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My god is the MCU the most overrated film series ever

I am done ever paying for a MCU movie. After the latest Captain America movie, I am just straight up going to be honest about my feelings about these series of films that has the depth and style of a Michael Bay movie, with the riskiness and filter of kiddie friendly Disney, and WWE thrown in the mix.

Now I can live with a bad movie just fine, what I can't stay quiet with is an overrated bad movie, let alone a whole series of them. I like the 2nd Captain America movie because they actually put some effort into the story of that movie. Then with the constant praise the 3rd movie was getting with critics and audiences saying it's the best movie of the year and better than Winter Soldier, I was very optimistic Marvel was heading into the movie. Then I saw the movie. BTW I'm grateful I saw it on a streaming online site because I was really worried about it still since I know Marvel's track record.

First off to the people saying this movie is shocking. The trailers gave away the entire movie, so how was it shocking? Were people shocked with what wrestling maneuvers the heroes used on each other? The plot, oh the plot. It was taken from the comics and is a good point to have superheroes register to try and reduce collateral damage. Then the movie forgot it's own plot the very next scene as the heroes proceed to destroy airports and other things. Wow and people say Man of Steel had lots of shameless destruction. These characters can't stop destroying things even when the movie's plot was a collateral damage prevention program.

Oh but while the movie forgot it's own plot, it replaces it with WWE's Survivor Series. That's clearly what people came to see, isn't it? And if you think the WWE comparisons is unfair, I should point out the film's entire marketing campaign was marketing this film like a WWE event. Well I guess it didn't disappoint there. Team Cap or Team Iron Man? How about Team I don't care because Marvel had came up with every forced reason they can think of to have the heroes beat each other up in every movie to feature more than one hero like Iron Man 2, Avengers, Avengers 2, Ant-man and Guardians of the Galaxy. And in all those fights no one ever dies, so there's not stakes involved and is completely hollow, and I'm 100% certain it's the case here. *watches Marvel's Survivor Series match* Oh wow, what a shocker, no one died.

Then of course it brings us other of MCU's trademark fanservice like giving product placement to it's future films Spiderman and Black Panther. Normally I would be questioning how Paul Rudd and Falcon are suddenly best buds considering their last encounter had Rudd beating Falcon up because Rudd was trying to break into the Avengers HQ. However this is the MCU, and since when did characters needed motive and reason? Just look at the last Avenger movies. Ultron, Wanda and Quicksilver were flipflopping from hero side to villain side and back at the drop of a hat with no reason outside the plot demands it. Heck the Avengers movie before had zero info about the aliens or why they're working with Loki or why Loki wants to take over the Earth all of a sudden. Loki and the aliens might as well had join Dr. Evil and laugh maniacally with their pinkies to their mouths because that's how well thought out any of them were. Actually Dr. Evil would've probably asked for 2 million dollars or something like that, and that's clearly too much motive for MCU villains even if it's a stupid one.

At first I was wondering why Tony's mom has just now been introduced into the franchise, and well I should have seen why from a mile away. It's the same reason Black Panther's dad was in the movie and died as quickly as he appeared and why Winter Soldier is in this movie. They're all nothing but cheap plot devices to have their WWE matches between the heroes. Then at the end of the movie Steve bust his team out of prison and the movie just ends. Wow there's even less stakes in this movie than usual. My god was this movie so vapid and shallow.

Then we'll have Dr. Strange coming out in the fall and I'm sure we'll have the usually process of the movie getting it's rating here rigged weeks in advance to make IMDB top 100 movies of all time (they'll usually aim for the top 10) before anyone has even seen the movie. Then the story will probably be the same old crap as usual where it's basically Thor 1, Captain America 1 and Ant Man's story, just with their names crossed off and Strange's name and setting scribbled in.

Rachel McAdams and the villain will likely be another forgettable, bland love interest and villain that people will forget about their names by the time they step out of the theaters. I'm sure there's going to be some lame Dr. Strange needs/has a big heart moment thrown somewhere in the movie. The villain clearly was a former member of Tilda Swinton's group. "Reason? Dah, who needs that?" is going to be the "explanation" for why villain is a bad guy now.

However we all know what the important part of Dr. Strange will be.
1) Strange's kaleidoscope powers will enable him to open up portals or windows into other worlds so the Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor can make shameless cameos and hold up signs saying "please watch my new film, coming out in 2017". Strange will probably end up in NYC at some point too so Spiderman can cameo and say "oh wicked cool, I'm in this movie too? Do you have a flying carpet? Don't forget my movie opens next year too." Speaking of the GOTG, I think it's very fitting the director of that movie was the writer of the Scooby Doo films. I sincerely mean that. Hmm Marvel movies needs to be made like a Michel Bay film that takes no chances and is all about the nonstop CGI and action, but completely safe and not offensive as a Bay movie, also with lame one liners and jokes shoved in to try and be funny. Ah the writer of the Scooby Doo films, perfect match made in heaven.
2) With Strange now having a movie, he can clearly join Marvel's Royal Rumble aka Infinity War! Now they can have Strange shamelessly get involved in the WWE matches against other heroes. I can see it right now: "Dr. Strange is the surprise entry in the rumble. Oh he quickly knocks out three heroes in a row. Now he's teaming up with Starlord to wreck havoc. Wait since when were Dr. Strange and Starlord friends? When weren't they friends? Oh backstab and lowblow from Starlord, who could've saw that coming? What's this? Strange got Starlord's sister killed who we never heard of until now? The Guardians are now ganging up on Strange. Looks like they're setting him up for... oh Draxtista bomb! Draxtista bomb!"
Paul Rudd - "Wait a minute, aren't we suppose to be fighting Thanos or something?"
Iron Man - "Oh now you're trying to make some sense in this story?"
Paul Rudd - "Also aren't you suppose to be after me, Cap and the others because Winter Soldier killed your mom and we let him escape or something like that?"
Iron Man - "I said, oh now you're trying to make some sense in this story?"

Yup with a recipe like that, Dr. Strange will be considered the new best film of the year, rivaling only Captain America Survivor Series of course.

Also since Hulk and Thor are MCU's lowest solo performers, it makes perfect sense how Marvel/Disney is going to solve that problem. Put them both in the same movie and shoehorn some stupid reason to have them beat each other up of course! A fight between two MCU heroes where nothing is at stake and no one dies, we clearly never seen that before  . It will be considered the best film of the year. Well until Spiderman 3boot and Guardians 2 comes out that is.


I stopped reading after ''Kiddie friendly disney''
Translation: I'm too dumb to think of anything actual counterpoints to say, so instead I'm going to pretend to be smart and superior by using a response every stupid person uses. Yes because being unable to read past a few sentences is a sign of intelligence. 

BTW that last sentence is sarcasm. I think the eye roll and previous sentences would be a be enough of a dead give away, but figure I need to be more blatantly clear here.


My 26 yr old daughter has given up on DCEU so maybe you cancel one another out.

The worst MCU has been better than anything DCEU has coughed up.

I blame the studio system.

WB is old school. It's the style Hollywood has done for over a century & it doesn't work for CBMs because they tend to be part of a larger universe, not cordoned off in separate corners.

While the kiddie thing does usually denote something young (I honestly can't think of anyone I've worked with in the last 4 decades that says a movie looks too kiddie), it's actually the Disney bit that clues me in it's one of the DC fanboys because honestly, most adults I work with respect Disney as representing quality.

Disney has also been very hands off about Marvel, bring intelligent enough not to cut open the goose to get at the eggs.

Only those with an agenda against Marvel put them down saying Disney & that bitch seems to come out of the Pixar fanboys who have never forgiven Disney for buying Pixar.


I agree 100%. The MCU films are all the same in tone and filmmaking style. And they market themselves as "political thrillers" and "esoteric fantasy" to fool marks. The problem is that they are Disney films for adults who outgrew kids films. They are bland action-filled comedy-dramas with unfunny one-liners, half-hearted social messages that just ape the times and lots of hollow subplots to seem like this is adult storytelling. They certainly are more popular and populist than the DCEU, but way less ambitious, artistic and sincere. I found the 3 DC films to be ok, fantastic and mediocre. I've found the MCU to be mostly mediocre with The Avengers being almost fantastic. I won't even talk about the comic book mythologies they are adapting. I just think Warners is employing better casts and crews and Disney is just cookie cutter, almost identical to what they are doing with Star Wars.


You know what? I totally agree with you. Nothing is ever at stake in this universe. Dr. Strange was everything you predicted. You're right on pretty much all accounts.
