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Questions about archiving, and is there any way I can help?

How are you going about archiving IMDb posts, and is there any way for us to help? Also, are you accepting suggestions for particular boards to back up?

I have been working tirelessly to archive as many as possible of my favorite IMDb boards as possible before they disappear forever. I've mostly been doing it by using the website downloading program HTTrack to download each board in its entirety to my computer's hard drive, although I have also adding a couple of boards (in their entirety, with every thread) to's Wayback Machine.

You can read about my efforts and see a list of the boards that I have saved to my hard drive so far at this link:

Is there any way that my archiving efforts can prove useful to you? For instance, if I were to upload ZIP files of the boards I have downloaded, could you integrate them into your archive?



@cinema. You're welcome. Here's hoping that develops some way for us to upload the archives that we have to supplement the archiving (normally not more than 40 or so threads, each only a maximum of nine replies deep) that itself has done.
