MovieChat Forums > Politics > Have you been called words like "gay" an...

Have you been called words like "gay" and "faggot" when you were younger?

People called me "gay" and "faggot" when I was in elementary, middle, and high school. I was offended not because they assumed my sexual orientation but because of the insulting way they used the words.

I'm mostly straight, though. I love women but I don't care if people perceive me as gay anymore.


Based on what I've witnessed over the years, it's always seemed that the type of guy who calls other guys those terms in the way that it seems you're describing do so to make themselves feel better (the more "manly" of the two) because they were threatened by an innate confidence (that they couldn't understand) being illustrated by the guy they were insulting, because among other things (and like you said about yourself), they were self-confident about who they were so didn't care if people perceived them that way or not. #JuvenilePissingContests

Girls/women will many times do the same thing to guys they are interested in as a way of either trying to manipulate the guy into "making a move" on them, or, to also make themselves feel better by suggesting there must be something wrong with the guy (gay, etc) if he's not interested in HER.

In either case with either sex, it all comes down to threatened egos lashing out with insults to protect themselves from realities they don't want to acknowledge about themselves; that as a guy they aren't the perfect society-based personification of what it is to be a man that they want everyone to believe they are, or, that as a girl not every guy is going to automatically be into them just because they want them to be and/or that for some reason or another believe they automatically deserve the attention.


Totally agree with what you said. Thanks for the input!


It's interesting that some of the people responding basically ignored the "in the insulting way they used the word" part of your order to indirectly insult those who they perceive as being too make themselves feel better and/or to promote the same outdated political agenda they do elsewhere on this board.

Illustrating that one should always consider the source (whether that be a group/clique or individual) to understand that 'intended' insults say more about the source (and ITS intent) than they do the person towards which the insults are being directed, and that regardless of intent, taking such comments personally is simply a waste of time.


Again, totally agree!


They called a "mostly straight" guy a faggot? Golly, what would give them that idea?

If it makes you feel better, I and my friends are all straight as arrows and we regularly referred to each other as faggots. It's just a guy thing. Or was, anyway. I have the feeling today's youngsters have bought into speech policing, the fucking faggots.


Regarding the "mostly straight" thing: I have found some men with long hair attractive, but not enough to want to date them.

I guess you have a point, it's a guy thing. But I guess I'm highly sensitive and wouldn't really thrive in such a jocular atmosphere.


At least you're honest with yourself. Best of luck going forward.


Yes, it was a common slang term and everyone said it.

Then employers started firing people for it....and people stopped.


Ah, those were the days! In the '90s, we called each other faggots and labeled everything lame as gay. It was an awesome time to be alive. If someone came up to you with some bullshit, you’d just say, 'Fuck you, faggot!' Hanging out with friends was all about that same playful banter — everything was 'faggot this' and 'faggot that.' I’d often greet one of my best friends with, 'What up, faggot?' and he’d respond, 'What up, bitch?'

I really miss those days. I wish and hope that culture makes a comeback. It’d be great if Generation Alpha could reintroduce that kind of talk into the mainstream. It was so much better when we didn’t have political correctness, and all the politically correct faggots were pushed to the margins of society.


In the 80s and 90s.

When people said that's so gay, it included gas stuff buy was also used to describe something stupid.

Faggot as well, sometimes it was used because of sexual orientation but also of you wanted to call someone who was being and idiot or doing something stupid.


Yes. "Faggot" was more akin to calling someone a "dickhead" or "asshole" than being an attempt to question one's sexuality.


Yes, and I never cared. Because they were idiots. Even though I was a dumb kid, I was surrounded by bigger retards.


Gay slurs have always been useful insults for straight men. It's about the worst thing someone can think of you. Which is what makes "gay pride" so fucking comical.
