I've seen topics in several forums discussing this test, the results are always near identical.
The ones on the right almost unanimously declare the test to be false, the results not correct, etc.
A few true right wingers come up with results that do show them in the top-right quadrant, by far not as high up in the upper right corner as Republicans are, more in the area where Democrats are, but of course they flat out deny that that could be the correct position of Democrats.
The ones on the left are usually surprised just how far to the bottom-left they end up and even more surprised that their position is so much further left and further down that there is no political party anywhere close to them.
So what about you? Done the test before or willing to do the test now?
Where do you end up?
I'm at -9.5/-9.5 in the bottom-left corner, the polar opposite of Trump.
Did you read the actual question, or just picked one or two words out of it and jumped to false conclusions from there?
The question reads
"IFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF economic globalisation is inevitable ....."
and then you can answer whether you think it should serve humanity or corporations, ifffffffffff it couldn't be avoided all together through some whatever measures.
Whether or not it can be avoided and if so then whether or not it should be avoided are different questions covered later in the test.
This test has as much validity as one of the myriad IQ tests on the internet that ends with a contrived score and a picture of Einstein.
OP, you have effectively preloaded this conversation before it began with gaslighting anyone who doubts the accuracy of the test. Your stock in this seem to me to indicate a lack of acquaintance with the likes of quality assessments and surveys that are intentionally particular with word choice, the principle of mutual exclusion, and notions such as non answers or indications of a lack of conviction. That every question in this supposed test is a degree of binary yes/no renders it little more than a toy and is the sort of thing you might expect from a college freshman taking a GE course in political science; even a first year psychology major would be embarrassed at the quality here.
Question 1: If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.
There's so many problems here already that I'm frankly questioning the intelligence of the OP for presenting this as anymore than a novelty.
-"If economic globalisation is inevitable"...what if it isn't? What if I believe this question is redundant because the world will end from nuclear war before this occurs, or the Rapture will happen...or anything. Is "Neither agree nor disagree" too much to ask from the lazy creators here?
- "Humanity" This poor attempt to insert a vague term here seems intended to obfuscate the false dichotomy presented. It's almost as if the authors of this test are too stupid to realize that trans-national corporations are composed of humans.
- "trans-national corporations" This specific term seems intended to generate a negative response; these aren't just businesses and corporations, these are TRANS-NATIONAL corporations. What if I support domestic or state owned corporations over "humanity," whatever that even means?
"If economic globalisation is inevitable"...what if it isn't?"
Then you first answer the question and then move on to later questions where your "what if" is covered.
"Humanity" stands for all people, making clear it's trans national, just like "trans national corporations" are, what's the problem there?
Almost all corporations are trans national, there would be no point in comparing them to the population of a specific country.
The website has been for ages a tool with a very good reputation for getting predictions and analysis of parties in several countries right, the test is designed to help you figuring out where you're standing yourself, but of course that cannot work if you have a preset opinion about where you want to stand that may or may not match reality.
The common saying about this kind of mindset is, "if the facts to not match my opinion then the facts must be wrong" and if that's where you are, the test is in fact useless for you.
"If economic globalisation is inevitable"...what if it isn't?
Then you first answer the question and then move on to later questions where your "what if" is covered."
No, I click either agree or disagree. This is then computed into my "score." I'm sorry that you seem unable to grasp this flaw.
That you are an apologist for this low effort product is quite apparent. Have fun with your game here dismissing anyone who doesn't take this seriously, I suppose. You come off as a moron claiming you're smart because the IQ test you clicked on in flashing banner told you so but that's your business.
Correct, you answer whether you think globalisation should serve the people or the large businesses and of course that's totally independent from the two other questions whether you think globalisation is avoidable and if so whether it should be avoided.
The world is getting more and more globalized, that's a fact, so what's the problem in answering whether in todays world the people or the big business should be more important?