MovieChat Forums > Politics > <b>” Leprosy, Polio, Malaria, TB, Measle...

<b>” Leprosy, Polio, Malaria, TB, Measles … and MASSIVE UNSCREENED ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION”</b>

”For two years running, polio has been detected in some New York water samples, and this fall, leprosy re-emerged in Florida, where cases of malaria have also been recorded.

One distinct possibility, which officials are loath to discuss, is that the millions of migrants who have crossed into the country in recent years could be bringing the scourges with them, since many are from countries where such rare diseases persist and vaccination programs are not robust.


Another possibility: A large segment of the GOP think that immunizations are a Communist plot.


Are you implying that the illegals are actually all GOP members and RFK followers?

Damn, I didn't see that plot twist coming.


Not at all. I'm saying that many citizens are in thrall to a crackpot political party that poo-poos modern science and education, period.


Says the one that supports the party of 67 genders...


Yes, they are carriers of those things but so are the Bill Gates genetically modified mosquitoes, the chemtrails and the recent fogs that are carrying parasites.


And your source for all this is...


Oh dear...


Oh dear indeed; he hasn't got one.


Oh dear...




Oh dear, enjoy spending your life here...


We don't all have a pretend heaven to aspire to, Christian.


Dr Tom Wingfield, an expert in tuberculosis (TB) and social medicine at the UK's Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, told the BBC it is hard to underplay the impact of the decision to dismantle USAID. "People don't appreciate the extent and reach of USAID. It goes towards under-nutrition, hygiene, toilets, access to clean water, which all have a massive impact on TB and diarrhoeal diseases." Diseases don't respect borders


"...Diseases don't respect borders."

Impossible! All these illnesses are scared shitless at the sight of the orange oaf.


Pay for it yourselves, is that so hard? American taxpayers never signed up to be the world's sugar daddies.


Brixton couldn't possibly smell any worse than it already does so you should be okay over there.


Actually I have had ethnic meals in Brixton and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Maybe (if you actually ever went there) you just didn't recognised the smells which weren't burgers or hotdogs?


”Diseases don't respect borders”

You are correct, but stopping the illegals from jumping our border and waving them on would definitely help in curbing those diseases.

We are not the world’s caretakers…or we weren’t at one time.


"... since many are from countries where such rare diseases persist and vaccination programs are not robust."

Vaccination programs in the US are about to be terminated and then people wonder why any tourist can bring diseases into the country that spread like wildfire.


No they're not. And only a jackass would claim otherwise.


NO THEY ARE NOT! Just the Covid vax. More & more schools are not requiring it so federal funding is being stopped. When my girls started school I had to show documentation they were fully vaccinated. Not so these days with illegals coming from 3rd world countries and the Biden administration waving them on in. It’s no wonder diseases are once again rearing their ugly heads.


You don't realize the contradiction of your kids being fully vaccinated and immigrants bringing in diseases?
Iffffff Americans were fully vaccinated, there wouldn't be any kind of problem with diseases brought in, because Americans wouldn't get sick.


” Iffffff Americans were fully vaccinated, there wouldn't be any kind of problem with diseases brought in, because Americans wouldn't get sick.”

Vaccinations are a preventative. They are not a guarantee against a disease just as the false belief if fully vaccinated against Covid people won’t get it. Some continue to get Covid over and over. Those who were vaccinated years ago for what we referred to as the “childhood” diseases (I’ve had all of them) can still acquire the diseases.

Several years ago I visited my physician to get the whooping cough vaccination even though I had been vaccinated for it decades ago. It was rearing its ugly head against us older folks. So was Shingles for those who had Chickenpox. I requested and received the Shingles vaccine. There again I know people who’ve had the vaccine and are still getting Shingles.

Currently TB (tuberculosis) is also rearing its ugly head.

”The number of reported tuberculosis (TB) disease cases and incidence rate increased in 2023 for the third year since 2020, surpassing pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels.”

Your assumption Americans wouldn’t get sick if fully vaccinated…doesn’t hold water. Are you aware that ”Smallpox is the only human disease to be eradicated. However, a new report, Future State of Smallpox Medical Countermeasures, from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) argues that the U.S. and the global community should prepare for smallpox to make a return.”


"Vaccinations are a preventative. They are not a guarantee against a disease just as the false belief if fully vaccinated against Covid people won’t get it. Some continue to get Covid over and over. Those who were vaccinated years ago for what we referred to as the “childhood” diseases (I’ve had all of them) can still acquire the diseases."

Does this fake propaganda never die?
How often does one have to repeat that a vaccination doesn't prevent infection? Never ment to, never has, never will.
Vaccination gives your immune system a head start in fighting off an intruding virus, in an ideal case so much faster that the viral load you have in your body never gets big enough to cause symptoms.
Literally everybody gets infected with Covid over and over and over, just like everybody gets infected with the common cold frequently.
The difference with vaccinations against polio or measles vs cold, flu or Covid is the speed with which the virus mutates so far away from what you're vaccinated and/or naturally immunized against, that the immune system doesn't recognize the intruding virus anymore.
Viruses from the Corona family simply mutate so fast that any vaccination won't protect you against next years variant anymore, while vaccinations against polio or measles protect you much longer (but still not forever).
There's literally no difference between a vaccination teaching your immune system how to defend against a specific variant of a virus, or going through the disease until your immune system has learned it by itself, other than being much sicker in the process, natural immunity doesn't protect you any better nor longer, only long term side effects of the disease, such as "long Covid" are on average much worse than side effects from vaccination.


I wasn’t the one who wrote the following:

” Iffffff Americans were fully vaccinated, there wouldn't be any kind of problem with diseases brought in, because Americans wouldn't get sick.”

Then later the same person wrote the following:

”How often does one have to repeat that a vaccination doesn't prevent infection? Never ment to, never has, never will.”

Hmm? Definitely a head scratcher…


You don't want to understand it, do you?

Why would a vaccination that doesn't prevent infection still prevent people from getting sick?
Soll up, it's written in plain Text.

"Vaccination gives your immune system a head start in fighting off an intruding virus, in an ideal case so much faster that the viral load you have in your body never gets big enough to cause symptoms."

I guess you willfully ignored that sentence, just like you willfully ignore the fact that ALL vaccines against ALL diseases do this very same thing.
Nobody gets sick from a few 100 virus cells of whichever virus, even without vaccination the immune system is fast enough to fight it off before it can cause symptoms.
We're talking about something in between 1000s and some 100,000s of viruses entering the body on start, that multiply exponentially, with vaccination reaching a peak of maybe a few million before the immune system fights them off which will still work out with no or only mild symptoms, without vaccination reaching a peak of several billions which then causes severe symptoms.


Oh boy, opening this page with a different browser, one where I'm not logged in and not protected from all the nonsense those on my ignore list write, was some mistake I'll not make again.
However, since I was there and scrolled through in fast mode I picked up a few things that are just too far off any reality and since my ignore list will protect me from further replies of these users, let me point one out that is probably the best example, maybe those with a working brain can make use of it.

IFFFFFFFFF vaccination against a fast mutating virus would make the virus mutate faster, then why is the fastest mutating of all the corona viruses the commond cold, the only one where there is no vaccination against?
Why isn't the flu mutating faster? After all there has been vaccination against the flu for decades.

The polar opposite is true.
Mutations are biologically speaking "copy errors" when cells multiply and the copy isn't absolutely identical.
99.999% of these "random mutations" are to the disadvantage of the cell and naturally die out shortly after, out of the remaining 0.001% another 99.999% make no difference whatsoever.
Over time the accumulated mutations lead to the virus being so different from the old one that the human immune system doesn't recognize it as the same virus anymore and that still doesn't mean the new variant would neccessarily be more harmful to the host, just different, requiring an update to the vaccine.

Now how about a tiny little bit of basic logic? Doesn't require any science.
If several quadrillions of copies accumulate to mutations the immune system doesn't recognize anymore, which way does a virus reach this amount of copies faster and easier?
- by a few 100,000 copies it can make in vaccinated people before the immune system fights it off or
- by billions of copies it can make in non vaccinated people before the immune system fights it off?


It's pointless to use the same word, "vaccine", to describe medical interventions that have such disparate outcomes. The polio vaccine eradicated polio in country after country. It was truly a sterilizing mechanism. The Covid "vaccines" do nothing of the sort. In fact, Mark talks about the mutability of corona viruses, and the challenges that presents to an actual vaccine. This is precisely why in 2021 many of us warned that the mRNA shots, given the fact that they're non-sterilizing and train the immune system to narrowly fixate on one particular strain, would drive rapid mutations, thus prolonging the epidemic and quickly leaving the "vaccinated" at even greater risk than the unvaccinated who had developed the much broader natural immunity.

But Big Pharma and Big Government wanted to cash in on their genetic concoctions so they changed the definition of "vaccine" in order to make the public believe that two very different substances - one that provides close to lifelong sterilizing protection and one that might possibly, if you're lucky, lessen your symptoms but can also lead to repeated infections - fall into the same bucket. It was a cynical bit of deception that people like MarkPh still make excuses for today.


I will trust my family doctor over a dipshit self proclaimed doctor on a message board. It's cute how people like you think we should listen to your medical advice. I've been vaccinated multiple times and no health issues. Remember when your group claimed I would die from the vaccine? What happened?


But he’s right.

I've been vaccinated multiple times and no health issues.

… No health issues Yet.

And those are not vaccines, they are experimental mRNA injections.

Those injections were released in two batches:

Batch-1: Short term side effects including death within hours, days and weeks.
Batch-2: Long term side effects including death that occurs between months and years.

More Boosters = Reduced Lifespan


Nope I'm not listening to you dipshit. I heard that bullshit before and none of it came to be. Oh and fyi your orange man encouraged people to get it. So I guess he's corrupt also.


It hasn't come true "yet"

He encouraged people to take his version:

OWS (Treatment which consisted of: Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Vitamin D, C, Doxycycline Zinc and other early treatment methods).


Nope he told people to take the ones you wanted me against. Don't lie it's blatantly obvious when you do.


The vaccine that they put out is not what president Trump approved.

Also, president Trump made it known he wanted people to have HCQ.


Yes it is. Anyways by lying you have lost all credibility. Trump wants people to take the vaccine therefore he is a traitor according to you. I got you dead to rights. Choke on it fuckboy.


So much projection, deflection and denialism in your comment.

BTW, since you bragged about all those jabs you took and you still believe that Trump wanted people to take "those vaccines", then you should be thankful to Trump.


The same way you can excuse Trump advocating the jab the same way I can overlook it when I criticize him. I require more than believing in the vaccine to get my support. Thanks for admitting your orange guy wanted the jab. You should do what he says. You believe in him right?


I provided you with ample evidence above that you are wrong and that he was referring to his version of the covid treatment, and yet, you insist in believing lies and being in denial.

You can't condemn him for something that you claimed to have taken several times with no health issues.

Either you believe in the jabs and therefore be grateful to Trump or he didn't tell people to take it. You can't have it both ways. You are contradicting yourself and being hypocritical.


Nope you provided nothing. Did Trump advocate for the jab or not? If he did you need to listen to him. After all you view him as God so make sure you listen to him fuckboy. Take a step back and literally fuck your own face tvfan. You are human garbage.


It’s no surprise that you stay in an echo chamber of you own projections.


No, I don't remember anyone from "my group" making an outlandish claim such as "every last person who gets jabbed will die". However, I do know more people who suddenly and mysteriously died before their time than people who died because of Covid. I know I'm glad I never got jabbed and anyone who tried to do so to my daughter would have severely regretted it.


I remember it and every time you guys were full of shit. I trust the doctors over a dipshit like yourself.


I wish you the best of luck.


Haven't needed luck this far. What you going to say when proven wrong? You man enough to admit to being wrong or you just going to move the goal post?


Proven wrong by what? You continuing to exist?


That's just it. You conspiracy theorists are full of shit. Why should I trust you over my family doctor? Explain that to me.


Do doctors rely on second opinions? Then so should you.


I did from a retired doctor and a scientist. I'm not taking a second opinion from some dip shit on a message board. So what now?


As I said earlier, fare thee well. I want everyone (well, most everyone!) to live a healthy, contended life.


I'm living well and have had no issues. I know better than to listen to dipshits like yourself. So far it's serving me well.


Your anger isn't healthy.


Your ignorance isn't either. So let's make a deal. I will dial back anger and you dial back your ignorance. Deal?


Some doctors lie, especially when they are being incentivized:


So Trump encouraged the poison then. He deserves to be called out for that.
