MovieChat Forums > Politics > Don't Forget The Holocaust...

Don't Forget The Holocaust...

You couldn't make this up:-

BBC main headlines right now.

Sub headline below this - "Gazan begin long walk home after 15 months of war", with a picture of a stream of humanity heading back to their bombed out / completely destroyed homes.

Tone deaf or do they just think people are utterly stupid?


Some of the antisemites on this board would do well to remember the Holocaust, full stop.


The worst victims of forgetting the holocaust are the Israelis. That's the sickening irony I was getting at with the OP...

Absolutely disgusting.


How could we Goyim ever forget??


Fortunately on this board I have only come across Holocaust denial once.


There's been a number of references denying magnitude or intent, but absolute denial here is rare.

I'm glad to see you're here posting today. Welcome back.


Thank you. I've been away for 2 days for a family funeral. After the death of American liberal democracy just recently, it has been quite a time of bereavement, all in all ...


I've too experienced such bereavement in the form of a recent loss of a neighbor and close friend and I wish you the best in advancing through your grief.


The histrionics never die, though, do they?


Thank you for your empathic response at this time.


Don't play the martyr with me. "Death of American liberal democracy" is what you said. Your passive-aggressive bullshit doesn't work here.


Triggered easily?


Just because I mentioned your passive-aggressive nature doesn't mean you had to immediately offer an example of it.


Because you deserve better?


I’d like to echo what Semi said — it’s nice to see you back here.


Thank you.


There was a topic in the German news just an hour ago where they had statistics saying 18% of all Germans under 25 have never heard the word Holocaust.


Plot twist, those "Germans" are actually Turkish and Middle Eastern immigrants now residing in Germany.


Haha and when they hear about it they are going to get boners.


It's even worse now!

Second story:-
"We were stripped of all our humanity': Auschwitz survivors remember

Further down:-
"My home is no longer there":
Palestinians return to north Gaza.

And much further down:-
A link to a video of a sea of humanity (although obviously not the same quality of humanity) marching along the coast line, all belongings in hand, going back to their bombed out, destroyed homes.

And it's happening right now. But hey, ho I guess not as important as events of eighty years ago...

Utterly shameful from the BBC.



The SAME day:-



im still not sure what you are banging on about

Gazans returning home after their attempted genocide at the hands of the israelis and auswitz anniversary are happening at the same time .


Never forget.


Don't Forget The 2020 Stolen Election...

Stolen Elections have Consequences.


I've seen you write this before but I don't really know what it means (not American). Is this some theory that if Trump had been in the rampage of Israel wouldn't have happened?


Not a theory, it's a fact. Did they attack while Trump was in office? ... NO


Oh right, got you - So you think it wouldn't have happened under Trump's watch?

But didn't he say yesterday that he wanted the Palestinians to be entirely removed from Gaza and taken in by Egypt / Syria? So I'm not sure he's a huge fan of the Palestinian...

... Plus he's stopped their free condoms! 😂


So you think it wouldn't have happened under Trump's watch?

But it didn't happen under Trump’s watch ... Fact.

Are you trying to quote Trump from the MSM? … Never mind, you’re a TDSer.

Condoms = Swamp Code for “more laundering money”


I don't know what a TDSer means...

But yeah:-

Condoms = Swamp Code for “more laundering money”

That's exactly what I was thought as well...
