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The Left and The Exorcist

Anyone who has tried having a political discussion with a Leftist eventually realises that their interlocutor is a braindead fanatic, allergic to reality and incapable of good faith dialogue.

Watching The Exorcist recently I was struck by Father Merrin’s warnings about the demon:

“Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don’t listen to him. Remember that – do not listen.”

I think this is good advice to anyone entering political dialogue with a Leftist. Try it on these boards - engage a Leftist and you’ll soon see all they have are lies and deceit in pursuit of an evil agenda - the preservation of their cult which exists to destroy humanity for the sick pleasure of their perverse and hate filled cult-leaders.

Watching them thrash around spitting vulgarities and lies as Trump and Elon cleanse America of the corrupt Leftist Deep State (see Ranb’s daily TDS posts) is reminiscent of Demon-Regan wailing, gnashing, spewing vomit etc as the evil is being exorcised from her body and soul.

I’m not religious but the film seems to have tapped into a truth about the nature of evil, and it’s striking how well that maps onto the cult of the Left.


That was rather fitting.


If only The Exorcist had come out ten years later we might be instead talking about the Regan/Reagan connection.


That's a very accurate summary. It's as if they are demonically possessed.


If there was ever a political party that would happily sell their souls to the devil, it's the Democraps, and the RINO's would join them. Commies would come next, pretending like their atheism would shield them (little tip: it doesn't). It's debatable whether some Republicans who weren't RINO's would sell out or not. Same goes for third parties and the politically homeless. Highly variable.

I can't speak for political parties overseas (like in Europe) because it's hard to tell what kind of psychological makeup they have vs. America.


Something is going on in those mushy progressive brains. I’m not about to rule out demonic possession. Or a suicidal mind control fungi in the brain.


Don't forget that using facts and logic with them is actually not unlike calling out a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (the Malignant kind) with solid, physical or video evidence. Their mental illness will not allow them to admit they are wrong at all, and they won't admit that their arrogance and stupidity is what's causing society's problems, not the other side.


Yes, the light of truth causes a Leftist to turn red, thrash around spew vitriol like Regan.

They respond to facts like vampires to a crucifix.


In colloquial usage, the term demonization is used metaphorically to refer to propaganda or moral panic directed against any individual or group, for the purpose of defamation, character assassination and/or dehumanization.


What is more demonizing, referring to someone as "a" Dick Sergeant or as "the" Dick Sergeant?


Only you can tell us that. You chose the latter.


Demonization is in the eye of the possessed.


That is something we can agree on. I hope MeltDown gets better soon.


Is he ill? Will not withstanding.

Other than Skavau that we've already gone over, I am missing CM right about now. But I'm glad you're around as well.


Is he ill?

That was the conclusion I came to. And he stalks me still; by replies or even entire threads.



This may be a bad time to ask after that stalking reference, but was your emphasis in Anthropology?


Sorry, but I have learnt after some hard experiences that it is unwise to share personal information on this board.


That one is rather neutral but I understand after encountering a few of the threads you may be referencing.

Philology would be my second guess, for the record.


Oh dear...


Your Christ has still not come back, Christian. And He promised. Oh dear.


Oh dear...


Great. Your point?


I don't think anyone here wants to have their mind changed on anything.

Although it is quite funny to ask some of those folks a simple question and get tumbleweeds.


I don't think anyone here really gives a shit about anything you have to say.

You should stick to your routine of simping on anyone in GD that self identifies as a woman.


"But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us."

Yes, basically their mixing lies with truth is taking things out of context and using statistics that are technically right but were collated in a manner to get a particular outcome. Like their gun death statistics where they fail to mention most of those are suicides.


See Trump's lawsuit against CBS news for an example.


Yes, good example.

They will also ‘fact check’ with statements like ‘Trump bravely crossed the DMZ into North Korea on Thursday: FALSE’.

The statement is true except for the detail about Thursday (which they added themselves) so they list it as ‘FALSE’.

Truth mixed with lies to more effectively deceive the public. When dealing with the Left, one needs to be like a metal detector, scanning everything they say in fine detail for bullshit. Learning their tactics of deceit and rhetorical tricks.

In the end you realise these fuckers are relentless lie-machines bent on the destruction of all things good and true and just need to be destroyed.


Truth mixed with lies to more effectively deceive the public.

Exactly. They do this with all their bullshit fact checkers.


I exorcise demons for sport.
The power of Christ compels you!!!
