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What have you watched this week? (05/07-05/13)

Welcome back everyone, hope you had a good week. Here are the movies I watched:
Don Juan DeMarco (1994 TV): Many times in my life I saw this movie on the video store's shelf and not once I picked it up because the cover, with Johnny Depp, looked too much like a movie for girls to drool on. But it played on TV this week and right after the first 10 minutes I realize it was actually going to be a movie I would like. And I liked it indeed, although the pacing was not always to the rhythm. It's a quirky and romantic comedy, perfect for a rainy afternoon. The story was interesting, I'm always fascinated by the topic of mental illness, and the acting was very good too. I don't know much about Marlon Brando because he's not of my generation but in this one he looked like a fat Robert Redford. And He played his roller very well. He contributed to the success of this movie with his genuine character. 6.5/10
Windtalkers (2002 Bluray): I had never heard of this one before and when I saw it for three bucks I blind bought it. It's a WWII movie Directed by John Woo, starring Nicolas Cage,Christian Slater and Mark Ruffalo. A strange combination that makes for a strange movie. The overall acting is below average and it's far from being one of Cage's best performance. The best performance was actually the guy who played the Navajo Indian. If you're looking for realism and solid drama, keep on your way, this one is not for you. If you're in for hundreds of explosions, invincible soldiers, violent warfare and 2 hours of action scenes that are pretty well shot, give it a try. I had a good time watching it. 6.5/10
(BTW, John Woo made some of my fav movies:
Red Cliff 9/10
Hardboiled 8/10
Face Off 8/10
Hard Target 7.5/10)
Miracle at St. Anna (2008 DVD): I seek'd out this movie because it's from Spike Lee, a director I like, and I own most of his movies, but had never heard about this one before. Again, this is a strange movie. This week I watched what must be two of the weirdest war movies I've seen. This one is unbalanced and very long. (2h40) The editing is awkward to a point that it can get annoying, the cinematography is not really impressive, the dialogues are good at times and terrible at others, some scenes were weakly executed, some were pure non-sense, some were good and interesting. Near the two hour mark there is a quite shocking scene of a crowd of civilians and children being executed. From there, the movie suddenly got bloody violent. The cast is full of actors I love but the overall acting is acceptable at best. The story was good, the American-Italian-German mix worked well and there was a religious tone to it all that was a bit cheesy. For example, there is a scene where you see a group of each people making the same prayer at the same time at different places and the effect they hoped for was not powerful enough for us to feel much. In the end, not as bad as Red Hook Summer but, another Spike Lee joint that never come to spark. 5.5/10
Cheech and Chong "Things are tough all over"(1984 DVD): I rewatched the first four Cheech and Chong movies a few weeks ago and realized I was missing this one and I received it in the mail this week. The first half is a bit slow but the second half was better. The new characters were fun and the story was good. A nice comeback after the failure that was "Still smoking". 7/10
Fanboys (2009 DVD): This is a great road trip comedy! I saw all the Star Wars movies and enjoyed them but I'm not a "fan" and yet, I really love this movie. It's funny, entertaining and just makes me feel good. I really don't understand the people that hate it and how it got bad critics. The acting is excellent and there is many wonderful cameos. 7.5/10
About a boy(2002): It's written 'best comedy of the year' on my DVD case but to me, its more a drama although there is some good laughs. In a strange way, the movie made me see how I could've ended up if I would've never met my wife, never had my two sons and stayed single. Also, the little kid reminded me a little bit of my nephew. Anyway, very sad movie but very good too. 7/10


Night Moves (2013) - not a bad indy movie. strange ending 7/10

House of Good and Evil (2013) - another low budget indy. 6/10


When it came out, I thought "About A Boy" was great. Funny and with a point, that always rates high for me.

Nothing Cheech and Chong has appealed to me since high school when I thought they were comedy geniuses, at least when I was stoned. Yeah, I'm an old geezer.

Did not like "Don Juan DeMarco". Saw it and promptly forgot it.

Always wanted to see "Windtalkers" but never wanted to pay money for it, so I have not yet.

This last week I watched:

Episode 5, I think, of "The Leftovers", which is following in LOST's footsteps of just getting crazier and more senseless as it goes. At this point I can take it or leave it and only watch it when there is nothing else to do - I subscribe to HBO Online so it is essentially free, or it doesn't cost me extra.

Watched "Catastrophe" which I think is an amazing, and excellent series. A few too many weird jokes, a lot about jerking off, but all in all a very honest look at relationships and how they affect people for good and for bad. The plots and acting is top notch. The sad part is that Carrie Fischer who played Rob's, the husband's, mother passed away so there are only 6 episodes in this season. I never much noted Carrie Fischer before, but she is really cute in this series and it is a shame she can't finish up her role. It appeared like she was about to start playing a larger part in the story.

In preparation for next week's premier of "Prometheus: Convenant" I watched "Prometheus" with my girlfriend so she would know what it was about, since I introduced her to "Alien" and "Aliens". She, like I, thought it was stupid, but I, who had originally rated it a 1/10 upped it to a 3/10 for some reason. I hear the new one is about the same ... i.e. the characters act stupid.

The last really great thing I saw was the latest season of "Homeland" which was amazing, but ended a while back.




Monkey Business is a good sleeper comedy... I say sleeper only because although it has Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers and Marilyn Monroe... every few people talk about it anymore. It's nothing special but anyone who is a fan of those actors should definitely make sure to watch it. A Serious Man also is underappreciated... I think it was my favorite film of that year.

I've never seen Stripes... should make the effort to watch it some time.




Well, between you and Sentient Meat, I've taken a serious interest in Serious Man ; seems like my kind of movie.


It's almost a Coen brothers fan only type of film. Think of the story of Job blended with a Jewish version of Mad Men. If that sounds appealing then you will like it.


Well, I really liked Fargo, No Country for Old Men and the remake of True Grit , so I guess that makes me a fan.

I've never watched Mad Men although I'm aware of how wildly popular it is.

I think I've seen enough so far to convince me I'll probably like it.




Like I said, seems like my kind of movie. I'm open minded, have a broad range of interest in movies .


I know you are. I've seen your taste in movies.

You are one of the handful of people who if you said
see this movie I would probably see that movie.


Wow, I appreciate your vote of confidence !


Yeah you should be fine then... although it doesn't contain as much of the crime drama element as the others you mentioned. You should give Mad Men a try... an excellent series.


I came close to watching Stripes Ă  few times, even started it once on netflix but after 5 mins something else came up. I know I need to see it.

Its cool because I received A serious man in the mail last week. Its among the 4 or 5 Coen movies I havent seen yet. Might get on to it sooner then I thought because of you guys.




Haven't seen Millers crossing, Inside Llewyn Davis, The man who wasn't there ( I own the last two movies and I intend on buying the first one) I also haven't seen their very first movies.

My favourite is O brother where art thou. I could watch it any amount of times, it's always great.
Burn after reading and no country for old men are my two least favourite. Yes, I preferred the lady killers tonthose two movies. :)




Breaking record for my thread as this is the 100th comment! I'm so happy.

Hey, I'm going to start another thread right now about the Coen's movies. Join in!




Yeah, Stone, it's been a great thread and has really gained a new momentum ; I'll be there !


Cheers mate!


It just registered ! I've seen Blood Simple, it was almost like an epiphany ( lol ) and yes I liked it .

Barton Fink has been appearing in my movie lineup recently and I like John Turturro . I've watched brief portions of it and never realized this was a Coen brothers film. You can be sure, if that trend continues, it's inevitable I'll end up watching it .

See, godewey, you're influencing me as well.






I'll definitely look up Sometimes in April. I saw most movies of this genre and they interest me highly.




Oh I feel you, believe me.


Just watched Scorned with Billy Zane.. One of the worst movies ever. Terrible acting, totally not credible, and the only word I can say is its LAME.


What made you watch it? Did someone recommend it to you?


No I have the Starz channel, so I record many movies that have 3 stars, and give them a go. This one didnt have any rating but I took the chance. I like Indie films or anything offbeat, but this one was just moronic.
Many movies on Showtime are good. I have found treasures by just winging it. Like the movie Butiful (spelled that way for real) Very dark film but very moving. Or Out of the Furnace,, very good film.
Ill take any recommendations, if you have any....


I don't know what's playing on Starz but if you ask me about a title and I see the notification, I'll give you an answer


Does not have to be on Starz... Could be on Netflix or HBO.. If you know of any good movies, that are in the drama category feel free to list. Thanks.


Yeah but I don't know which titles you have access to. Right now I'm going through the top 50 titles... you could try one of those


Ok no problem,,,thanks


Densha Otoko (Train Man) (2005, Japan)
A young social outcast and self-proclaimed otaku who's never had a girlfriend finally meets a girl as a result of helping her during an incident involving a drunken man on a train. She gets in touch with him afterward, and as he has no idea how to talk to women, he goes online to ask his friends in a chat room to help him through it. Unbeknownst to him, they have the same problems and take as much inspiration from him as he does from them. I really enjoyed this one, really funny and sweet movie and you really root for the protagonist.

The Woman in Black (1989, UK)
After an old widow dies in rural England, a London lawyer is dispatched to her house to sort out her estate. When he gets there, he finds that most of the locals avoid her house like the plague and the area seems to be cursed by a ghostly woman dressed in black, whose appearances precipitate dark incidents. Despite the increasingly terrifying ordeal he's put through, he pushes on with his job and begins trying to solve the mystery of the woman in black and the screams he hears every night in the marsh outside the house.
I actually checked out The Woman in Black as a direct result of seeing it discussed on last week's thread here (thanks to Catbookss!). I saw the 2012 remake a few years ago, but I never got around to seeing the original because it didn't seem to be on DVD. But last week I found it on Youtube. Loved it, I think it was better than the 2012 version (which was also good).

To be continued; I seem to have reached the size limit for this post, which I think is ridiculously short.


The Pelican Brief (1993, US)
After two Supreme Court justices are assassinated, a young law student comes up with a theory as to who could be behind it, implicating people close to the US president. After sharing her theory with her law professor, who then shares it with a friend in the FBI, her law professor is assassinated and it's apparent that she herself was the target. She goes into hiding and makes contact with an investigative journalist who helps her gather evidence for her theory while staying a step ahead of the people hunting her down. Excellent political/legal thriller.

I'm not sure why that seemingly exceeded some post size limit when other posts on this thread appear to be much longer than mine was. It really wasn't that long of a post.


I agree with you about Pelican Brief . I've seen it several times, most recently about three weeks ago.


I really enjoyed it. I went to rate it on IMDb, and was surprised to find that it has only a medium rating on there, 6.6/10. I rated it 9/10. I thought it was great. I love movies like that.


I think it's underrated as well.

I really enjoyed Denzel's portrayal as the reporter.


I noticed that too... although I think it goes by character count not lines... so some people have less characters spread out over more space. But your post did seem very short, so maybe there's more to how the size limit works.

Densha Otoko was a series before a movie, so if you liked the film you could watch the show. Think they used different actors but it was very popular. Probably around ten episodes IIRC

Pelican Brief was pretty good although I don't really remember it much. Hard to believe it's 24 years old.
