MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > UPDATE: Archives, Pages, & more

UPDATE: Archives, Pages, & more

I’m excited to announce MovieChat’s latest update which includes:

1. Virtually complete Movie and TV Show archives - thanks to the archive data that has been made public, our archives for movies and tv shows are now virtually complete. It was a complex task to integrate these archives with our existing posts here, and took longer than expected, but having the full archives alongside our existing content is well worth it. All existing MovieChat posts should have been preserved, but if you notice anything missing just let me know. (I backed up the entire site before the integration, so nothing is lost.)

2. No more endless scrolling - pagination has now been added!

3. Post Count - your post count now appears beside your username whenever you post

4. Easily identify the original poster (OP) in a thread - the OP’s username is now bolded

There are a few more minor changes that you’ll see as you’re browsing the site (kudos to whoever can first spot them). Apologies for the downtime today, but it was necessary to get the updates up and running. And as always, with major updates there is the chance that a few bugs slipped through. If you notice anything weird, just let me know. More updates on the way!


Awesome! Many thanks for your hard work. This site is really shaping up.


Sir, you have created a minor miracle.


Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this site Jim. If there is any way I can help get the word out about this site let me know.


Keep up the good work.


Thanks, Jim. Posting update logs like this is great, so thanks for keeping us updated! The website seems to be doing well so far, and only gaining momentum.


I'm really glad at how the old threads have turned out too. They're nested, which helps a lot, and it looks like the quote boxes have returned to them. It looks WAY better.

If I may add a suggestion? It's not super-important, but IMDb had the option to customize how you view a thread or board. Specifically the number of posts per page. The default was like 25 posts per page, but I always had it set at 50, which I found made the threads easier to read. It would be cool if we had that option here. Just a suggestion.


Yeah, and I would also like the option to view the threads in flat mode. That's what I always used on IMDb unless I was really confused.



I used Flat Mode as well. Nest mode can be great too, but I sometimes get confused where the latest post is (sometimes it'll be on Page 3 of 5), but from there I still have no idea where the *other* latest posts are located.




I salute you Jim !! Great effort !!


good job - I noticed the notifications are gone. No big deal.


I just had two notifications when I logged in just now. Maybe they bugged yesterday.
