MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > vs vs

I like both but I think chat is more user friendly. So I will decide shortly to stick with one and cancel the other - it looks like it will be moviechat for me. I do appreciate themoviedb for trying.


I started this thread 8 days ago - who's winning between the two ??


In the Rules of War, whoever has more Angela Lansbury posts wins.


It seems like on websites such as tMDB and thegotchat (or whatever it's called) the only things you can find active posts for are anything that's current such as Star Wars or something else of that nature. Here all of the old posts are archived and people discuss things other than what is currently popular in pop culture.


And that's the beauty of this site Holly, all the old threads and posts are here! Not to mention the incredible site creator...lord Jim, and the warm, friendly folks that have landed here. It really makes for "the perfect" movie discussion site around...IMO. 😃


I've visited the GOTboard before IMDB board got shut down, since I was looking for alternative forums. But after IMDB shut down, they changed the GOTboard to members only. So I've registered a few weeks ago and I've been waiting for them to activate my account ever since. I gave up.

This site is the best!


Agreed! When people were posting these alternatives I checked them out and was very discouraged at what I saw. I mentioned this on another thread, but the sites were messy and unorganized. I like to talk about current stuff; however I also like to talk about old stuff that people don't necessarily think about anymore.


anyone been on TMDB lately ??


I've lurked over there, but I don't think you can lurk anymore without signing up.


You might be thinking of IMDB2.0 which was recently closed down to public viewing, but reopened about a week later. TMDB has always been open to public viewing. Also, the IMDB Archives site was down for about two days recently.


It's too complicated over there. I like it here better.

And it's funny that I never frequented the General Discussion board over at IMDb, but find myself drawn to it here. [cheers]


Totally agree lennon, it's too complicated! I'm SO glad I found this site! 😄 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉

I, too, never frequented the General Discussion board on IMDb. In fact, in the 10 years I was there, I never went to that board not once.


I joined there in 2003 and neither did I go to that board, not once!!


Yeah, it's funny how things change when you have something better! I am like a magnet on this board here...but I AM starting to venture out onto other


Neither did I. I only posted a question or comment occasionally on specific movie/TV show boards.


Same here April, and I didn't post a whole lot on IMDb...nothing in comparison to here! In fact, I think, since I came here right after IMDb shut the boards down, I have posted 2x more than I ever posted on IMDb in the whole 10 years! See what a nice atmosphere can do for a person? 😊


Same here, I never felt the urge to go to IMDb General Boards.


Yeah, but it sure is a fun board here! 😄


Yes! Here the General Section feels like a base from where we go to posting missions on different movie boards, but after the mission we always return to the base.


Exactly! 😄


Yes. This is where we congregate and get things going. This will entice more new people to join because this is the very first board you see when you come to the page. So when the see how truly busy it is, it makes them want to participate as well. Then from here we all slowly branch out to the movie/show/actor specific boards. 😊


<< This is where we congregate and get things going. >>'s kind of the hotel bar, before people go off to get a room : )


Well put. ::::thumbs up::::


hah! great analogy


Yes it is. And most of the people here are very amiable. 😊


"I, too, never frequented the General Discussion board on IMDb. In fact, in the 10 years I was there, I never went to that board not once."

Now that you mention it, I never went to any of the general discussion boards on IMDB in all the years I was there, either. Yet, I enjoy coming to this General Discussion boards, as well as the individual film/TV boards now that they're warming up.


Ditto that Cat! This is a great board to gather at on this site! 😄


I agree, Styx!. It's wonderful to be able to gather here, and meet so many great people (mostly, anyway, lol). I've really enjoyed it, and expect I'll continue to :)


Right on! 😄👍👍


I'm still using both at the moment. Neither site provides enough discussions for me on their own right now.


I like this site for the chat, and the other for their database that I can edit and use for my PLEX library


Both sites seem to suffer from lack of activity on boards for actors/actresses, directors and other individuals. I just checked the Hugh Jackman board on both sites: on this site, the last comment was 19 days ago (was that before or after IMDb shut down the boards?), and TMDB's HJ board doesn't have any comments! Seems like most everyone on both sites is participating in the TV/movie boards and ignoring the "celebrity" boards. It's a shame. On IMDb's boards I had a list of boards for all my favorite actors and actresses, and every day someone posted at least one new comment on one of them. Here, I can't create a list of boards, and in any event almost all of the boards I used to track have been dead since they were migrated here. It can't be for lack of awareness of this site, because every time I go to the home page the Trending section is full of movies and TV shows whose boards were updated mere minutes ago!

I'll stick with this site for now because of the archived IMDb comments, but if the "celebrity" boards continue to be mostly quiet...Well, what alternative do I have? As I said, it appears to be no better on TMDB in this regard. I'm hoping we'll get a trending section for actors/actresses/etc. on the home page soon.


We all have a similar problem. I noticed that some people come here to say "I'm gonna start a thread on such and such board. Anyone interested?" Maybe that's the best way to do it, to announce it in General section. Who knows, maybe there are other Hugh Jackman fans who are also discouraged by lack of activity, and will participate once they see that someone else is also interested.


Agree, that both (and probably more) sites have a similar problem. I like it that MC/Jim has managed to now import quite a lot of the old IMDB posts and threads, which I'd thought were forever lost to time. It hasn't been very that long since IMDB nuked their boards and all threads/posts into the ethers.

I like it that tMDb has reinstated their message boards, although there aren't any archived threads or posts there, but that Trevor (the owner of tMDb) has also doing his best to create a life raft for former IMDB posters there, the same as Jim has been here. People are bound to prefer one site over another, for various personal reasons, and some are going to want to use both equally, for one reason or another, and some are bound to prefer one over the other.

For me, I've never started a thread in the General Discussion board if my thread is about a specific film or show; I think those are best served by being posted on the individual film/show's boards, not here. When I've done that, I've been surprised -- and pleased -- at how often and quickly the responses have come. It seems that most people are waiting for other new posters to either make comments on archived threads, or start new ones, and then people are more than ready to respond.


I started 5 or 6 threads on different boards and only one so far has remained unanswered. (I'm also not a big thread-starter, I prefer answering). So, I also got good results.

You're right, it makes no sense to start a thread about Hugh Jackman (for instance) here instead of Hugh Jackman's board. But the poster who has been complaining about inactivity on Jackman's board obviously isn't a type of poster to start threads, cause he never posted anything on Jackman's board. He waits for someone else to start. I don't know how to help him, other than what I answered him. And that is to type an invitation here on general boards (not the thread itself, just an invitation for other Jackman lovers) and then hope that someone will notice it and start a thread on Jackman's board.

If he himself would start a thread on Hugh Jackman's board, it would show on Trending section, and someone might notice and answer. Apparently that's not gonna happen cause he doesn't like being the first on that board.


One thing I have noticed from clicking around the site is that many more message boards are getting comments on them; however they are not showing up in the trending section, because it was either hours or weeks since the last comment, so that is very promising!


Yeah, depending on time of day items move out of Trending section in an hour or two, and if people miss that window they'll never see the post. Another way would be to have a subscription to some board and get alerts when someone posts, but we are still a site under construction, so that'll have to wait for a while, I guess.


The Movie Database does not let users delete accounts. When I asked that mine be deleted, they wanted to know why and questioned my answer.


Maybe u should read the post correctly? There was one mod who answered u that the admin had a lot of work to do and will take care about u re request as soon as he has time.

All the others posts are from normal users, who wanted to know why it is so important to delete an account instead of just leaving the site. And that are good questions^^

So, why u so uppset?


I prefer TMDB, just because it has so overall package and its more active there in the movie section. The only advantage of MC is the illegal transfered IMDB comments, but as far as I noticed, only quite a bit of these old post are reactivated by MC Users. Current and upcoming movies are more discussed on TMDB, so thats where I looked for discussions.


I fully agree with you. Entirely pleased and contented TMDb member here.


It's all a matter of preference, no matter what that personal preference is based on. Some of us are bound to prefer one over the other, for whatever reasons, regardless of which site we prefer. Others will divide their attention, threads, and posts between the two, slightly (or more) preferring one over the other, for whatever personal reasons.

I can no longer view the posts on tMDb without the first 1-2 inches on the left margin being cut off, as of a week or two, which renders reading the threads and posts there being virtually impossible for me to read. I also found the posters on tMDb to be often less welcoming and friendly, in general.

I noticed a fair number of threads referring to "libtards" and the like over there that turned me off, as well as some badmouthing MC, and accusing some posters of promoting MC over there. I could accuse a few of doing the same here, but prefer to think of them as expressing their subjective preference, which I don't mind at all. I haven't, so far, seen anyone here accuse anyone objectively discussion the pros and cons of other sites, except me!

Meaning, ironically, while I've been happy to objectively discuss the pros and cons of other sites, and this one, my personal preference is for this site, yet I've been attacked for even mentioning some of the pros of a few other sites, including iMDb.

At the end of the day, some will prefer MC, others will prefer tMDb, and still others will prefer other sites, for whatever their reasons. Some will use two or more sites to fill their needs. Ultimately it doesn't matter.


I'm going to use both. I like TMDB better, it has everything that IMDB has, so I never have to go back to IMDB ever again.

I've found activity levels similar across both websites - Homeland has very little activity, TWD has a lot more activity. I'm sure as time goes on the discussion boards will fill up..

I also asked an obscure question on The Concussion board on TMDB and it was immediately answered even though that board had 0 posts on it previously.


I fully agree with you about TMDb. I'm entirely pleased and contented with there.


I only come here


i mostly come at night... mostly...
