MovieChat Forums > Politics > US attack in syria, everyone remain sile...

US attack in syria, everyone remain silent, israel dare to defends itself "WARRRRR CRIMMEEES"


US has a free right to attack in syria,libya,yemen,iraq all the time. ever heard roger waters or any of his goonies boycotting the US for that? hell no, because US controls the world and israel is a small country and therefore, israel is the black ship who arnt even allowed to defend itself.

but when the US attack on places who arnt even remotley close to them or endanger them in any way thats acceptable

come on you low life americans, how dare you even speak about israel when this is what your country has done.

bunch of privliaged hypocrties


Most Americans are on board with Israel's warcrimes , possibly becasue the other side are brown people and they cant decide which to they hate most .

Its a real paradox - how do you hate jews and muslims at the same time and still pick a side in a fight of Jews vs Muslims?


Wrong but typical hateful rhetoric.

We side with the Jews against the terrorists because of a sense of right and wrong. We're not particularly fond of barbarians invading our allies to murder innocent people, rape and mutilate their women and chopping off pieces of them. Nothing to do with race or even religion.

You're just another idiot buying into an evil narrative. You are literally siding with people that hate you.


what you've just said applies equally to both sides
apart form the "allies" bit , which is just an indicator of which team you picked , not an indicator that its the right one.

Israel was created out of thin-fucking-air in 1947 and half of Palestine was used to do it.
That in my book is an invasion.


Sorry but Israel is an actual ally of the US.

If you picked the other team, you're siding with terrorists. Literally. No other way to put it. People who murder innocents, rape and mutilate women. They also hate you. Tell me again how you're the smart one???

What happened in 1947 is irrelevant, unless you just want the people that live there now to be exterminated. Which allies you with the fucking Nazi's. Good move.


I'm convinced Israel is bombing Syria now at the direction of the the U.S. since Biden wants to prevent the rebels from becoming too powerful and they have access to chemical weapons and military weapons.

I read that the deal between the U.S. and Israel is to allow Israel to be the "bad guy" and bomb "threats" for the U.S. while the U.S. can pretend to be pristine among its allies. Both countries are in bed with each other.


81 million votes. lol


You really should stick to your X-box.


The US allowed HTS to cook in Syria. They could have intervened but chose not to. It remains to be seen if the next government will be better than Assad but so far signs are positive.
