MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Man, fuck IMDB.

Man, fuck IMDB.

Seriously, fuck 'em. They've demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt that they don't give a shit about their 'community' or the thoughts of the large numbers of registered users who have kept their business afloat for years, even decades in some cases. Thirteen years of my content, gone. Flushed down the pan in a matter of seconds without a second thought.
Same story for everybody else, and even without the personal aspect I'd be P.O.'d at the colossal bonfire of cultural and sociological history that's been done today. And for what reason? Some meaningless marketing guff that's a weak attempt at covering up the fact that Amazon, champion of corporate greed ordered the boards erased. Pathetic. I would apologise for the swear words but frankly in this context I believe a lot more would be warranted.


I deleted my account, so fuck those guys.


And their stock plummeted when you did, you cunning rascal, you. You sure showed them!

You might want to look up the definition of “feckless” because your picture’s next to it.



A decade? Shit, I was going on 15 years. Feelsbadman.


My IMDb history lasted exactly 17 years--February 2000 - February 2017. Over 1,000 of my posts were still up. Everything before October 2003 was already dumped either by their system automatically removing older posts, or during the 2002 redesign of the boards. Went the other day to try to delete my account and found it already gone--presumably yanked by them for posting the list of suggestions linked in my first post on this thread. My scorn and derision for their barbarity knows no bounds.


fuck jeff bezos he is scumbag


A little late to this party? LOL


i went to the oldest threads page and wanted to revive a dinosaur


Fuck Bezos


Wow! Your wit and erudition cut Jeff to the quick! You’ve just demonstrated what a loss to posterity the closing of the boards was😢
