If diversity and multiculturalism is good and healthy, then why are prisons separated by race?
Presumably it's because under stressful conditions diversity will lead to chaos.
So what will happen to diverse societies when they are stressed?
You couldn't be more right... BUT, people aren't spiritually awakened enough yet. There are still people who hate eachother based on race, gender, religion ect (and they are all over the world of all creed). We're still animals.
And we still want to force everyone into the same cell block. Common sense would tell me that's a recipe for disaster. Because we are no longer letting people in who are a net positive to current society, we are letting everyone in including the people who hate the country they are fleeing to. I know, it would seem counter productive for that person wouldn't it?
Maybe I dont have the same faith as you do in other people?
"BUT, people aren't spiritually awakened enough yet."
Forgive me for interrupting your sage burning session here, but have you ever wondered why the top 10 fastest runners in the world are all black? Or conversely, wondered why there are never any black people listed in top 10 lists of greatest mathematicians of all time?
Perhaps your mind is a bit too "awake." Those who deny differences in race are essentially denying the existence and science pertaining to genetics. You are the Creationists of the woke Left.
Im talking about a hypothetical scenario where everyone can put away their superficial differences and find common ground. Im saying we are no where near there as a species and thats why I think it's foolish to force people to live in close proximity of people who hold them in contempt. I think that's a reasonable position.
From what I've heard, it's because in that kind of environment, with all those criminals together (especially in men's prisons) they don't hide any racism they have towards each other, and it's usually "safer" when the different races are separated, simply to keep down the number of fights and riots that ensue. Not sure how it goes in women's prisons, but I suspect they take cues from the men's prisons and do something similar just as a precaution.
However, that doesn't stop the different races from having problems with the usual prison issues involving each other. Within their groups, there's still the usual picking on smaller guys, forming factions, doing favors in exchange for not getting beat up, things like that.
Prisons are a little microcosm of society. In prison, some prisoners are allowed to mix even if they are of a different race and allowed to be in the same "car" together. But generally, a "car" refers to an informal group or gang typically based on race or ethnicity.
So too with society at large. There are places where you have diversity, where many different races live together, work together, and interact together. But most of the time, our neighborhoods are separated by race or ethnicity. This is natural. If you force everyone together, it will lead to chaos.
Ideally you want to live in a multicultural world but not in a multicultural country.
I've observed that multiculturalism only works if the host country is allowed to be the dominant ethnic group/culture, and the immigrants both assimilate and don't cause trouble. What we're seeing here is that they are not assimilating anymore, they are disrespecting the countries kind enough to take them in, they are abusing the welfare systems available, and there are evil people within the host country's govt. that want to take over and destroy the peace, partially through sowing division between the groups to distract everyone before they declare martial law.
There's also the massive guilt trips the predominantly white countries have been sent on for almost a century to prevent them from stopping non-whites from doing bad things, because any sort of resistance or criticism is labeled as "hate" or "racism," despite the opposing party breaking the law. It makes you wonder how substituting one form of racism for another is supposed to be "progressive."
It's not progressive, it's regressive. We were better off with the way things were before the 60's. Everyone knew where they stood and everything worked better. Especially for the dominant group, which is how it's supposed to be. What's the point of being the dominant group if your country doesn't look out primarily for your interests?