Am I the only straight guy who is an ally of LGBTQ+?
I'm just wondering. It seems most of the straight allies of LGBTQ+ are women - in other words, it seems to me like straight men are more likely to be homophobic and transphobic.
shareI'm just wondering. It seems most of the straight allies of LGBTQ+ are women - in other words, it seems to me like straight men are more likely to be homophobic and transphobic.
shareIs that why YOU'RE an ally of LGBTQ+? To prove you're not homophobic and transphobic? To prove something about yourself, or else?
shareNo. I genuinely believe love can exist between anyone who is of the age of consent, and that gender is a social construct and may not reflect their biological sex.
shareDo you believe that "trans women are REAL women"? That's the typical goal of those who agree with what you said about gender and sex, and those who taught you that.
shareThanks for your answers. Here are some responses from me that I'm hoping you will understand.
First of all, there are a lot of things people are not obligated to do to prove they are not homophobic or transphobic. One of them is agreeing that trans women are real women. Especially since this is seldom defended properly, if ever.
Second of all, proving that a person is not homophobic or transphobic is oftentimes the ONLY reason a person is given to agree with their arguments. I don't know if you intended it or not, but that's pretty much what you're proving in your opening post, when you mentioned people who are not allies are homophobic and transphobic.
People don't like being controlled by others by being given the burden to prove their innocence. They don't like being threatened to do favors for anybody.
I'm sorry, I really am, but this mindset that Transwomen are actual women is total bullshit the same way it is also for those who say men can get pregnant, so please get your head examined,. I don't know how all of this shit started or who started it because it never used to be like this. I suppose you're Ok with children getting Gender swapping surgery, right??
share"it never used to be like this."
Yes, it was. You were just unaware.
For instance, it has always existed in nature. Hermaphrodites are a good example. There were also babies born with ambiguous gender like a baby boy born without a penis (but male internally) therefore a decision to raise him as female. And look at this Ancient Greek statue of Hermaphroditus:
There are also species which can switch gender.
Socially, many cultures historically and presently accept a 3rd and 4th gender. In Native-American culture, they are referred to as two-spirit.
Don't confuse anti-LGBTQ bigotry in Western culture for representing ALL cultures.
"children getting Gender swapping surgery"
The reason is because the physical result is more successful if done before puberty. Also, sexuality is known long before puberty. You must have had childhood crushes on a teacher, babysitter, classmate or celebrity when you were 5 or 6 years old and felt like your gender at that age, too. It's baked in from early childhood.
Idiots like you love to use the uber-rare genetic mutation as an example. It's irrelevant. Mythology? Seriously???
Dissenting opinions are not bigotry. If you cannot support your position with a cogent argument, you have no position. Name-calling and labeling people is not an argument.
"Also, sexuality is known long before puberty."
Bullshit and making a permanent change to a child's body due to a perceived abnormality is child abuse.
Not rare. Take it up with God!
Childhood crushes are normal which is the reason they are frequently portrayed in the media.
You're a weirdo. And a bigot.
Alfalfa in love with Darla:
Opie in love with teacher:
Beaver in love with teacher:
Mind your own business instead of interfering in the private familial lives of parents' and their kids. Have your own brats!
So it's okay for people to do whatever they want to their kids? Including abusing them? Killing them or mutilating them? We should all just mind our own business? Are you fucking retarded? Or are you just that incapable of defending your position?
shareA transchild and their parents seeing a therapist to discuss their situation isn't abuse.
No transchild is given surgery.
Your uneducated and bigoted ignorance are not welcome nor was ever sought by the families and their doctors, therefore you should mind your business.
So you think we should all mind our own business and not involve ourselves or the law when the welfare of a child is at stake. Got it. Very well thought-out argument you have there.
How am I a bigot? What bigoted thing have I said about them?
My state had to pass a law to prevent transition surgery for minors. It was happening.
Puberty blockers are also a permanent mutilation to their bodies.
If there is a trans child, that child needs therapy (not the kind you think) and its parents need to be in a mental institution.
Only childhood mutilation that I'm aware of is circumcision and earpiercing. How come you're not speaking out against them? Because you're a hypocrite and anti-LGBTQ hateful bigot!
shareWhat do childhood crushes and attraction towards other people have to do with determining a child's gender identity and giving them sex reassignment surgery?
shareYour reading comprehension is bad. I wrote:
"sexuality is known long before puberty. You must have had childhood crushes on a teacher, babysitter, classmate or celebrity when you were 5 or 6 years old and felt like your gender at that age, too. It's baked in from early childhood.
A young child identifies with being a boy or girl very early which explains their desire to play with baby dolls and wear dresses vs football and roughhousing to name a few examples.
Gender reassignment for trans kids is never performed!
Your illiteracy, lack of knowledge about the subject and obvious lack of a doctorate all prove you should just mind your own business since your ignorant opinion was never sought by the parents, their child or doctors.
Settle down. Your fight's not with me. Not yet anyways.
First of all, everything you just described about how they want to play and dress can be applied to NON-trans kids as well. Even I have wanted to do girl stuff before. And tomboys are still a thing.
Second, yes gender reassignment has been done to kids before. And trans activists are fighting for more of it.
And no, it is our business to question it, because not only do people like you police us over how we don't coddle your trans kids, but the moment you find hints(?) that OUR kids are trans as well, you also take action to "save" them, sometimes without our consent.
"gender reassignment has been done to kids before."
To transkids? Link?
I doubt that you felt like a girl and wanted to be only a girl as a child following the "role" 100% of time.
Ever heard of Jazz Jennings?
It makes no difference how long it lasts. The point is, their tastes in things are not proof that they are truly male or female, either on the outside or even inside. Wanting to do girl stuff doesn't make me a girl, no matter how long it lasts.
And even if it's "100% of time" in their minds, it's still not true. If I feel like a girl, that doesn't make me a girl.
Trans kids were being operated on in all 50 states until very recently. 26 states have passed laws banning trans surgeries on minors.
shareTwo questions. Why do they need "allies"? What do you think "transphobic" and "homophobic" mean?
shareThey need allies because they are currently being discrimiated against. A lot of straight and cisgender people still look down on same-sex couples and transgender people. Both transphoic and homophobic mean an unjust hatred of certain groups of people.
shareHow are they being discriminated against?
A phobia is an irrational fear of something. How are some people irrationally afraid of homosexuals and/or transsexuals? Disagreeing is not a phobia.
Sorry but you can't control how a person views another. If I think a person's beliefs or lifestyle is wrong, you're not going to change that and I don't want to live in a place where you can.
Sorry but this is a manufactured victim class.
They need allies because they are currently being discrimiated against.
shareI'm another.
shareGlad to know I'm not the only one!
shareFlimflam and Kowalski are both gay men, so of course they ‘support’ such people.
shareFlimflam and Kowalski are both gay men
How many times have you slept with Kowalski?
shareOh dear, is this your new loaded question to me, to be repeated ad nauseam instead of a proper answer lol?
FF: Your obsession with gay people is still going strong, I see.
Evasion noted.
When you say you ‘support’ gays, do you mean you support them by the balls while you drain them?
If so, write the letters ‘QED’ in your reply. Go…
FF: Your obsession with gay people is still going strong,
When you say you ‘support’ gays, do you mean you support them by the balls while you drain them?
Ah, thought so.
If you act like a normal freaking human being and don't force your lifestyle on children or want to castrate them I'll treat you the same as anyone else.
sharePossibly by now, yeah.
Ten+ years ago, people used to say "oh I know this gay guy and he's really nice/funny (insert some other thing" etc
No-one's going to say "I know this guy and he's really good at waving a flag in people's faces...."