MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which comedians/funny people past or pre...

Which comedians/funny people past or present do you like?

I like:
George Carlin
Jackie Gleason
Louis Black
Zach Galafinakis
D. H. Hughley
Tom Green
Colin quinn
Chevy Chase
Eddie Murphy
Richard Pryor
Gene Wilder
Chris Farley
Alec Baldwin
Christopher Walken whenever he's on snl is hilarious!
These people make me lmao.


Louis CK is funny. I've watched him on youtube.


I cannot STAND him. Anyo e else you like?


I like movies with Eddie Murphy, Gene Wilder, Richard Pryor. I find them funny. Also Steve Martin and John Candy. Bill Murray. They can be funny at times.


Yes i don't remember the name of the movie but richard pryor is teaching Gene Wilder to be "jive" - seventies talk? I guess? Anyway, they put shoe polish in Gene wilder's afro and it's hilarious- he starts walking with a boombox and talking like a psycho it is soooo funny. i saw it on a cable channel as a kid in the late 80's andi don't remember the name. :D


I like See No Evil, Hear No Evil with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. Have you ever watched it? I think it also has Joan Severance and Kevin Spacey.


No it is the only one i saw bc i was too young for those movies but i will now that you have given me a name! Thanks!


I like Planes, Trains and Automobiles with Steve Martin and John Candy.

Bowfinger, Beverly Hills Cop, Midnight Run, Father of the Bride (the remakes with Steve Martin). Uncle Buck, Splash, The Burbs, Night at the Museum.

You like any of those?


I liked Beverly Hills Cop. Eddie Murphy is hilarious! But you know I think he should have been nominated for an Oscar for Mr. Church. He was wonderful. You should see it, if you haven't. He was cheated. Hollywood has their favourites.


I saw Eddie Murphy in The Nutty Professor. You watch that one?


A long time ago but i LOVED Norbett lol!!!!!


Night at the museum was with ben stiller? I loved that film.


"Yes I don't remember the name of the movie but richard pryor is teaching Gene Wilder to be "jive" - seventies talk? I guess? Anyway, they put shoe polish in Gene wilder's afro and it's hilarious- he starts walking with a boombox and talking like a psycho"

that would be "Silver Streak"


Robin Williams, John Candy, George Carlin, early Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Richard Pryor, Bill Cosby, Tina Fey, Amy Poeler, Kate McKinnon, Steve Martin, John Belushi, Larry and Balki from Perfect Strangers, Carlton from Fresh Prince, Cheech and Chong, Golden Girls, Cheers


Cool. I don't think Ti na Fey is funny though. Amy poehler was pretty funny as the one-legged girl on snl.


Carlton from Fresh Prince went to my school he was a short little runt my eldest sistertold me.


I think in real life he's about 5 5?




I never saw him my sister is ten yrs older. Sowe had different chikdhoods she was an adult while i was a child.


Damn, I'm pretty much seeing all my favorites on this list.


Louis CK
Early Eddie Murphy
Mel Brooks
Robin Williams
Laurel & Hardy
Louis Black
Bill Maher
Colin Quinn
Chris Rock


Everyone😊 but C. K he sucks


Mark Twain

S. J. Perelman

H. L. Mencken

George Carlin

Chris Rock

Groucho Marx

W. C. Fields

Dennis Miller

Sarah Silverman

Jackie Gleason

Johnny Carson

Steve Martin

Janeane Garofolo

and, as a comic actor, not a comedian, Peter O'Toole

ditto Joe Pesce

ditto Danny DeVito


Wow, mark twain is the master.


Used to love watching Jonathan Winters, a master of improvisation.


Master of impressions!


Yes, i forgot about his m and what was that other guy's name that did impressions in the 80's that my dad loved? He was thin and maybe his name wss rich? I dob't remember.


Rich Little

A few more of my favorites:

Steve Allen. Among other things, like being a GREAT standup comic and writing the jazz classic, "This Could Be The Start Of Something Big," this man CREATED The Tonight Show.

Donald Duck

Wile E. Coyote


Thank you for remembering which "rich" i was talking about that my dad loved watchi ng. I love Wiley:D and daffy. Donald's okay but Daffy's brilliant like Wiley.


You are most welcome.

How the hell did I forget Rodney Dangerfield?!

And do you remember the piano duel between Daffy Duck and Donald Duck in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


He was hilarious. Rip. :(


I think i might know his face but i really don't know Steve Allen.


Jay Leno I saw him live. it was a very good show.


I love all the old comedians from the 50's and 60's. as well as earlier. The Marx Bros,The Three Stooges, Abbott and Costello.




The comedian that made me laugh harder than any other was Rodney Dangerfield at the lounge in the old Tropicana circa 1977, before he really hit it big,

I have been thrilled by many of the greats but that one night back in July 1977 with Rodney (in the lounge for $4.95 including two drinks) at the Trop stands head and shoulders above all others.


buddie hackett
