MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What Popular Films or TV series Have You...

What Popular Films or TV series Have You STILL Not Seen

I mean actually sitting down watching from start to finish, films that were shoved in your faces and advertised everywhere so impossible not to know about. Channel hopping and catching a film/show halfway through doesn't count.

My list:

X-men - 2000 to present (edit - I remember the reason I avoided this was because I hated the costume designs not being faithful to the comics. Petty lol.)
The Matrix - 1999 to present
Every Mission Impossible
Toy Story - 1995 to present
Harry Potter - 2001 to present
Tomb Raider - 1998 to present
The Davinci Code - or related follow ups
Snakes on a plane
Xena warrior princess - 1995 - 2001
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - 1997-2003
Game of Thrones - TV series
Friends - TV series
Slumdog Millionaire
Suicide Squad


Films (at least recent ones):


"Doctor Strange"

"La La Land"


"Manchester by the Sea"

"Hacksaw Ridge"


I'm really curious as to how this year's Oscar nominated films are but will at least try and give them a shot.

TV Series (at least for now):

"This Is Us" (I watch so many other programs that it's hard to keep up with them all)


Right well, I'm pretty sure the majority of you will want to smack me for this but the one show I haven't seen and apparently 'I must see or I haven't existed', is Game of Thrones.

That's right.

And what?

And what.


Not really, that's up to you. It's really well made though and quite entertaining, so I would recommend it.


I'll just stick to T.V because there are way too many movies I could list

Game of Thrones
Mad Men
The Sopranos
The Office
Stranger Things
Boardwalk Empire
The Wire
Parks and Recreation
etc, etc


Breaking Bad
Sons of Anarchy


Was Snakes on a Plane really that popular aside from the meme it produced?


It probably has cult favourite status. A silly yet fun film.


I've seen at least some of each series you mentioned on your OP, except for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer .
I never did watch that but I have it on my Netflix queue. (I did see the original Buffy movie though).
Most of the ones on that list I have not seen EVERY part but I've seen at least some of it.

I have never watched Mad Men or the new Westworld, but I have seen the original Westworld movie. I plan to see the new Westworld when the new season on Game of Thrones starts. I don't get HBO, so I usually get HBO NOW just for the couple of months that GOT is on, and then I can also catch up on other HBO series.

I've never seen 'Entourage' or it's 'Always Sunny In Philadelphia', but both are in my Netflix queue.
I've never watched a full episode of 'Sex in the City' or any of those movies and never plan to. Actually I lie, I saw a about 10 minutes of one episode and it was so freakin stupid and entitled and whiny I never wanted to see more.
I've never seen "Girls" (the tv series) and never want to. I saw a movie with Lena Dunham (Tiny Furniture) and I hated it so much I will likely never watch anything with her again.

I don't watch most superhero/comic book movies, but I have probably seen at least one movie from most franchises. I watched Deadpool recently and liked it a lot.
I've never seen any of the Transformers movies.


On another note...I'm actually thinking of rewatching some of my favourite series, whenever I get the time:

Queer as Folk
Twin Peaks
True Detective SE2 (Yep, my favourite TD season)
Prisoner Cell Block H (the original Aussie series)
Penny Dreadful


So sad Carnivale got cancelled prematurely. At the very top of my list of series that deserved more seasons. Loved it to death, but never revisited after first viewing as I know the sadness of it being left so incomplete will come again.


I know, I think the creator had planned a 4 or 5 part series. The ending of Season 2, which turned out to be the finale, seemed so rushed and out of place. Still, I'm going to rewatch it because I just loved that old carny vibe. Great ambience.

If only they hadn't cancelled, hey? As Charlton Heston would have said to the studio chiefs who pulled the axe...'God damn you all!'


It was actually intended for six seasons. I'm pretty sure Carnivale would have been ranked among the greatest if completed properly.

Strange that viewer-ratings dropped so much in the second season. Everyone I talked with who saw it thought it was great.


Love, love, love Carnivale as well. Completely underappreciated and misused. It's more than a shame because of its timing. It seems like it was right on the precipice of TV really breaking out and becoming more weird and cinematic and viewers/creators making room for niche things.

I think, if it had come out today or around the last few years it would have been able to tell, if not all, most of its story and would've been much more seen and talked about or known of.

I've rewatched it a couple times actually and even though it still bums me out for what could have and was supposed to have's still lovely viewing!


Captain Marvel and last few Star Wars films.
