MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > people whose films you refuse to watch ?

people whose films you refuse to watch ?

Woody Allen abused his daughter
Brando abused his daughter
jeff bridges supports hillary clinton
pierce brosnan supports polanski
terry Gilliam supports polanski
michael mann signed the polanski petition
ewan mcgregor supports polanski
Nicholson supports polanski
Polanski drugged and raped a child
Emma Stone supports woody allen
meryl streep supports polanski


How about Bill Cosby?


in my life i have purchased only two bill cosby dvd

1 Uptown Saturday Night
2 Hickey & Boggs


They say that Leonard Part 6 and Ghost Dad are some of the worst movies in history.


I like that, a boycotting of actors/actresses. It is the same thing I do with places I buy gas from, eat from, and buy products from


Why do you like boycotts? They never work.


Personally, I feel like it is less money I have to give to businesses that I do not support. It narrows down my choices.


Is there any dirt on Bradley Cooper or Zac Efron?

I have started watching a lot of their movies since last year.


Well of you think it does. Just gossip. The usual really. Gay, being jerky to fans ect


I have heard that about Zac Efron actually. People say that he is gay, but yet has girlfriends. I suppose you could be both, but it is just hilarious.

Bradley Cooper, it seemed, was having problems getting with anyone. Funny thing is, so many gals on message boards found him really attractive and he was supposedly America's top sexiest people or something.


BC is engaged to a model.


Yeah, but for a long time, he seemed to have problems being with anyone. I remember one time, he came to an award show, forget which, with his mom.


Taking your mom to an award show seems to be the hip move these days.


Well, every other actor interviewed had a spouse or girlfriend. I am not saying that it is wrong to bring a parent to an award show; however, when all other actors/actresses are doing it and you stick out like that, it just means you did not try hard enough to find a date.


I would think most actors/actresses would be regulars. I am also sure that one of the requirements to be submitted for a movie role is to get something altered.


It's funny..I have a friend who works for a plastic surgeon. Both Cooper's mother and his old girlfriend, Renee Zelwigger, were/are regular clients.


Ahh.. that's why Renee Zellweger's face is unrecognizable nowadays. Good job, plastic surgeon!


zac efron is a fine actor

he held his own against people giving career bests in Me And Orson Welles and At Any Price


I still have yet to see both those movies. The bootleg website I stream movies from, does not have those two movies yet.


www prime wire ag


I can't watch the TV show CATASTROPHE because the lead actor looks like that stupid guy who did that stupid call-in sex show with Dr. Drew.


Woody Allen is creepy for sure but it isn't 100% certain that he abused his daughter, many believe that Mia Farrow brainwashed her into believing that Allen molested her. Even her brother doesn't believe that he molested her. There are many references to child molestation in his movies however, not saying they're an admission of guilt but they kind of make you wonder. There is also no proof that Brando abused his daughter, it was just an accusation.

Sean Penn - smug jerk, tied up and abused Madonna and escaped punishment because she didn't want publicity
Mark Wahlberg- violent racist thug
Charlie Sheen - all-around asshole
Alec Baldwin - Same


Alec was so brilliant in The Cooler


Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Robert DeNiro for just being ridiculous liberal hypocrites. Ewan McGregor used to be my favorite but he's really acting like a whiny liberal baby lately and I don't even want to watch Fargo now. I forgot Ewan is a hypocrite also because he bitches about Trump's behavior with women but did a movie with Roman Polanski.


I'm inclined to agree. I started to re-watch Double Jeopardy with Ashley Judd the other day but changed my mind after a few minutes. I feel a real aversion to her now after her sickening display during that women's march, post inauguration. It was like seeing her true colors.


YES! Ashley is a mental case. I've lost all respect for her.


De Niro is getting on my nerves lately.


I'm very moderate and I hate politically correct liberals and extreme religious conservatives equally so I would't be able to watch much tv if I boycotted every celebrity who's a jerk or a nutbar in real life.


But still, you cannot hate someone for being politically correct. It's like you hate you someone because they are right. Now, if someone were to be politically incorrect, and you say that you would like them; you are admitting that you like being incorrect and/or you are rogue.

I do not get how people can hate the "politically correct". I mean I always looked at it as a positive phrase.


This. Ewan is a sad case i lost all my respect for him.


he calls star wars fans parasites then he works with a man who drugged and raped a child


@ Blondie7000

ewan and streep are polanski supporters


Agree with those and I just find Emma Stone annoying and I don't get the fascination with her.


supporting Hillary Clinton ??? that includes most of Hollywood.
