MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Man, fuck IMDB.

Man, fuck IMDB.

Seriously, fuck 'em. They've demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt that they don't give a shit about their 'community' or the thoughts of the large numbers of registered users who have kept their business afloat for years, even decades in some cases. Thirteen years of my content, gone. Flushed down the pan in a matter of seconds without a second thought.
Same story for everybody else, and even without the personal aspect I'd be P.O.'d at the colossal bonfire of cultural and sociological history that's been done today. And for what reason? Some meaningless marketing guff that's a weak attempt at covering up the fact that Amazon, champion of corporate greed ordered the boards erased. Pathetic. I would apologise for the swear words but frankly in this context I believe a lot more would be warranted.


@Karma-For-You - All your comments are here now instead.


I really do hate that fucking website now. The message boards were - and I don't want to sound melodramatic - a major part of the Internet community. Everybody knew about them even if they never posted or visited them. And not only did IMDb kill them off, they did it almost a full day ahead of time as a fuck you to their users.

I will never use that site again. I deleted me account as well as my Amazon account.


I'm over iMDb now. The exodus has turned into an adventure.


I hope at least some of the messages from people who were in the movies were saved. That was one of my favorite things about the boards, when I would go and look up some crazy old b-horror movie or something and people who worked on it had told production stories on the board. One of the ones I remember having this type of discussion was Satan's Blade, but I just looked that up and the board didn't make it over here. :(


Just checked a movie called Mutant (Night Shadows) whose writer posted on the IMDb board. Unfortunately, it didn't make it here. I hope that there are enough people who archived the boards who just haven't discovered this site yet, who can help Jim fill out some of the gaps. I love B horror as well.


@ Filmfan

I also just remembered that the writer of the movie Pandorum used to drop by and leave a post or two on board.

Good news is... the board for that movie exists. :)

Bad news is... his posts aren't among the other posts. Maybe they were deleted by IMDb at some point, maybe he deleted them himself, or maybe I don't know how to search this site properly???


Oh well, s**t happens so let's hope we can start a new community here and be grateful.


(Grumbles over wet campfire)
