general. It makes me puke every time! It's so strange that I can handle all other alcohol very well, but tequila just churns my stomach and gives me the spins. Although, I suppose many great drinkers have been knocked on their butt by tequila...



Nope, not me, sorry!

Haha, that was a smart move. It really does make people do crazy things. I just end up over the toilet.



Very true. I used to be really good and eat before drinking, as well as after and drinking a ton of water. But I've really started enjoying going hungry and then drinking so I spend (and consume) less before feeling buzzed. I only go out every few weeks so I like to make the most of it!

The last time I drank tequila I had eaten a ton of Chinese food that day. The combo was horrid. But at least I didn't gain any weight from the Chinese food!


That's me with gin. Tequila I can swallow by the boatload.


It's weird how it affects different people. Gin is one of my favorites!


You go girl !!!!!!!


I second tequila. Can't stand even the smell of it, after a night with a friend, years ago, when we thought drinking an entire bottle was a good idea. It was a very BAD idea!


Dark beer. When I first tried it I puked for hours. After that experience, I never touched that stuff again.



Hmmm probably. Opposite of light beer.


In America it can be any beer darker than amber color.
So like porter, stout, etc.



Some people even think amber is 'dark", if they have only been drinking Bud or Coors type beers (very pale straw colored beers).
That is a little less common now though, because the microbrew/beer snob trend is pretty widespread, so there are fewer people whose only beer experience is with the very pale bland traditional American beers. It feels like the trend in my area is for very high-octane beers, with as much alcohol per volume as wines. Most beer menus now (in California) list the APV percentage. Maybe it's a state law? But it reminds me of the fancy gourmet chocolate bars that list the cacao %. Hipsters are obsessed with percentages or something.



OMG the effing mason jars!

drinking from mason jars
decorating with mason jars
giving gifts in mason jars
making your own snowglobes with mason jars

mason jars are for making jam and preserves. Full Stop.


Now that you mention it, I like mason jars. I'm from the South and currently live on the Gulf. So, y'all are going to love my next bit of info. My counter utensil holders are huge mason jars. My drinking glasses are...you guessed it...mason jars with handles. Now that I've made y'alls evening (I can imagine the grimaces) I will now have an iced tea in one of my mason jar drinking glasses. Here's to you!



But, my mason jar drinking glasses have a classy touch. They have red gingham screw on lids with a center hole for straws! Now that is upscale.


Why, I thank you, Mam! Cheers back at ya! "You're dead to me now." LOL!πŸ€—πŸ€—



Good Lord No! No freakin flower child either. I'm as straight laced as they come. In other words....boring! But, I was far from boring in my teens as wrote about on this board. I'm a child of the '50's (class of '61)before the drug crazed hippies of the '60's. The decade the innocence died. Horrible, vilolent decade. I do like some of the music from the last half. But, I do like lattes. I better not be beardy! Last I checked, I don't have a tallywacker. Split tail as we southerns say....
BTW, what's a "frappe"?



P.S love the word tallywacker!


😱😁Aren't you the one who likes the word "gonads" also? Gonads, Tallywacker, Gonads, Tallywacker.They are rather interesting. There's also wing-wanger, weanie

Hmm? The '60's: I'm listing as I remember: Kent State; JFK; Martin Luther King; Robert Kennedy; Charles Manson; Civil Rights violence with dogs turned loose on Blacks; Race Riots, The Vietnam War we had no business being a part of (escalated by a lie from LBJ) but lost over 58,000, When our military returned home they were spit upon by the peacenik hippies! There's much more....


You forgot to mention the JFK assassination in the early 60's; and the Manson murders are credited with ending The Summer of Love during that decade.


Did you miss where I inserted JFK? I assumed most people would understand without me going into detail.


It's possible I missed it but I usually do try to read carefully before responding. If you want to make snide, unnecessary insinuations about my cognition, I could just as well suggest it was cleverly edited in after I pointed it out.


Oh, come on! I wasn't being snide when I asked you if you missed it. It's easy to do when skimming. I do it all the time. How should have I worded the question? Honestly I was being sincere when I wrote "Did you miss...." Are you so used to people being snide on these boards, you assume all of us are that way? One thing I don't appreciate is your insinuation I edited the post. I'm not a liar.


Now you're obfuscating. It wasn't the first sentence of your response that's the problem, it's the second ( as I said, " unnecessary " ) where you clearly imply that my cognition is sub par to " most people. "

My perception is based upon life experiences with people in general, not limited to those on this board.


I am not obfuscating! I wasn't directing that sentence at you. I chose not to detail JFK's assassination in order to succinctly list the many occurrences in the '60's. I did assume anyone who is reading this thread would put in context JFK and be aware of the notation.
You can not see or read the inflection in my words. In no way was I implying your cognition is sub par. You are offended where there is no need to be. It was not my purpose to offend you. I regret you took the structure of my sentence as such. But, I will now make you aware...you are offending me with that sensitive chip on your shoulder!


You are obfuscating. Who else could that sentence have been directed at ? So, you can recognize an offensive insinuation but I can't ? And I don't know why you keep harping about detail. I just harmlessly pointed out what appeared to me as an oversight ( you prefaced your post by mentioning "listing as you remember " ). And I was actually trying to reinforce your point about it being a violent decade. And now you end your most recent response with yet another insinuation, that I have an overly sensitive " chip on my shoulder."

Just drop it, ok ? I'm not one of those on here who indulges in nonstop bickering. My posting history will bear that out.


Sorry, I believe you are. I wrote a short reply to you attempting to explain why I only made a notation about JFK. In my explanation to you "I was assuming" people would know just by seeing JFK. My sentence structure apparently didn't sit well with you. You misconstrued my meaning which was not an insult. You and I have had short exchanges in the past with no problem. Recall the Woodstock exchange? I've done everything I can, short of standing on my head, to get you to understand I was not insulting you.


You believe I am what, one of those who indulges in non stop bickering when I challenged you to look at my posting history? And I'm the first one to say drop it ? If that's the case, you're the one with a perception problem.

I'll agree that syntax is important to me. That's why I meticulously practice proof reading and editing.

I'll accept your last sentence as an apology, so, once again, let's just drop it, ok?



Peace and Love! So where were we? Oh, yes, gonads and tallywackers can do just that! Much more fun than dealing with one who nitpicks and resolves to belabor a non issue. I was completely nonplussed.



Truly...I am speechless! 😢 Where do I go from here? :) "Dangly bits" 😏 LOL!


I'm one of those beer snobs.
I just know what I like and like to support local business.

For me the reason I drink beer from these places is that the beer is better.
It's not water with beer flavoring.
I guess it all depends on what you're going for.


But, do you drink it out of mason jars? Two other poisons I never wish to imbibe again are Old Milwaukee and Falstaff. They will naturally put a hurtin' on you that stays!


I don't on a regular basis but I have. I really don't care what receptacle my drinks are in.
I care much more as to what is in them.

All of that beer is a death wish, Pabst, Blatz, Hamms, Old Style.


Erm...Panda Pops and Top Deck...Tab Clear, Crystal Pepsi...Kia-Ora pear and blackcurrant and Garvie's Pineappleaid.



It's either front or back for me Dazed and I'm surely not letting anyone come up behind me back here πŸ˜‰


I rarely drink wine anymore, but it's not from any memories of over-indulging. I will still drink it if I'm at a party or something and that's all there is, but if there's a choice I would usually have a mixed drink or beer instead.
I don't really associate any specific liquor with a bad memory, usually in the times I drank too much and got sick, it was due to mixing drinks and not eating, so I can't really blame just one type of drink.

Instead of avoiding a specific liquor, I've just developed a set of drinking rules that are fairly reliable for preventing any bad results.
1. Always have some food in your stomach before starting to drink- preferably some type of carb that can soak up the alcohol. Almost every drinking disaster of my past has been on an empty stomach.
2. if you are going to drink both hard liquor and beer or wine, drink the hard liquor first, and beer or wine later. This works well with dinner parties and whatnot, where you have a cocktail before dinner and then wine with dinner. (if you do start with beer or wine and want to drink hard liquor later in the night, they should be spaced at least an hour apart and drink a full glass of water or soft drink in between).
3. If I'm out for a longer night, or especially in an outdoor hot/sunny situation like a music festival, I alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones. (cocktail- coke- cocktail-water-cocktail, for example). Because I want to be drinking something the whole time, I want to have something to sip on, but I want to maintain that nice plateau of "slightly tipsy", without going over the cliff into " stupid drunk". Alternating with water or a soft drink keeps you hydrated, and keeps you in the sweet spot of functional tipsiness.


4. Marijuana is legal in my state. But mixing it with alcohol can result in "the spins"- that horrible situation where if you lay down and close your eyes, it feels like you are spinning very fast and the only way to stop it is open your eyes, which makes sleep impossible and makes puking very probable. So if I am going to be partaking in marijuana, I keep the alcohol very limited. Like maybe 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks over the whole night. (and plenty of water or soda in between, because cotton mouth).

When sticking to these rules , I haven't had a hangover or been puking-drunk for the last 15 years or so.



Yeah my goal is always the sweet spot- reach it quickly and then MAINTAIN it.
That sweet spot where you feel relaxed, are confident enough to dance, but you won't make an ass of yourself or end up making out with some weird stranger. You can hold a conversation, you won't lose your wallet or phone, and you can get home safely. (not driving, the sweet spot is still too drunk to drive, but I mean functional enough to take a train or call an uber or whatever) And you don't need to make any apology phone calls the next day. if you don't have to apologize the next day, you had a good night! LOL

It's tricky chemistry to maintain that level, but if you listen to your body and learn the lessons it teaches you, it gets easier with time. Of course if you add in any new variable like a new prescription medication, then it can totally fuck with your calculations.



I replied to you earlier that I am no stranger to a drink.
I stayed away from gin for quite a while. Until recently actually.
You just can't have a good Long Island Iced Tea without it.

I'm a beer snob. So most of the beer I drink is from local craft breweries.
Can't drink the beer that tastes like beer flavored water.
I also have learned to stay away from the cheap stuff like Mr. Boston.

I like my whiskey. Lagavulin is my go to. This is expensive so I use this as my sippin whiskey.
I have no problem spending extra money to get the stuff I like.

I have never had any of the ones you mentioned. Apparently that's a good thing.


Buckfast wine.

I promised.


Can't stand rum! When I was in college everyone was drinking beer and I was not a beer drinker (or any other kind of drinker). Some people said that I'd like a rum and coke because it was sweet and not a strong drink. That's what I'd have, but then I got sick of them.

A few years later I had a boyfriend who drank rum and cokes A LOT. I really got sick of them when he drank so much he got sick all over my apartment. Now I can't ever stand the smell of rum!


Scotchka. Brings back nightmares...


Most American beers, and any cheap beer.



Do you mean mainstream big brand American beers? Because there are a lot of really good American craft breweries now that are taking away the stereoptype of American beer being bland swill.
Up until the mid 90's, I think that stereotype was very true and I mostly drank imports. But now there are so many small American brands making really good beer, all different types and tastes and alcohol levels, and I'd buy them before a giant mass produced import like Heineken.
Heineken is like the Bud of imports now.
When I travel I always try to drink some local brands that maybe aren't available here (or are harder to find).


Yes, mainstream big brand American beers. I do like Blue Moon, Yuenling and Schocktop which are all American beers. I really prefer European beers, and I also love to drink the local beers when I travel.



There a hundreds of good craft breweries out there. I also try all the local brands when I travel.
I've liked some enough I have bought a case and taken it home or had it shipped to me.

The problem I have is "Big Beer" is buying craft breweries and still passing them off as craft beer.
Some popular brands have been bought out, Blue Moon, Wicked Weed, Shock Top, Leinengugel's to name a few.
Same thing happened with Whiskey. A lot of American Whiskey isn't owned by Americans anymore.
Jim Beam is owned by the Japanese now.
The same thing has happened with dog food. Usually the quality of the product goes down,


Have you ever tried Honey Brown, Dewey? It's an excellent medium-bodied, award winning lager.


I haven't tried it. I will have to look for it. Always looking to try new beers.


Easy to find via Google; it's been in the market for at least 20years.


Yes that is true that a lot of small beer brands are owned by the giant conglomerates now. I don't know if the taste of the beer changed after being bought, but in general it squeezes out the truly small indie companies from getting liquor store and grocery store shelf space.
I love the Tap Room bar at Whole Foods, they have different beers every time, always true craft breweries and you can get tasting flights to find your favorite and then pick up a 6 pack of it to take home.
Amazon just bought Whole Foods too and I am waiting for then to ruin it.


Yeah, can't wait for that. Could have been worse. I heard Walmart was also considering buying it.

I really think it's a way for them to expand their grocery business. Don't be surprised if you start
seeing some strange things on the shelf. I usually buy my groceries online and get them delivered
or I pick them up after they are pulled. I absolutely loath grocery shopping.
I can shop online in 20-30 minutes. Yes I am one of those people.

Some liquor stores and grocery stores here let you make your own 6 pack. You can pick any singles.
It's a good way to try different beers.
