Surely this can’t be true, as America is # 1 in the world!
>Let that sink in for a minute: “Russia has never attacked anyone in its history.”
>If that is true– and it is true– then what are we to make of the media’s endless claims that Russia is planning to invade Ukraine?
First of all this article was written 3 days before Russia invaded Ukraine. It aged **that badly**, but also, Russia has very much invaded many countries.
Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania all say hi.
Useful idiots at work.
shareThere it is in black and white. The Biden team wants to “goad Russia into a military response” in order to sabotage NordStream. That implies there will be some kind of provocation designed to induce Putin to send his troops across the border to defend the ethnic Russians in the eastern part of the country. If Putin takes the bait, the response would be swift and harsh. The media will excoriate the action as a threat to all of Europe while leaders around the world will denounce Putin as the “new Hitler”. This is Washington’s strategy in a nutshell, and the whole production is being orchestrated with one goal in mind; to make it politically impossible for the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to wave NordStream through the final approval process.
share>There it is in black and white. The Biden team wants to “goad Russia into a military response” in order to sabotage NordStream.
When did they say anything akin to that?
What "provocation" did they use to somehow bait Putin into invading Ukraine? Is he a moron?
>Induce Putin to send his troops across the border to defend the ethnic Russians in the eastern part of the country.
Any evidence of genocide from Ukraine against Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine?
So as usual, no answer. You know absolutely nothing about Ukraine and are just prattling off total garbage.
shareI just copied and pasted that, you can do your own research.
also dont forget the Joe predicted that Putin would invade Ukraine.
I already have "done my research" and you're completely full of shit. You know nothing whatsoever about Ukraine and so you're stuck just typing in links to search engines.
>also dont forget the Joe predicted that Putin would invade Ukraine.
Did he? What did he say specifically? And does that make Putin somehow less culpable?
so, because you are back to pretending you are stupid and dont understand about the world wide web works, this is your MO.
go to and search "Joe predicted that Putin would invade Ukraine."
I don't need to search anything. There is no evidence of Ukraine attempting to genocide Russians. You are full of shit. Back your statements up you cowardly piece of shit.
You are a Russian useful idiot, parroting their baseless propaganda.
just admit that I pwned you once again. this is easy!
sharegotta keep that military–industrial complex rolling. its good for business and laundering money.
shareOf course it is, but the brainwashed gullible idiots believe that we are helping and defending something; a humanitarian effort, all while death and destruction reigns and the cartel bankers and politicians are filling their pocket$.