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Jan 6th pardons prove that USA elections are fraud

US military veterans volunteered to be at the Capitol building to take down the fences and herd real Trump supporters into the Capitol building with the understanding that Trump would be elected in 2024 and then promptly pardon them. Biden's handlers had him weaselly, unjustly pardon a bunch of psychopaths right before he left office so that real democrats can't complain when Trump pardon the psychopath Jan 6th USA military veterans. This was all planned by the war profiteers that control both the democrat and republican parties. Trump being reelected was a part of the plan so the elections are hacked by war profiteers to make it so Trump is reelected. US elections are fraud.

The USA would have to go back to all paper ballots and hand counting if Americans want fair elections. If paper ballots came back it is more than likely that democrats would win by a landslide, and it would be shown that that the republican party gets as many votes as the Green party. Psychopaths who publicly call themselves a democrat know this.


A lot of us want paper ballots and Voter IDs, but democrats hate those things because they can't cheat elections if they are fair.


If paper ballots came back it is more than likely that democrats would win by a landslide

You have that backwards since they have been cheating for at least the past two decades.


Let me guess, you were saying back in 2020 that it was the most "secure election in US history" and called that farce of an FBI Psy-op an "insurrection?" Interesting that you're retconning it all now.

Most elections have been fraudulent since the 1930s, maybe even earlier than that, most notably after the CIA and FBI were founded in the early 20th century. FDR was even quoted as saying that most presidents are secretly appointed, not actually chosen by the Electorates or the American people at all. Most of what we've seen in the past 80 years has been little more than political theater....until 2016.

Just think, if the Democraps hadn't rigged the 2020 election in favor of Dementia Joe, Trump would have finished his second term and have been gone from the White House by now.
