MovieChat Forums > Politics > Complete flake RFK, Jr now confirmed to ...

Complete flake RFK, Jr now confirmed to head HHS. Maybe Aaron Rodgers can go work for him...

since the Jets don't want him back. He'd be a good fit. They could talk about homeopathy or replacing vaccines with some holistic bullshit or whatever else people who are into alternative medicine pseudoscience are into at the moment.


Hope he doesn’t go after big pharma! They need immunity♥️


I doubt he actually does.

I read that deportation levels are now roughly similar to what they were under Obama. Any talk of going after big pharma will be forgotten, too.

Trump's first term was all about serving big money interests and his second, even more so. Along with taking just about complete control of the federal government and doing away with judicial review and the whole system of checks and balances.

All the drain the swamp talk and the anti establishment image are just marketing. He's all about the establishment, the corporate establishment. The big money.


hope they got their boosters. lol


One in each arm!


Given the exemplary state of health, fitness, and health care in this country, we should continue doing exactly what we've been doing and not even think about changing a thing!


The countries that do better than we do when it comes to health, they aren't doing it with the kind of bullshit that RFK is into.


Gates and Fauci are not going to sleep well in the next few days.


It will be interesting to see the outcome of those two guys! Pretty sure they will skate.


I'm buying stock in Kleenex, you assholes are going to have a very loooooooong four years.


Right Wingers love telling their opponents this but it is MAGretters who appear to be cropping up more and more, as things go on. EG


India Times? That's your evidence. We care about what they think as much as we care about what you think. Jack shit.


There is no shortage of evidence for buyer's remorse from MAGretters.

We care about what they think as much as we care about what you think

Then you can stop replying to me on this thread then, can't you?


More Propaganda.


Thank you for your opinion, to which as usual you are welcome.


Nothing but propaganda. In other words, lies. They've been lying for 10yrs, they're suddenly going to start telling the truth? No.

Trump's approval rating is through the roof.

You lost. You're a loser. Get over it. Oh I forgot, you're not even American. Even bigger loser.


Nothing but propaganda. In other words, lies. They've been lying for 10yrs, they're suddenly going to start telling the truth? No.

Who? All those disillusioned Trump voters?

Trump's approval rating is through the roof.

You surely don't believe the MSM propaganda, or the words of his supporters ... do you?

You're a loser. Get over it.

I'm not a loser, for one thing the schadenfreude and entertainment value brings those not lumbered with your country's unpredictable administration a lot of rewards.


1.) No Trump supporter I know is regretful, 3-weeks and he has been keeping his promises.

2.) That food is mostly non-perishable so it has at least a 90+ day retention.

3.) We have plenty of people here in our country that can use that food, eg the poor, the homeless, victims of disaster, etc.

4.) 100% of foreign aid should be funded by voluntary donations NOT by taxpayers.


No Trump supporter I know is regretful,

Yes, but one doubts you get out much; and you certainly don't fact check your opinions.

The supply of MAGretters grows every day, so let me know if you need to see more. You know it is ironic this, after being told that all the whining was coming from the left LOL


More propaganda. No evidence that they were Trump voters.


Quite right, it is so obvious that MAGret is impossible, especially by so many across so many sources. Thank you for being so sensible.


I'm still waiting for that proof.



You made the allegations, now back them up by confirming them, otherwise, you were regurgitating propaganda as usual.


You haven't yet told me what proof would be acceptable and not just regurgitating propaganda as you would have it. Funny that.


Did any of those sources you cited provide proof or confirmation that those were actual Trump voters? ... Of course Not, but you still drank their koolaid and you think that others are as weak-minded and gullible as you to fall for the same nonsense.


Did any provide proof or confirmation that those were actual Trump voters?

And how would they do that without being accused of forgery, lying or misrepresentation?

You set a ridiculously high bar. Once again: is there any reason to doubt all the examples provided, without exception, other than what they say is inconvenient to you? I think it is reasonable - to anyone but you, at least - to think that some of the instances at least will be genuine. And, as noted before, to assert that MAGret is simply impossible and dismiss things on that basis is fooling no one. Obduracy noted.

Since in the face of what has been provided, your denials seem untenable and really rather desperate, I will leave it there. Thank you for playing.

And one more for luck:


Define the proof you would accept. No fact checkers allowed I assume. No sites you disapprove of. No MSM. ..


It's only been three weeks and their meltdowns are worse than Trump's first term.


They're really losing their shit this time!



Propaganda, especially since there's no evidence that they voted for Trump.


Yes; all those people, across a number of different sources must be fake, makes sense that. No MAGA voter could possibly ever regret their vote.


Prove it.


No MAGA voter could possibly ever regret their vote. We can all see that now, how very unlikely that would be, right?


Still waiting for that proof.


Don't you read? No MAGA voter could possibly ever regret their vote. We can all see that now, how very unlikely that would be, right? Your opinion is proof enough for me!

For everyone else - especially those who find X a source we have such as


I'm still waiting .....


What would constitute proof to you exactly?




LMAO this article interviews people that didn't even vote, omg. (Typical BuzzFeed)

Are you fucking serious, dude?


this article interviews people that didn't even vote

"Post-Election Day, we asked Trump voters of the BuzzFeed Community ...1. "Well, this is the truth as I see it. I voted... 6. "I wouldn’t say that I regret voting for Trump again, "

Also, plenty other examples of MAGret online, as I have deminstrated,


You apparently are not very familiar with the US system of federally subsidized farming, where farmers are paid to leave fields fallow for various reasons. Those crusty assholes are likely upset that they won't be paid as much for their inactivity.


Never the less they are rueful MAGAs - the point. Examples of others not being hard to find.


That reddit post contains something I'm actually quite familiar with. Have you stumbled on any posts where I've mentioned my profession?


Sorry no; I haven't. Would that be pertinent here?


Extremely, but I won't ruin the mystery for now.

I'll just say that what that references may have drastically negative implications for some, but what that particular family is engaged in is the type of exploitation that has tainted the altruistic intent of what was described, to the detriment of everyone involved.

They have my contempt as well as a lack of sympathy.


Meidas Touch is a leftist organization.

"Launched in 2020 and based in California, MeidasTouch was a SuperPac renamed Democracy Defense Action founded by three brothers; Ben Meiselas, Brett Meiselas, and Jordan Meiselas. Their about page says, “Ben is a lawyer; Brett a video editor; and Jordan a marketing supervisor.” In summary, MeidasTouch’s ultimate mission is to defeat President Donald Trump in the 2024 election. They hope to achieve this by producing viral videos and news on social media. They state, “When Trump lies or spreads propaganda, we will always be there to produce rapid-response videos to take the oxygen out of his messaging.”"


That does not mean that they are wrong, or buyer's remorse does not exist, as the many examples of which I have linked to testify. Or are you of the tvfan school of thought: that MAGret is impossible and so every case presented must be fake?


Are you there God? It's me, MAGret.


It absolutely means they are at the very least heavily biased but more likely purely propaganda. I wouldn't trust a single fucking thing they report.


So just to be clear, you think MAGret is impossible, and so every case presented must be fake? Buyer's remorse with such an unpredictable and bullying president is not a thing?


I think you assholes have no credibility and are desperate. Your words carry zero weight.


Thank you for not answering my questions and instead resorting back to the usual personal insults, which is telling.


Again, not a personal attack but a fact. I know you're one of those who thinks any disagreement is a personal attack but it's not my fault your brain doesn't work.


not a personal attack ... it's not my fault your brain doesn't work.




Any evidence that those are Trump voters?


No MAGA voter could possibly ever, possibly, regret their vote, I get that now.


Prove it.


Prove that no MAGA voter could possibly ever, possibly, regret their vote? But your doubt is enough! It is impossible!


I'm still waiting for that evidence.


OK then. What would constitute evidence to you?


And answer came there none. Funny that.


Yeah fuck him, the big drug companies love us and want us to get healthy, how dare he question them.

I mean, profit and health go together like peanut butter and gravel, I mean, chocolate, chocolate covered gravel.
