Moonlanding: Real or Hoax?
The race to space was started to see who could get a ballistic missile into space first. The importance of that was simple. If the U.S. was able to get an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) into space, and drift in low Earth orbit, then they can arm it with a nuclear warhead and be able to shoot a nuclear missile anywhere in the world, from anywhere in the world. Scary stuff, right? Only, Russia beat the U.S. to space with Sputnik. So, what was the State's reaction, moving the goal post. "Yeah, well, we can get to the moon before you fuckers!"
"What tactical advantage does the moon have?" Asked Russia.
Thinking, very hard and very long, the U.S. came up with an answer. "We can put a laser on the moon and use it to shoot your country!"
"Holy shit, we proud sons of Mother Russia cannot allow you Capitalist pigs to be able to set up military bases on the moon!"
And the race began. JFK announced we will be on the moon, for whatever reason, but he kind of played it off as some technical achievement for mankind. Maybe they actually thought they could install a laser on the moon. Who knows, James Kirk was too busy fucking hot green women to really care whether or not that was possible, feasible, tactically sound, and even worth using as an excuse to fuck hot moon bunnies.
Eventually, the U.S. got to the moon, beat the Russians, waved their big fingers at Russia and chanted, "neener, neener, neeeeeeeeeener......we beat you to the meeeeeeener......" And the big hand of patriotism waved as soldiers were being burned alive in the rice patties of some south Asian country.
And then..........nothing.
No more moon exploration. No military base or laser installation. Nothing. It's as if we all lost interest and moved on to other things. Like, burning bras, and doing cocaine. I mean, not bad choices, but different. You know. And we never talked about the moon again.
So was it real? I mean, how could we spend so much money to get to the moon, just to beat the Russians? It doesn't make any sense. It's like, I'm going to blow my wad on this peep show, then have nothing left in reserve for that hot hooker I already paid for and is waiting in my hotel room. Does any of that make any sense? NO! So what's the deal?
The only real explanation. We realized that there is no way we could get to the moon, so we faked it, just to stick it to the Ruskies. And then, pretended that it wasn't interesting anymore, so the Ruskies wouldn't pursue the laser on the moon strategy and the whole thing would get dropped. That's the only explanation for it.
Anyone disagree? If so, then you're a sheep who drank the American Kool Aide!