MovieChat Forums > Politics > "Joy" is not a platform...

"Joy" is not a platform...'s actually Soviet-style propaganda!


Trump's only campaign platform is to get revenge on everybody who hurt his feelings. That's it.

Have you seen Trump lately? He's not doing well. Trump's cognitive abilities are fading fast and he's way too old to be president. Oh, don't forget that Trump is a 34 times convicted felon. Most Americans will not vote for that.


The OP makes a fair point, though. Surely no one is taken in by this completely insane 'joy' nonsense. Are they?


I think the majority of the leftist clowns are in full-NPC mode now....they aren't gonna deviate from the political hills they have chosen to die on.


Harris/Walz must generate a contrary campaign strategy that's effective against Trump, and this means they need to remain optimistic since he's been so terrifying. Always remember, all, that the unorthrodox campaign is MAGA and always has been. It runs down our country and institutions with doom-and-gloom rhetoric about American Carnage™, giant treasonous conspiracies, bloodbaths, and myriad other non-existent grievances from a convicted felon rapist candidate who was the architect of his own demise and is now awaiting sentencing.

Soviets or other authoritarians might have used an abundance of "joy" as propaganda during actual trying times to subvert a dour national mood, but this doesn't apply here because it's not at odds with the reality on the ground. MAGA are the ones living in the alternate reality. The post-pandemic inflationary period was a softer landing in the States versus abroad, and down to just under 3%. We're the envy of the world. Unemployment low. Manufacturing sector booming. Gas prices down again. The Green New Deal. CHIPS/Pact and all kinds of new tech. Violent crime down. Bi-partisan immigration reform legislation primed and ready for an Executive signature as soon as Trump loses. Very little trouble from refugees and other undocumented. Lower spending than Trump's term, and also MUCH lower as a percentage of annual GDP growth which just gets higher and higher. Infrastructure improvement has been quite noticable indeed. Historic moment imminent with first elected female President. Championship-winning football coach who's Minnesota-nice as Kamala's wingman. Interest rates to be lowered by the Fed. I could go on and on.

Are you to posit a claim that a negative campaign full of bitterness and weirdness is better for the psyche or the American character? Your entire scenario and the link you shared is the actual propaganda. Maybe you should move to Venezuala? Just a thought.

America is a beacon of hope and freedom, and has been a shining "city-on-a-hill" for going on a century-and-a-half now.


Harris/Walz must generate a contrary campaign strategy that's effective against Trump

Hiding in the basement?
Stealing Trumps Policies?
Holding Promises hostage when she is the VP?
Stolen Valor?
Price Controls?
Taxes on unrealized gains?

What is the effective strategy here? There is none...they've turned to Soviet-style tactics to lure in voters.

The rest of your post is fake reality. The gaslight, it burns lol...holy shit did you actually type that out by hand? You even bolded 'weird' jfc man!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

We are no where near back to 2019 levels of anything.


Bi-partisan immigration reform legislation is ready for an executive signature? Then why doesn't the Biden-Harris administration do it now?

"Infrastructure improvement has been quite noticeable indeed." Who's doing the noticing? Where? What are they noticing?

"Championship winning football coach" I know a few meat heads who won football "championships" while coaching midget league. They're barely qualified to operate a forklift. What makes Tampon Timmy any different?

You're as much an AI-generated blatherskite as Keelai, and that's saying something.


You haven’t been keeping up with DC negotiations. The House and Senate have the votes to pass the Bi-Partisan Immigration Reform Bill for border security and more funding, and Biden encourages it. He will sign.

Trump told his zombie representatives like Speaker Johnson to quash it and NOT bring it to the floor. The reason? Because he picked his campaign strategy and doesn’t have the initiative or presence of mind to improvise, unify, or pay more than lip-service to any particular issue.

When Harris is elected, Immigration Reform will come quickly. In fact, it’s been on the Dems wishlist for forever (they approve of spending and funding for all kinds of foundational projects.) The other side only cares about how they can extort and manipulate goals in the form of generating “wedge-issues.”


Immigration reform means "let as many brown people flood the country as we can get and then register them as Democrat voters!" Why on earth would any sane person "improvise" or "unify" under such circumstances? President Reagan tried that kind of bipartisan accommodation in 1986 and, as usual, the Dems gleefully accepted a few million new voters on their roles, while refusing to balance that by sealing the border. Only a complete and utter moron would deal with the left on this issue as they will forever be disingenuous about following through on any provisions that stanch the flow of invaders.

And if it's been on the D's radar forever, it's odd that they didn't act on it during Obama's first term, when they had sizeable majorities in both houses, as well as the presidency. The horde of mestizos invading our country had already been a problem for decades at that point, so why didn't they get things done?


Your argument indicates highly two-dimensional thinking. First of all, you’re projecting onto Democratic Party voters a completely non-existent narrative that’s not being made by them about wanting more “brown people” in some Great Replacement theory. It seems you’re motivated due to a fear of losing elections. Curious since Reagan, the Bushes and even Mitt Romney did relatively okay with “brown” minorities. Perhaps you should encourage candidates to seek out the vote of every demographic, instead of writing these people off as unattainable and repulsive. So lazy.

Your fear is even irrational since illegals cannot register to vote and a path to citizenship is quite a lengthy process. Even if they bear children in American hospitals delivered by American doctors, those Dreamers won’t vote for 18 more years.

You are not judging people by the content of their character, which is what needs to occur with refugees seeking asylum. For every instance of immigrant violent crime, you can probably find ten more cases of some Guatemalan women who walked 1000 miles to Texas border with sick child in arms and proceeded to work the fields of our country picking potatoes, carrots and radishes in conditions that natural born citizens object to. Thank goodness for her! If the Republicans orchestrated their “mass deportations now” scheme for 15 million people, we’d face economic ruin and labor shortages!

The way you project bias and construct your “brown people” argument is why it’s becoming more frequent for citizens to point out racism. I’m not sure when and where it’s always valid to do so… but, I mean, listen to yourself. Can you blame us? “Poisoning the blood of our nation?” This is from a prominent candidate of the Right.

The more funding provided by Congress in periods where reform is discussed, the better and more efficient the process will become of separating the wheat from the chaff.

Obama received protests about his tough-on-immigration policies while in office, so your worldview is invalid. This is an area of easy compromise as long as we maintain human rights and respect human dignity, and don’t campaign with inflammatory rhetoric.

We are, after all, a melting pot nation of immigrants.


For every instance of immigrant violent crime, you can probably find ten more cases of some Guatemalan women who walked 1000 miles to Texas border with sick child in arms and proceeded to work the fields of our country picking potatoes, carrots and radishes in conditions that natural born citizens object to.

That's complete fiction, migrant-porn for ignorant leftists. But what are you actually saying? That if we allow 30 million of these invaders into our lands, we can expect 2.7 million of them to commit violent crimes, while the remaining 27.3 million will be thrown onto our already insolvent social welfare programs? Golly, why didn't you say so before!

But I'll tell you what, I'll run the risk of your alleged economic ruin and labor shortages in return for having a land for my people. There's more to life, you Marxist scum, than trying to have the most disposable shit when you die. Communities matter, your neighbors matter, the culture and society that you bequeath your children matters.

Obama received protests about his tough-on-immigration policies while in office, so your worldview is invalid. This is an area of easy compromise as long as we maintain human rights and respect human dignity, and don’t campaign with inflammatory rhetoric.

So what if he received protests? Why didn't he and his solid majorities pass the kinds of substantive border reforms that, in your words, have been a Democrat priority "forever"? The simple answer is that they have no interest in any steps that would deprive them of the opportunity to thumb their nose at America's white population by flooding your neighborhoods with aliens. Of course on the other side of the aisle, you have the Chamber of Commerce Republicans who love driving down your wages to their own profit. The only "bipartisan" solution that our ruling class will accept is one that satisfy both parties in their attempts at demographic replacement for profit


We are, after all, a melting pot nation of immigrants.

Echolalic babbling. No nation should base its immigration policy on some stupid poem in the gift shop of Ellis Island. And you aren't, by any chance, a Torontonian, are you?



No, NPCs post goofy and juvenile memes from third party sites. There’s absolutely no need to wallow in ignorance and lack of intellectual curiosity if one can help it. It has no relevance here.

That aside, many posters and lurkers here are quickly realizing that I, more than most, have been sharing viewpoints that are overlooked in a popular-based narrative—left or right.

Think about the conscious motivation present, all, for an organization to create a meme with this sentiment. Does it really sound like something that promotes “free speech” and an assertive attitude, or does it sound like something that discourages dissent and facts-based inquiry?!

It’s the latter. I would even call it unAmerican, despite the Simpsons reference.

It’s the kind of thing that infests TruthSocial and X and seeks to propagate a careless mindset that will help solidify the class divide. The individual or group who creates the meme, or ones like it, do NOT respect their viral audience. They need them, but they don’t respect or fight for them. They’re NPCs to them… a means to an end. It could even be Russian disinformation hackers that fester those platforms.

It’s the same as when Trump confided with his close advisor that he has a mocking outlook to his own supporters—whom he calls “basement-dwellers.”

Well, I’m a supporter of the Harris/Walz campaign, and I’m informing you that you’re perfectly welcome to live underground, research and care about the world we live in. Truth, love and common sense will lead you to VOTE BLUE up-and-down ticket in our current climate, regardless of your personal circumstances or whether or not you were once MAGA. But put down the meme, and pick up the voter pamphlets this time.


"Truth, love and common sense" will lead you to Freedom and will lead you to vote for who ISNT trying to censor the Amercian people.

Im going to tell you right now Trumps not the one censoring.


"That aside, many posters and lurkers here are quickly realizing that I, more than most, have been sharing viewpoints that are overlooked in a popular-based narrative—left or right."

Uh, no they haven't. Are you off your meds or something?


Perhaps not, but neither is 'revenge' or 'avoiding prison'!🤷‍♂️


Prison for what, bogus and elevated charges?

They are actually guilty of those crimes, so it’s not about 'revenge', it’s about actual justice.

All the bogus indictments, charges, arrest and trials have exposed them and their corruption.

The die is cast and there are thousands of sealed indictments waiting for them.

The additional Gitmo court rooms were completed last year.

The court marshals started in January of this year.


Joy, the biggest and most powerful weapon of cultism.


"Joy and Happiness"


"We are warmed by Stalin’s affection, We carry joy and happiness, We are sunny Georgian children, Singing a song to Stalin!", 1949

That is the Left right now.


Democrat's joy, hope and building a better future is better than Trump's hatred, constant complaining, anger and attacking and destroying America.


The National Socialists promoted joy, hope, and building a better future...if you ticked the right boxes.

The Democrats are every bit as exclusionary with their vision of the future. Sure, if you're an oligarch, a border jumper, a minority, a baby killer, or a sexual devient, they've got quite a future lined up for you. If not, their message is "go piss up a rope."



[–] Blade13 (1560) 18 hours ago

Holy fck these people are fking weirdos!!


Considering it's not her platform, you are attacking a straw man.






I think he meant "defund"


I know. But they don't like "joy", so maybe "de-fun" is accurate.
