Ice Cube on Bill Maher Racial Slur: 'You Gotta Know When to Shut Up'
Ice Cube is correct. Fire Bill Maher, the racist.
shareNot gonna happen. no matter how many times you repeat it. Notice Cube never called him a racist. Learn the difference between a joke and malicious intent.
Not gonna happen. He's a liberal, and they can get away with almost anything because the media covers for them.
Another genius who doesn't understand the difference between malicious intent and a piss-poor joke. And with all the articles about Maher's gaffe, I'd say the media is doing a pretty piss-poor job of "covering" for him as well. But then, you like to make up your own "facts." You said the same thing about Griffin, and it's STILL in the news, and in no positive way.
I understand the difference. Do you understand the difference in how Libs and Conservatives are treated by the media?
If a Conservative comedian had made this remark, the media would nail his hide to the wall. Since Maher is a Lib, he gets at least a partial pass.
The media would give a con com the same treatment. Although Ted Nugent actually advocated killing Obama and seems like he got more of a pass. He also suggested beheading certain democrats was a good idea. Again, hardly vilified. I take it you were fine with those comments because he's not a liberal?
But back to the topic: Exactly what kind of "partial pass" did Maher get? He apologized, and there have been a number of negative pieces about his comments. Do you not read the news?
And Griffin; another liberal. Exactly what kind of partial pass did she get? Her career, such as it was, is essentially over. She was dumped by her liberal employer, and many more left sources have said what she did was stupid.
I await your response.
No, I do not think so. If it were a Conservative comedian, the media would nail his/her hide to the wall.
And he/she would never get work again because everyone is afraid of the liberal media.
I did not hear Nugent's comments at the time, but I agree they were wrong. I am not okay with anyone threatening anyone. We have freedom of speech, but it comes with the responsibility to use it correctly.
For instance you cannot yell "Fire" in a crowded cinema, and not expect consequences.
As to Maher, it seemed to me that there was very little reaction to his piss-pore joke. Karem Abdul Jabaar even defended him, which seemed odd to me.
As to Griffin it appears that both sides finally decided that someone had gone too far. And CNN fired her, which surprised me.
The media has a liberal bias, would you not admit that?
BTW, I enjoy debating with you when we both keep it civil. I await your response.
Well, con coms have used the word and gotten in trouble, and still have their careers, such as they are. Tim Allen and Jay Crowder come to mind immediately. Neither has a booming career presently, but they really didn't before getting in trouble either. If anyone should have been nailed to the wall, it was Nugent, and virtually nothing happened. Only Rolling Stone blasted him as he deserved to be.
Considering the fact that Maher is still being written about, I'd call that more than "very little reaction." Notice Jabaar didn't defend his use of the word; he defended how he used it, in a non-malicious manner. And I don't think it was a matter of "finally" with Griffin; I think both sides jumped on her pretty hard from the git-go.
And liberal celebs like Madonna, Paltrow, and Charlie Sheen all got slammed in the media for using the n word.
Does the media have a liberal bias? I'd say sometimes. Seems to me even the media who supported him the most still criticized Obama when they felt it was necessary. Same for dubya before him. It also seems the media is giving the current administration a big pass with his latest debacles. At least IMO. Look at Ryan's latest comments.
Would you agree our current administration is far more arrogant and narcissistic. not to mention unfit for the job, than pretty much any of his predecessors, with the possible exception of Warren Harding?
Yes, a civil debate is far better. That however, doesn't negate all your reporting of posts when you don't like what someone posted. If you stay civil --- meaning not demonize all liberals simply because they're liberals -- someone responding will, I believe, stay civil as well.
The so called main stream media has a consistent and total liberal bias, and has had for a long all time.
The opinion has been expressed that main stream media IS the Left. The Democrat Party just falls in step behind their lead. We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.
And no, I would not agree that the current administration is arrogant and narcissistic. That's simply talking points from the Left. We on the right believe that Obama was arrogant and narcissistic. But the main stream media fawned all over him. For some reason they hate Trump, and with little objectivity they might have possessed has gone out the window.
Trump is simply a strong, tough minded intelligent CEO type, and doesn't talk in Washingtonese. He speaks plainly, and that offends some people. But imho he is just what the country needed. I will admit that he's sometimes kind of a jerk, and says stupid things, but you have to take them with a grain of salt. In most cases he is not serious. In business you make an extreme statement. Then when you come back with your real idea or proposal, it seems tame by comparison.
Since you're a liberal and I'm a conservative, we probably shouldn't waste our time debating this. And I've never demonized liberals, I've just disagreed with them. But when they started abusing me, I would retaliate. But I'm not doing that anymore.
I never reported anyone because I disagreed with them. I love to debate. To me it's fun. And you're correct. It is better to have a civil debate.
I reported them because they called me names or used inflammatory rhetoric. That's actually what the moderators told me, to just walk away and report. So that's what I do now. When someone becomes abusive, I report them and then walk away.
If you will BUMP to Jim you will notice that I complained that the moderators seem to come down a bit too hard on us.
I enjoy discussing things with you when we're civil, since you're obviously an intelligent guy.
You're right. I totally disagree with everything you just said regarding the current administration, but no point in getting into it if we know nothing's gonna change the other's mind.
As far as the mods go --- actually one mod -- I'm in sort of a debate with one right now regarding a pretty baseless accusation.
Okay. Good luck with that and have a good day tomorrow.
He's always been on his self-righteous, indignant soap box, naps and still can't decide from one post to the next if 'liberal ' and ' conservative ' should be italicized or not.
shareDon't care. There isn't one ambassador of black people who holds final say over the N word and if there were, it certainly wouldn't be Ice Cube.