Wow! You don't even need to click...One look at the username and you know this info will obviously be from a carefully researched and peer reviewed medical study!🙄🙄🙄


I get your point, but don't forget that Bill Gates publicly lamented the fact that Omicron was mild and bestowed natural immunity on people...because that obviated the need for jabbing everyone with an experimental "vaccine" that has no long term safety profile. He'd rather people either get very sick OR take an injection that involves an unknown risk. To me, that's not a position a reasonable human takes.


"that's not a position a reasonable human takes."

This concept seems to be lost on the people who just badly want to be right.


Mike Rowe and Gavin de Becker delve into the realities of excess mortality in America on this episode of The Way I Heard It. They explore critical issues surrounding unexpected deaths and examine the factors contributing to this concerning trend.

"If you don't read the newspapers, you are uninformed, if you do, you are misinformed." Mark Twain


I’m aware of your blind devotion to whatever the establishment tells you without questioning them due to a lack of independent thinking, but are you able to recognize the negative duality of “peer reviewed?”

It doesn’t leave any room for new or differently discovered scientific data because everyone in that “peer reviewed” group already decided and concluded based on their own opinion even if/when they are wrong. Think about it.


"Safe and Effective"


"The blog’s list is a compilation of news reports about recent deaths and medical emergencies, and it includes cases not reported to be spurred by cardiac arrest: Some deaths, for example, were reportedly from cancer.

The list also includes incidents from around the world and among people of all ages — including some in their 70s and 80s — not just athletes in “European sports leagues,” as Carlson claimed.

For example, the list now includes a 71-year-old woman who died at home in Canada in December even while acknowledging her cause of death was not known and that her obituary suggested donations to a cancer charity. It also cites a news story about a 61-year-old Italian athletic trainer who reportedly died shortly after being diagnosed with leukemia.

“It’s not real research,” Dr. Matthew Martinez, director of sports cardiology at Atlantic Health System in Morristown Medical Center, told the AP. “Anybody can write a letter to the editor and then quote an article that has no academic rigor.”


Another lying fact checker that doesn’t prove nor disprove anything.


What are the lies here exactly?


Oh, a meme! I guess it's settled science then...


Josef Mengele had nothing on your master Fauci.

“I Am the Science” - Anthony Fauci


"to question me sir is to question science itself becuase I am GOD." - Also Anthony Fauci


Very Clever


The OP believes credible scientific data is found on an AI-generated poster anonymously uploaded on Twitter.
