
Look at all the MAGAts stomping around all mad like.

Lighten up, bozos. It's not a good look.

Don't like women, don't like brown women ? Ok, we get it. That's your privilege. We see you, never fear.

Just don't vote for her - you don't have to spitfire, just exercise your rights, and allow us to protect ours FROM you. Save your energy, conserve your outrage for the riots after you lose.

We're gonna GIVE you something to be angry about. Defeat, ridicule, repudiation - for all you do, this fuck's for you.


Trump supporters are losing their shit because they are watching their orange master deteriorating right before their eyes. MAGA should have picked a younger, smarter and educated candidate for president then they probably would have won in November but now they're stuck with a dementia patient who can't draw more than a few hundred of his supporters at his rallies. The MAGA party is about dead.


Lol, cope harder. The honeymoon's over for the Kamunist.


Your fuhrer has been saying that for the last 3 weeks. Yet it hasn't happened yet.


Using that insane rhetoric is weird, stop it.


"Don't like women, don't like brown women ? Ok, we get it. That's your privilege. We see you, never fear."

Fuck off with that gaslighting.




Your entire partys line is "Trump Bad, Baby Murder Good. Trump Bad, Communism Good. Trump Bad, Men in womens bathrooms Good. Trump Bad, Ruined Economy Good. Trump bad...etc.

Why are our groceries so damn expensive? Why is everything so shit? Democrats have held power for 12 of the last 16 years... explain this please.


I'll try to help them out, I'm in a giving mood.

Your groceries are expensive because you're dumb and have a low paying job.
Get an education and get a better job - like, duh.

Everything is so shit because China makes everything and if things break, you have to buy more stuff which means people are spending more money, which means the economy is rocking. Seriously, you never studied economics?

Everything was/is perfect for those 12 years and if you can't see that, you're a clearly a racist who thinks women with penises are gross.

Glad I could help.



NGL, you had me the first half. That was great haha.


this guy gets it


So in order to scold or shame people about being too upset, you write down a frothing-at-the-mouth screed and deliver it to those same people?

Makes sense.


MAGA is sour grapes.


Let me guess, you learned "sour grapes" today and wanted to use it in a big-boy sentence. I'm sorry to inform you, you failed. Thanks for trying, though!


Its a subtle point. Democrats actually have a constructive agenda, our primary motive is not tearing our institutions, checks & balances, or reasonable critics down, taking rights away, but rather the opposite. Moaning about troglodytes isn't our major concern.

But as long as the opposition is LED by a troglodyte, sterner measures are required, at present.

We won't tell you if you vote for our party, 'you won't have to vote again', for example. Capish ?


Democrats actually have a constructive agenda

Yeah, its Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad, Trump Bad!!


Here here, I WILL GET MY BLOODBATH. You will NOT deny me my entertainment.
