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Trump ally threatens to tell MAGA to 'stay home in 2026' as rift grows

A loyal Donald Trump ally on Thursday signaled a "divorce" between the MAGA base and the "tech bros" the president-elect has been recently flirting with.

Trump recently chose internet entrepreneur Sriram Krishnan, who has contributed to the campaign of at least one Democratic lawmaker, as a senior policy advisor for Artificial Intelligence. The former and incoming president has also held dinners and accepted major donations from tech leaders and billionaires.

After the Christmas holiday, Trump ally Laura Loomer, who accompanied Trump on parts of the 2024 campaign, spoke out about it.

The outrage began with the appointment of Krishnan, to which Loomer responded, "I can’t imagine someone donating to a Democrat who said Trump should be impeached over Ukraine then getting a promotion to go advise Trump in the White House. Truly shocking."

Loomer later questioned, "Should MAGA stay home in 2026?"

"I want [Team Trump] to let us know who is a priority," the far-right influencer added on X. "The MAGA base or an anti-Trump Democrat congressman who gets donations from tech bros and voted to impeach Trump? I just want to know what to tell voters in 2026 when they ask me if they should vote."

Trump pulling out the genius moves. As usual MAGA will learn the hard way that he's only in it for himself and his family. So much easy money to be made. Actual smart people will know when to pull their cards right when he goes into grift mode.


Are you retards getting paid for this propaganda bullshit?!?!?




Who cares about him being on "muh red team" or "muh blue team"? What is of paramount importance is, why are we importing subcons and handing positions of importance to them? If they're so gifted and talented then let them remain at home and transform the slums of Calcutta into model communities.

The danger with all the tech bros - including Musk - is their reflexive instinct to open the floodgates for allegedly good immigrants, particularly of the street shitter variety. Your neighborhood has to assume the pungent aroma of a Delhi sewer, and your kids are priced out of the job market because the tycoons want to use interchangeable wog programmers to inflate their profits.

This gets back to the "we want immigrants, they just have to be legal!" trap that griller-cons fall for. The tech bros will grease enough palms to get the laws written in such a way as to lake it easier for them to open the floodgates to untold numbers of curry dippers. The end resultnis the same as opening our southern border, your towns and neighborhoods are irrevocably altered; all that your ancestors built is buried under an economic and cultural invasion.


Unfortunately, intelligent people in America are not having enough babies to fill high skilled jobs.


Then we scale back the "high skilled jobs" sector. The answer isn't to erase your own people from existence just because you don't want to upset the Economy God. When the demographics are changed, there's no going back.


Then we scale back the "high skilled jobs" sector.

What could possibly go wrong?


Well, is it your assertion that when confronted with the choice between preserving yourself demographically or preserving the GDP, the latter takes precedence?


No, it is my assertion that reducing the number of highly skilled jobs is economically illiterate and impractical.

And demographic change happens. Get over it.


What is this magical force that engenders unavoidable demographic change?

And you clumsily dodged my question. Do you promote preservation of economic affluence over preservation of your people's autonomy?


What is this magical force that engenders unavoidable demographic change?

Not one force but many. Some can be ameliorated imho.

Do you promote preservation of economic affluence over preservation of your people's autonomy?

This assumes that the answer has to be a yes or no, and I feel is a false dichotomy fueled by demographic anxiety. So my answer is that, with careful stewardship, both are possible, I don't promote one, either one, over the other.

And you didn't answer my question - What could possibly go wrong in 'scaling back' the number of highly skilled jobs in the economy??


I think the media is just making shit up and throwing it all against the wall to see what sticks.

Trump won, there's no Russia, Russia, Russia nonsense this time...we can afford to take a break for a few weeks while everyone completes the 5 stages of grief.


I mean, them MAGATS wrote it themselves. The proof is in the pudding and is all on X if you want to look at them.


Loomer is neither MAGA nor a Trump ally. He’s controlled opposition and a gatekeeper.


"He"....oh, be nice! If she wants to look like Jigsaw, it's her decision.


You’re being negative and you’re intentionally trying to stir division. You need to calm down, shut up and learn your place as do all Democrats.


MAGA disagrees no matter how hard you try to ignore/fight it. Policy differences are stark.


Again stop the negativity, show some maturity and some patriotism and unite around your President. You owe him.


I have no negativity. I am just enjoying the infighting between the MAGA crowd. If you want to bring unity, go tell the MAGA crowd in discontent, they sure do owe him.


Make America Great Again

The face that sunk a thousand ships.


Stay home and shoot any left wing rioters who stray onto your property.
