Douglas Murray, Spectator columnist, joins Americano host and Spectator deputy editor Freddy Gray. This week, Home Office Minister Jess Phillips rejected Oldham Council’s request for a government-led inquiry into the horrific scandal of grooming gangs in dozens of UK cities. Her decision has led to real backlash – with X owner Elon Musk calling for safeguarding minister Jess Phillips to be jailed, and for the King to dissolve parliament. Have politicians underestimated the strength of public feeling in the UK and the US? They also discuss the Southport riots, and ask why some politicians are unwilling to confront societal problems in the name of political correctness.
It's funny. While I agree with almost every perception and conclusion Douglas Murray broadcasts, I find the guy creepy and unsettling. He always goes too far to the point where he undermines himself. Britain does seem to have a huge Muslim problem, almost to the point where that country is a hopeless mess, or at least that is what it looks like.
If Muslims and Muslims supporters in the US did what they did in the UK I'd be 100% for deporting them. If you don't like Western values and you cannot subscribe to civilized beliefs, there is no tolerence for the intolerant.
Sure enough, Islamic terrorists do their best to make us afraid of them, but they don't like it when people are Islamophobic. Islam as a religion, social system or way of thought is complete dehumanizing garbage. I pity the people who are born and raised under Islam.
> Indeed. But they represent a very small proportion of all Muslims.
You don't seem to know much about Islam, but you have a rainbows and lollypops view of Islam.
Almost 90% of all Muslims when polled agree that violence is appropriate if someone insults their religion, ala Charlie Hebdo. Maybe they would not do the violence themselves, but they are brainwashed and programmed to hate. They also have a lot of money and influences in the West because of their oil money.
Spend a little time persuing the web pages at and listen to lectures by Islamic "scholars".
To me a religion is supposed to be a way for all people to recognized the humanity and rights of others - the "do unto others ..." Golden Rule.
There is no such thing in Islam, because the contemporary Muslims belief is that they are God's people living by the last word of God and must spread that word even if through violence and death. No other groups can live under Islam, thus it is also deadly folly for any country to allows non-Secular Muslims to immigrate to their country.
More than eight-in-ten American Muslims say suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilian targets are never justified (81%) or rarely justified (5%) to defend Islam from its enemies. Worldwide, most Muslims also reject this type of violence, with a median of 72% saying such attacks are never justified and 10% saying they are rarely justified.
I don't have any particular affection or support for any religion but at least try and be balanced. In any group there are good and bad, what is important is not to stereotype on pre conceived notions.
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Golly, so only about 20% of American Muslims believe suicide bombing are justified in order to defend their faith against its enemies (real or imagined)? We'll all sleep well tonight.
Yes, there are good and bad in all groups, but that doesn't imply that all groups are equal in terms of danger. What evidence is there that, say, the worst of the Amish and the worst of the Moslems are in any way equivalent? To deny these sorts of differences, which, if you were honest, you'd admit you're doing right here, is the height of ignorance.
Pattern recognition, or as you prefer "stereotyping", is a fundamental human trait that evolved over tens of thousands of years and serves survival instinct. Do you deny this, Mr. Science?
Pattern recognition, or as you prefer "stereotyping", is a fundamental human trait that evolved over tens of thousands of years and serves survival instinct.
Yes, stereotyping is a form of pattern recognition, good or bad. Stereotypes are evaluative, overgeneralized personal traits assigned to a group. But though a stereotype may be statistically accurate it may not universally valid. It is just that our brains want our expectations to be supported. Simply understanding that this happens is an important way to check those assumptions, and not let them influence judgment. While not inherently negative, "stereotype" often carries a negative connotation because it involves oversimplification and can lead to prejudice. Religious stereotyping, especially from the right, is prone to being usually negative, as we've seen on this thread. Glad to help.
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No one said it was. But in the main it is a useful primer on making everyday decisions, from the trivial to the life-saving. Sorry that that hurts your pwecious feewings.
I have already over other claims on this thread. And in every case I find accusations against all Muslims based on the actions of a very few, exaggerated, willfully ignorant and, ultimately, sadly racist.
Whenever I see a reply offering nothing but advice for me to do my own research I see a lazy reply that offers no evidence. Blaming a whole population for the ills of society, real or imagined, is to be deplored. Change the word 'Muslims' in this thread to 'blacks' or 'jews' in this thread and you get the effect.
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Your claimed research is a lie. I'm not playing duelling links for an avowed Muslim, you don't care about facts and rationality.
If you want to prove something, go to one of the Douglas Murray videos or interviews and rebut his points, that is where they all are. No point in having me retype them all over.
And you don't offer research, you just point to claims in oddball links that you are ascribing your own opinions to. In short, you're a fake who has learned how to lie the Islamic way.
The truth is in the news day to day for all to see.
Denying outright all inconvenient sources and truths is a right wing trope.
for an avowed Muslim
And that is gaslighting.
go to one of the Douglas Murray videos or interviews
Oh dear. So profound is Murray’s Islamophobia that a former colleague of his has described him as a “thoroughly nasty piece of work full of venom and hatred for Muslims”, as someone who has a “perverse & deranged obsession with all things Islam related.” eg
ANY religion becomes violent towards ethnic minorities when they get to political power, most times not even one religion against another religion, but just one denomination of a religion against another denomination of the same religion.
Even the supposedly peaceful religions like Buddhists are no exception there, visible in what the Buddhists do in Myanmar with the Rohingya.
It's what the Turks do with the Kurds, it's what the Russians do in Chechnya and wherever else in the world you want to look.
It's a very strong reason to make the separation between church and state as strict as possible, but it's no reason to think only Muslims would do that.
True is, Islam is the only religion that is in many countries state religion and therefore does have the power of enforcing religious BS on the people including discrimination against other religions and atheists, but that doesn't mean other religions wouldn't do the same if they had the same power.
If only 10% of what Trump and his followers have announced they want to do is true, we will all shortly see what cruelties Christians are capable of.
> but that doesn't mean other religions wouldn't do the same if they had the same power.
That is the whole point - they do have the power because they abuse their own citizens to the point of brainless fanaticism. Read the story of Mosab Hasan Yousef who explains it perfectly, from his own life.
The point is, they do have the power in their home countries, but once migrated into the western world they will be able to maintain such power only if the country they migrate into discriminates against them so much that they are forced to build enclosed communities among themeselves within the foreign country within which fundamentalists can then gain control over them.
In Switzerland that just doesn't happen.
filmflaneur, I think that you are a fool. There is no "Islamophobia" in England, there is only a reasonable concern about the behaviour of some of the adherents of the faith. You type like you have no knowledge of the atrocities that have been comitted in England in the name if islam.
Of course there is fear and racism against Islamic peoples/Muslims.
Most of the terrorism in the world has been perpetrated by Islamic
groups. Muslims try to leverage historic anti-Semitism to make themselves
appeal to anti-Semites and other haters around the world - because that is
all Islam has, and exists for - people who are obsessed with violence and hate.
If the majority of Muslims did not agree with the edicts from Saudi Arabia or Iran they would express it loudly and clearly - but they do not.
Listen to the most popular Mulim media personality in the West, Mehdi Hasan. The guy is a full-fledged Muslims and tries to talk around his duties as a Muslim, but never does. He supports Islam fully and works to make it respectable in the West when it is 1000% at odds with everything in Western society and philosophy.
Funny expression, like you are so civilized, as you defend a murderous terrorist religion that cannot even get along within its own ranks.
You want to do some research you claim ... so go on YouTube or Twitter and look up Yasmine Mohammed is an ex-Muslim who speaks out against the extreme religion, and how woke useful idiots are being used against us. She was forced to marry an al-Qaeda terrorist, but has since escaped and now speaks out with incredible bravery.
Most women who speak out or leave Islam are dead so they don't get to speak out. Look that up too - the women in Iran who were murdered by the religious police, or whose murders were justified by Islamic Law.
You either know nothing, or are trying to spread disinformation.
YouTube or Twitter and look up Yasmine Mohammed is an ex-Muslim who speaks out
One example, however sincere and impressive is not enough to condemn all Muslims and their religion. There is also a lot on those two sites in favour of Islam; so what? Also, I would not do 'research' on YouTube or X. They are not authoritative, often without any quality control and, (especially the latter) can be breeding grounds for right wing hate.
Oh dear, if you defend Islam, you are not so delicate.
One example is not just one example. YM talks about all her friends and the people she knows, and how they act and their strategies.
There are countless stories like hers.
Another one is Mosab Hasan Yousef, the Son of Hamas. has video after video explaining Islam. Hundreds of them all tell a very similar story.
Then there are a honor killings. What other society or religion has honor killings in this day and age and does not condemn it? Islam has it written into Sharia law.
Oh dear, do you know anything about what you are talking about, or just how to pretend you do and lie about it?
You know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?
And you are still stereotyping. I am not saying that there is nothing in Islam that is beyond reproach, but a lack of proportion, and racial stereotyping is something you and others of your ilk to often lazily persist in. Again, individual bad cases found online are not enough to condemn all of Islam and Muslims everywhere; common sense ought to tell one that. Otherwise I might watch a few serial killer videos and on that basis condemn all white guys.
Yes, most of the reported cases of so-called “honour crimes” within Europe have been amongst Muslim or migrant Muslim communities. The paradox is that Islam itself does not support the death penalty for misconduct related to honour and many Islamic leaders have condemned this practice on the grounds that it has no religious basis.
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You continually cite Koranic verse and clerical proclamations that support your cause. What's your theory, then, as to why millions upon millions of Muslims stray rather violently from those messages of peace? What are they reading and hearing that you seem unaware of?
Tell that to Lee Rigby, to the families of the Manchester bombing, to the girls violated across the country by grooming/rape gangs. Honestly, words fail me when confronted with sub-moronic claims like this. You're not unintelligent so how is it that you get so many things ass-backward?
Statements like these are so appallingly offensive to the children - children - violated by gangs of Islamic men that it leaves one to think the very worst of anyone who utters such thoughtless drivel. And I do mean the worst. Interpret that as you wish.
Both are concerning. However rape gangs are probably not so widespread an issue as Islamophobia.
If you are implying that I am up-playing Islamophobia while ignoring or refusing to condemn the scandal of rape gangs, then that is just gaslighting. There is certainly a problem with the participation of Pakistani men in such crimes. But again. that is not a reason to stereotype all Muslims.
Let's say that we have 100,000 Moslems with hurt feelings from this nebulous "Islamaphobia" that you keep talking about. And then let's say we have 10 native English girls sexually assaulted by Pakis. Which one is more concerning in your book?
Unfortunately, casually used racist terms like this undermine your attempts to seem reasonable and objective, Sorry about that.
And the answer is that sexual assault is far worse than hurt feelings, But let us take whites who don't like the demographic change in their neighbourhood, and those many Muslims who have actually experienced hate, discrimination and Islamophobic violence. Which one is more concerning in your book?
They're all welcome to go back to a homeland where such alleged hate, discrimination, and fictional Islamophobia aren't an issue. Wouldn't that be the best solution in that case? Everyone would be relieved of the fiction that we're fundamentally the same.
As I've explained many times, "racist" is just a word your types use as a stand in for "bad person" in those moral crusades in which you paint yourselves as the eternal "good person". But I don't share your morality.
They're all welcome to go back to a homeland...Wouldn't that be the best solution in that case?
Defendant Donald plans mass deportations (to give things a name you are dancing around) Let's see how that pans out, practically and humanly.
the fiction that we're fundamentally the same.
Science tells us that there are more differences withing ethnic groups than between them.
"racist" is just a word your types use as a stand in for "bad person" in those moral crusades in which you paint yourselves as the eternal "good person". But I don't share your morality.
Whatever. You don't deny you are racist, I see.
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I agree, what Murray points to as the effects we're seeing in the UK is pretty much all correct and should be stopped, but then the measures Murray suggests of how to stop that are almost all counter productive.
Have a look at Switzerland and ask yourself, how come Switzerland has (relative to population) more immigrants in the country than any other country in Europe, including more Africans, more Muslims, etc., and yet Switzerland has almost no problems with terrorism?
The Swiss have implemented some measures to identify potential threats in advance, they stay on alert but pretty much nothing happens there, how come?
The answer is very simple.
Other countries try to produce as much stuff as possible with as few workers as possible, produce as much surplus and export as much stuff as possible, for that they have to have wages as low as possible and that means they need high unemployment to blackmail workers into ever lower wages, ending up with with an overload of unskilled workers who are either unemployed or are working for wages that aren't even sufficient to pay rent.
This causes hate between all of them, because the locals believe the immigrants cause the unemployment, the immigrants fight back against the hate they are getting and there you have your terrorism.
Switzerland has only a very small trade surplus with other countries, they basically produce only as much stuff as they consume themselves (obviously including the stuff they export in exchange for goods Switzerland doesn't have, like coffee or tropical fruits).
When Switzerland develops new technology that produces more stuff with less hours of physical labor, they do not use that extra production to increase exports, they increase wages so that their own population is able to buy the additional production, wealth of everybody increases, everybody keeps their jobs, nobody hates anyone and society as a whole rises up, including all the immigrants they have.
What you say about Switzerland being careful about who they allow in is probably true.
The main problem is that Islam, as it is dictated from the centers of Islam, i.e. Saudi Arabia and Iran is a toxic death cult determined to dominate the world, but with nothing to offer but festering corruption and death to to most. They hate everyone else, and if they don't they are not being good Muslims.
Murray points this out well, and you can see how this violent system has taken over and made life miserable for most of North Africa and West Asia and the Middle East. once the totalitarian tyranny of Islam takes over they are like Star Trek's Borg.
They were allowed into Europe, and they create enclaves where their laws rule and they can intimidate the regular citizens.
Fundamentalists of any religion depend on the quiet majority supporting the religion and building the foundation upon which the fundamentalists are standing.
In Switzerland this quiet majority of immigrants isn't stupid enough to risk the good life they found in Switzerland, the fundamentalists don't have a foundation to stand on, that's why they don't get anywhere, just the opposite, if you look into the statistics of religiosity, you'll see that within one generation the children of immigrants drop the religion of their parents and become atheists in larger numbers than the locals do, while in other countries where immigrants receive so much hate, their children become the terrorists.
> Fundamentalists of any religion depend on the quiet majority supporting the religion and building the foundation upon which the fundamentalists are standing.
This is a BS statement designed to create the false equivalency of Islam to other religions. No other religion behaves even close to Islam. Hinduism is probably the closest, but they have been in conflict with Islam for long history.
It is not stupid when they breed and breed and breed until they have the numbers to challenge the native people and government. Islam is no different than it was in the ancient world - it is a militant aggressive society that was the vision of a murdering sadistic general who aspired to world domination by terror and fear - especially within their own society, backed up by women as slaves and totally ridiculous myths they feed their children to turn them into military drones.
It is true that looking at other religions, there has been a huge drop in religion - except for Islam - because they terrorize their children, and wives - it is religion of abuse and bullying - that is not a religion- and they will not go the way of other religions, and you can see if it you look at the right numbers and don't try to use other religions as proxies for Islamic behavior.
While it's true that Islam is today the most dangerous religion on earth, you're wrong about the quiet majority.
For one statistics can tell you that Muslim immigrants into the western world have within one generation no more children than the locals do, simply because their children grow up in a society where contraception is available everywhere.
They are "breeding" within their home countries, but that stops when they migrate.
For two, we do not have reliable numbers of how many atheists there are in Muslim countries, because people are afraid to admit it when they have to fear consequences, but when they migrate to the western world we can see in the amount of immigrants dropping their religion almost instantly after arrival, that the amount of atheists in the Muslim world is a little bit but not far behind the western world.
Furthermore we know from statistics that the children of Muslim immigrants are atheists in larger percentages than the local population.
That is not true. Most western countries are having trouble just maintaining their populations. Islamic families believe having as many children as possible - especially in welfare states they can take advantage of. I had an Islamic friend whose attitude was that Allah will provide. They look at life differently than we do because they are forced to by brainwashing, and they have self-policing within their own society group.
The atheist issue is absurd - in a society so closed as Muslim society is, no one cares about what you believe secretly because they can see your every move. Read about Yasmine Mohammed's life and you can see - if you wish - how this works.
Again it does not matter what they claim, it matters what they do. Showing up in the middle of London protesting for Hamas is not a good sign.
I explained to you above where terrorism comes from, why are you now getting back to a long debunked argument?
If you want the statistics, I can give you links, but only to German websites because those I'm familiar with.
The German statistical office has in 2020 published numbers showing that Germans have 1.4 children per woman, while Muslims in Germany have 1.9 children per woman (which splits into more than 1.4 per woman who brought their children with them in 1st generation and less than 1.4 per woman in the next generation) which is BOTH not sufficient to maintain the population, BOTH these numbers indicate a shrinking population and that means the percentages of how many people in the country believe in which religion depends near exclusively on immigration which is in Germany heavily dominated by 1.5 million legal immigrants from eastern Europe per year, who are almost all either Christians or atheists.
Why do you think does the young generation of the 15-25 year olds in Germany have over 90% atheists while over 10% of this young generation are descendants of Muslim families?
Does it look like Muslims are "outbreeding" anyone while we can predict that by 2100 over 90% of all of western Europe will be atheists?
Correct, that's why believing Muslims will always have the same amount of children they have while living in Muslim countries, despite the fact that the statistics of roughly 70 years of Turks migrating into Germany show they don't have more children than the locals, is a prime example of ignorant stupidity.
quiet majority of immigrants isn't stupid enough to risk the good life they found in Switzerland, the fundamentalists don't have a foundation to stand on
So you're saying the Muslim community could eradicate extremist terrorism , but they only bother doing that in Switzerland?
Not at all what I'm saying, scroll up, read it again, no need for me to repeat it, just needs you to read what I write rather than on purpose misinterpreting my words.
You say "you'll see that within one generation the children of immigrants drop the religion of their parents and become atheists in larger numbers than the locals do."
It's common for them to beccome MORE religious as they use it as a form of belonging as they dont feel as naturalised as the natives and feel like they are split in two, one part supposed to be native to the country as they were born there, the other is their culture at home which is more traditional due to their parents origins, so they knuckle down and move further into their faith as it allows them to belong to something and be part of a wider community who also happen to be immigrants of the same faith.
You are just MAKING THINGS UP and passing them off as facts.
There are tons of Islamic supporters online that will spend all day lying and lying about how liberal Islam is. Islam is very insular - especially with women.
They are not allowed their own lives, and if they insist their men can kill them
saying they are bringing dishonest to Allah.
That is why leaving Islam is one of the ultimate sins that is not only very hard in a foreign land, but when your own family thinks more of your economic and military value than they do of you having your own life and are willing to kill you over it - that is real power to bully and intimidate, and most do not have the support or strength of character to take on everyone in their entire lives.
Absolutely true. It's been noted for years that the second and third generations of these migrants tend to become far more fertile ground for radicalization.
Probably because the second and third generation immigrants are competing with more education and against Germans or whomever for better jobs their parents could not do.
You said "This causes hate between all of them, because the locals believe the immigrants cause the unemployment, the immigrants fight back against the hate they are getting and there you have your terrorism."
Terrorism in England happens because locals think muslims cause unemployment?
Pull your head out of your bottom.
Did you just have some sort of verbal diarrhea, and just type a stream of consciouness into your keyboard, becuase that makes no sense whatsoever. You need to sit down and be quiet if this is what you are bringing to the table.