MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > All the moralizing over ''trolls'' and s...

All the moralizing over ''trolls'' and so-called ''productive conversation'' - indicative of our culture?

Especially when we had a site like IMDB where we had an Ignore button, what happened to just learning to develop thicker skins and ignore trolls?

Seems like so many people are out to be heroes by reporting others - how do you think you're changing the world, anyway?

When you have a site with millions of people - you are inevitably going to wander onto a movie about the Holocaust or that has race-bending in it and see distasteful comments - it's just the way people are. Rather than overload the Report function I always prefer to Ignore with my eyes and for those I can't there is always the actual Ignore function (which I used mostly on IMDB for people who were spamming pages with the same-ish comments taking up at least half the board).

For those posters who really are dangerous trolls like the doxxers, I probably would use the Report function - but I don't fetishize it like so many others do.


What is a dangerous troll?


If you have to ask, i would venture that you lack experience.

Enjoy your innocence...


No, I've seen all kinds of trolls. But what constitutes a dangerous troll? Posts links to disgusting pictures?


Could be. Everyone would describe it kind of a triage order.




STFU, troll : )



Unfortunately triggered snowflakes will always be obssessed with message board policing and trying to censor everyone else. They always volunteer to be mods because they want to get rid of opposing viewpoints.


They want to feel safe... It's all about safety and comfort these days. Everything must be a safe zone.


Meanwhile, the same people like me wouldn't like being a mod - because I would actually care about being fair and wouldn't feel up to the task. I would probably use my mod powers so rarely they'd kick me off for not regulating enough, lol


Ahem...."All that evil needs to exist is good people, standing by and doing nothing" (!)

Just kidding : )


<< When we Ignore button, what happened to just learning to develop thicker skins and ignore trolls? >>

I'm not implying you lack sensitivity...but part of being a community is looking out for other people, keeping an eye toward the greater good. If there's trash on the board...take it out. It isn't benefiting anyone and it's annoying (or in the case of hate speech, potentially hurting) others.

I think at imdb i only reported duplicate Threads by others, though, to keep them tidy. Otherwise, That site had become so out of control there was no point; it was a sinking, rat-infested ship : )

There's nothing to report here, though, because there's no guidelines yet. Maybe someday we can have special TROLLS PARADISE and HATE SPEECH boards, tho, and we can flag stupid or truly hurtful threads to be moved there? I can also envision a popular MISOGYNISTS CORNER.


Eh, I think it depends on how bad the trolls are, especially if they try to target people personally. I usually just ignore them, but they do sometimes get on my nerves.


When I was over on IMDb for years, I did just that...ignored them, although I did feed them a few times just for fun (as most of you should know by now, I mentioned this here earlier a few times already). In any case, you do indeed learn to develop a thicker skin in the process.


Oh, we all fed them. You're not alone : )


Oh, heck. We all gotta have some fun, right? ;)


Absolutely! Wouldn't be any fun without feeding a few trolls. 😉


EXACTLY. A lot of them were pretty harmless, they were just poking fun. How some people just went on reporting rampages with them I'll never understand - if anything some of them just made the place funnier.


That subject line tho.
It's making my eyes all twitchy



Please OP, replace your quotes in your title with 2 '. Or if you're really fancy, use French quotes (Alt+0171 and Alt+0187).
PS: « Like this », not «like this».


Can we edit subject lines?
I should go test that in some thread I have started.

seems like it could lead to shenanigans.
Like start a thread asking "who likes puppies?"
get 100 replies saying "yes I love them"
then switch the title to "who likes eating puppies?"


Haha, but yes, just did what Traveler suggested and it fixed the problem, so apparently you can change the title.


Yes you can.
And you have to admit that puppies are delicious, man!


I can see all sides to the issue. I have been known to troll a troll myself. And, my thick skin comes from growing up a redhead.

I think there's the instant gratification factor in play here also though. People don't want to have to weed through a landfill in order to get to the good stuff.


"People don't want to have to weed through a landfill in order to get to the good stuff. "

Yup, that's what the Ignore function was for. I used to be one of those people who bragged about not using it - but with spammers who clog the boards it can be very useful


<< that's what the Ignore function was for. >>

But then you have to scroll through pages of IGNORE notices to keep reading (autocorrect just made that FEEDING!) what might otherwise be a good read. WHAT purpose do they serve?


