MovieChat Forums > Politics > Kamala publicly drunk again

Kamala publicly drunk again

No doubt she's sloshed in the above clip. Doubt it? Listen this long, rambling bit of drunk-talk. Listen to her drunkenly trying to clear her booze-addled throat. Listen to her repeat the same innane phrases as if she's a college sophomore trying to sound profound to some chick in a bar.


I heard she got so drunk once that she called biden "president biden"


Her speeches coupled with that cackle laugh is obvious that she is impaired by drugs or alcohol.

The cocaine they found in the WH actually belonged to her, it was accidentally left there by one of her top aides/staff that got it for her.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was impaired when she met with Z days prior to the start of the war.


Gee, seems she hits her peak when on the sauce.
