Kathy Griffin's Donald Trump press conference makes the D-list
I guess she will be on the Z-list from now on.
I think this vulgar, ignorant little slut will now be on the shit list, Mr. President.
Since you just violated the MovieChat standards by flaming and using profanity, I have reported you to the Moderators.
You should be hearing from them shortly.
Have a nice day.
(just following your lead, ace)
she could never go up against Trump and hurt him in any way, he is a very calloused person and tough as nails, but she did hurt his family, his 11 year old son and wife were horrified, they are the ones that got hurt, didn't that idiot know that? didn't she know she was attacking his family and not him, Kathy Griffin taken on Trump is like me getting in the ring with mike Tyson, the only one that lost was her, he's still president and she's losing jobs all over the place, what a dope.
shareShe claimed that she was just joking around , but the only people that would find a joke like that funny would be those who do actually want Trump dead, like a Muslim terrorist.
shareWell said...
shareShe claimed that she was just joking around , but the only people that would find a joke like that funny would be those who do actually want Trump dead, like a Muslim terrorist.
hear hear, finally, someone that understands.
"his 11 year old son and wife were horrified"
(eye roll). But they weren't horrified when he said he grabs women, or when he made fun of a disabled guy, or when he talked about Kelly bleeding, or made fun of Carly Fiorina's looks (I think she's ugly, too, but if a dem had said it, he'd've gone ballistic, or that he was probably the last birther holdout ( and lying that Hillary started it), or that he accused Obama of spying with zero basis in fact, or claimed to have seen several thousand mythical people watching the WTC collapse in Jersey City, or proudly claimed he could shoot someone with impunity, or had no clue what a Gold Star family was, or proudly admitting he uses loopholes ot get out of paying taxes, or bragging on 9/11/01 that his building was now the tallest downtown, or saying, "If she gets to pick her judges – nothing you can do, folks. Although, the Second Amendment people. Maybe there is. I don’t know," or said he'd date his own daughter, or said “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass,” or claimed China invented global warming, or saying, "Barack Obama had a big part in 9/11 by not being around, always being on vacation, and not being in the Oval Office," or any one of God knows how many other things
his 11 year old son and wife WERE horrified, what part of that don't you understand? the twisters in Kansas have nothing on you.
shareAnd you know that for certain how? By reading that they claimed it, so it must be true? Unless you were with them, you don't have the slightest idea. But nice try....and way to ignore the whole point.
shareyou must be 12 years old if you don't understand what I'm talking about, so do me a favor and stop replying to me, I don't like talking to idiots
shareI know exactly what you're talking...you're making a definitive statement about something you have zero clue about. But nice try at trying to flip it. Didn't work. And again, way to ignore the whole point. And I'm the idiot. LOL
share"I know exactly what you're talking...you're making a definitive statement about something you have zero clue about."
"And you know that for certain how? By reading that they claimed it, so it must be true?"
And you have all the clues and great wisdom!
In your own words, "Unless you were with them, you don't have the slightest idea."
You're someone else who has no reading comp. Nice try. Didn't work. bright eyes.
shareI read you loud and clear.
I'm not about to argue with you. We obviously don't agree.
End of conversation!
No, you don't. You obviously missed the entire point of my comment.
End of conversation.
the entire point of your comment is to divert the attention away from the horrid picture Griffin posted, but nobody is buying your BS.
shareNope, you're completely wrong. I said elsewhere Griffin was completely wrong. The point was that el trumpo's kid has far more to be horrified about for crap daddy did than a comedian's stupid joke. You know that, too, but are trying to divert attention from it. Nice try. FAIL
shareI wonder how you would feel if you saw a picture of your mother's bloody head being held up by a terrorist, would you be more horrified by a picture of your father grabbing a girls ass? FAIL doesn't begin to describe you, stupid maybe.
shareFirst, If it happened when I was 11, I'd already have understood it was a fake head. Since you're projecting about Barron because you have no clue what really happened except a totally unsubstantiated report,,it appears you weren't too bright at all at 11, which isn't surprising, considering how dense you are today.
Second, the moron in charge didn't grab a girl's ass. In fact there wasn't a picture. There was a tape, and he didn't say ass. Way to totally lie about (or in your case, more likely not understanding) what happened.
Third, way to, as most trumpheads do, zero in one one example of at least a dozen in the post in a lame attempt to think you're actually making an intelligent point.
Yep; FAIL still describes you perfectly. Or stupid, maybe, to quote you.
But thanks for playing. Buh-bye now. Come back when you can have an intelligent discussion based on facts, not conjecture.
"First, If it happened when I was 11, I'd already have understood it was a fake head."
so what you're saying is Barron thought it was a real head? I'm going to stop there because everything else you said is as dumb as that.
No; I'm saying some of the media said that. But of course you have no clue about that. Again, thanks for playing and come back when you catch up.
Oh, yeah; and your analogy was, frankly, idiotic. Learn the difference between a terrorist and a bad comedian
And PS: once again, way to ignore everything else and zero in one one thing. Typical.
so you would be ok with a "bad comedian" holding up a fake chopped off bloody head of your mother and it wouldn't bother you? just answer without all the spinning, skirting and diversion, if that's even possible !!
shareWould I be completely OK with it? No, of course not. Would I be "horrified" and "traumatized," especially if my mother had done and said as many despicable things as his father did? Likely not.
And for the record, I did no spinning, skirting, or diversion. YOU did.
<< First, If it happened when I was 11, I'd already have understood it was a fake head. >>
To be fair, Baron Trump has been described as somehow developmentally slow, so it is possible he didn't realize it was a fake head.
Talk to phanto-moron. I never heard he was slow. My original point remains.
Ignore naps Margo. He likes to insult people. I've reported him to the Moderators.
Since you just violated the MovieChat standards by name calling, I have reported you to the Moderators.
You should be hearing from them shortly.
Have a nice day.
MovieManCin2, I'm going to take your advice and ignore the spinner naps, anyone who thinks a photo of a person holding up a chopped off bloody head that resembles an 11 year old child's father would not traumatize that child, has got to be lacking a conscience.
Sounds like a plan to me phantom, and I agree with you. Griffin is an absolutely horrible excuse for a person. I wish her nothing but hardship and hard luck.
Since you just violated the MovieChat standards by flaming, I have reported you to the Moderators.
You should be hearing from them shortly.
Have a nice day.
Just following your lead, ace
Way to refuse to admit you haven't been able to come up with one actual compelling statement, phanto. You still ignored the real point. Again, typical.
shareyou're right, naps, I haven't been able to come up with one actual compelling statement, except the part where I called you an idiot, now THAT was compelling.
shareAnd you were even clueless there, but still too stupid to grasp that. Would be hilarious if you weren't so pathetic.
shareI agree with you, I am clueless and too stupid and pathetic, but that doesn't make you any less an idiot. now go away before your mommy catches you playing with her computer.
shareAt least you agree. But sorry, the only idiot is still you. Captain Clueless. Hey, didja hear Germany and Japan surrendered?
sharedidn't know they were fighting each other,
shareYour lack of knowledge about the world is quite easy to believe.
shareLOL, you are really stupid, BTW, did you know that Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis broke up?
shareThat doesn't even make sense here, moron. You're the only one who made dumb comments without knowing the facts, not me. But once again, nice try. FAIL.
shareand Germany and Japan surrendering makes sense here, stupid?
"Your lack of knowledge about the world is quite easy to believe"
OK, let's be friends, I have some land in Florida for sale and was wondering if you'd be interested, I'll give you a good deal. In fact, you can see a picture of it if you go to ..........
It makes sense in the context that several times, you had absolutely no idea about the news you were supposedly commenting on. But keep posting and making yourself look even worse. Funny as hell.
Oh, your land? I have a couple bridges for sale. You can take all 3, turn them sideways, and shove them
"turn them sideways, and shove them"
ohhh, , you seem perturbed and unsettled by my postings, so I'll quit now, I don't want to be blamed for you jumping off one of those bridges you mentioned, adios amigo and stay away from ropes.
Sorry. ace; someone like you couldn't even begin make me suicidal in 4 million years. But nice try. FAIL (you fail a lot; ever notice that?)
Oh; and as far as Japan and Germany go? Look up; you may still see part of it going far over your head.
" (you fail a lot; ever notice that?)"
no, you just write "fail a lot" and " nice try" you need some new material , you actually write that crap to everyone, you think it makes you look smart, but you're not, you're as dumb as a doorknob, but if it makes you feel better, keep it up, we like to laugh at you.
as far as Germany and Japan, are they still fighting with each other?
Actually I don;t write it to everyone; only posters who are stupid (for example, you), opr posters who say stupid things in an attempt to defend a dumb argument. You're the only one being laughed at.
"as far as Germany and Japan, are they still fighting with each other?"
Considering yout knowledge of current events, it's fairly possible you still don't know WW2 is over.
"Considering yout knowledge of current events, it's fairly possible you still don't know WW2 is over."
who won?
Google is your friend
shareactually I saw "The Longest Day" John Wayne won the war, and that's true b/c it was a bio. I know my history.
shareIf it was anyone but you saying that, I'd know for sure it was a joke...
shareactually, I'm giving up writing to you, I'm tired of laughing at you for buying the bull shit that I'm giving you, you really have to be a cretin, sorry for insulting the cretins
shareSome who isn't one would know BS is one word, not two. Just sayin'
sharebull shit is slang, you idiot, there are no rules for slang, it's not taught in schools, which means you can write it anyway you want. most people do write bullshit some write bull shit, but Webster doesn't give a shit which way you write it.
shareActually, Websters does. Once again, nice try, sport.
"it's not taught in schools, which means you can write it anyway you want."
Uh, no. Not even close. But keep making stuff up.
Since you just violated the MovieChat standards by name calling, I have reported you to the Moderators.
You should be hearing from them shortly.
Have a nice day.
Where, exactly, did I name-call here beyond responding to someone who initiated it? Please point it out. You've been reported for lying. You should be hearing from the mods shortly.
Have a nice day.
napsdu- Well if teen-age Chelsea Clinton wasn't " horrified" when daddy was boinking the interns downstairs while she was doing her homework upstairs, then why should Barron be upset?
Never heard of any of the Kennedy offspring losing their minds over ole Joe's affairs, JFK's women or Teddy's drunken binges and whoring, etc.
You clowns act like President Trump invented sin! Now you IS ALL "horrified", run, run, run for those safe spaces!! LOL
Tax loopholes? Loopholes? Weren't they invented by Washington politicians so their big business donors would contribute to their campaigns? I do believe Trump was a big donor. So he gets to take advantage of legal loopholes. So freaking what?
Stop talking like someone with two a@@holes!
This has nothing to do with the Clintons or the Kennedys....but nice try.
Since you just violated the standards by name calling purple, I have reported you to the Moderators. You should be hearing from them shortly. Have a nice day.
Where, exactly, did I name-call purple here? Please point it out. You've been reported for lying. You should be hearing from the mods shortly.
Have a nice day.
I didn't see any name calling either and I don't even like your posts! LOL But feel free to express yourself. I was called a lot WORSE at IMDB by some posters on The View site.
All true, but I'm sure they treat it just like when my Dad says something odd . . . it's just how he is. I just nod and look away. If someone beheaded him in effigy, though, I might be more shocked.
sharenaps is right, cheepshooter, you should be concerned and care about your father, unless he is the POTUS, then you shouldn't give a crap about him and not care what anyone says or does to him.
shareHaha. I think that is paraphrasing a bit much. Maybe he means "in this case." I don't think it that makes it right, though, even if you think he's a buffoon.
shareno, it certainly doesn't
shareOf course it's paraphrasing. Phanto has a less-than-rudimentary grasp of what sentences actually mean, so he just makes crap up.
share"The main difference, though, is that your dad didn't run for, and become, president"
would you care to explain that sentence you wrote to cheepshooter?
No. Cheepshooter got it. That's all that matters. Bye.
shareyeah, he did, he also said he didn't think it makes it right, which means he's not agreeing with you.
That's not what you originally asked. The person I posted to got it. You didn't. So now you have to find something else to try to nitpick. Sad. Not to mention you totally created out of thin air what the post really meant and got called out on it by Cheep.
shareyou really talk out of your ass, greatest spinner I have ever seen
shareSpun nothing at all. Made a comment. The intended recipient understood exactly what I meant. You didn't, and butted in, creating your own fantasy about what I was "really" saying, and the recipient called you out on BS parahrasing. Sorry, sport, no spin. Just you creating more alternate facts. Wrong again, Pinnocchio.