MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Lurkers Vs. Posters

Lurkers Vs. Posters

This has been talked about on many a board; but I thought I would start a thread about it. How many of you were lurkers on IMDB, and how many of you were regular posters? I had been a somewhat regular poster from about 2004-2010, and then I pretty much just lurked after that. Most of the information I was seeking someone had already supplied, so there was no need to really comment. They say that you never realize what you have until you do not have anymore, and that makes me wish I had posted more those last few years. However that regret is subsiding, because I am really enjoying the communication on MovieChat! I was just interested who was in the same boat I was. Also I was curious about who came here and was not an IMDB refugee.


It's amazing to me how many people here primarily or only lurked on IMDB. Looks like I was one of the few regular posters. But yes, it really was a loss to all of us.

Also, it makes me happy that so many of you former lurkers are here, and posting on MC. So many great contributions.


It makes me feel good to see that I was not the only lurker as well. I guess the message boards closing down was a wake up call of sorts, but at least we have a great place to post now!


Definitely a wake-up to many lurkers, and even posters. ;3


If my username and the fact I made some posts here are a good indication of anything, I do a bit of both. I would chide in on posts where like to provide information or seek them. Trolls didn't make that easy though and some things could feel deceptive at time. It's a shame. So I would be around at times. Maybe not regularly.


Aluker pop in anytime. The more opinions we get or thoughts on a show or movie helps the site. It will be interesting to get some new fresh blood in these boards.


"Fresh blood". Mwhahaha!

Sorry, couldn't resist. I know you probably didn't mean it in a violent way. πŸ˜‚

Of course it's always nice to have new people contributing to online conversation. c;


Well good morning Leia. Yeah it does sound Dracula, lol


Good morning! πŸ™ƒ

I'm still waking up over here, lol. It's 8:20am where I am.


Is it still snowing? Also my mind must be tired. I called you lea. Its Leia.It may be time to get off here.


Nah, it stopped snowing a while ago. It rained a lot yesterday. There's still snow on the ground, though.


Oh good. Luckily we didn't get any.


It's snowing again now. : /

Luckily it's not sticking, though.


Jesus, well stay warm and safe. So far only rainstorms my way.


Thanks, Strannger! :)


Your welcome


I am happy to see that most people were lurkers like me. You just never know who else is out there lurking and hoping to join this page! ;)


I'm happy, and surprised, to see that so many people here were former lurkers.

I'd have thought most would be former regular IMDb posters who'd found their way here. There are still a lot of people I miss from various boards, and hope they find MC, but making new friends is great too!


Absolutely! It just goes to show that you never know who's out there reading your stuff! I think the others will get fed up with disappointing sites and find their way here. It's only a matter of time!


I was an avid poster on IMDb. Movies after or before I watched, some TV shows, the Horror board, and Soap opera boards.


I was just an occasional lurker. I never had a registered account at IMDb (and still don't).

Whenever I had just watched a movie and had some confusion or question or theory about it, i would just look at the message board for that movie on IMDb and usually, someone else would have brought up that same point or question, and someone else would have already answered it. So I never really needed to post.
Then one day I tried to do that and there were no more boards. I checked a couple different movies and no boards. I was like, wtf? So I googled and found out they had just been deleted that day. And the next day I found this place and joined it.


Interesting timing going on there.


Glad to have you here! Welcome aboard!!


I was mostly a lurker for years, much as i am on other sites/boards. I infrequently wrote about films I liked or had a question about. I had countless hours of enjoyment perusing the threads, especially pertaining to world cinema,indie, films from particular eras and of course my personal favorites. Those threads were/ARE invaluable and such discussions weren't to be found anywhere else. Especially after MUBI shutdown their discussion boards previously, a real betrayal to the dedicated subscribers on that niche site.
