MovieChat Forums > Politics > If Kamala wins, will be in an actual com...

If Kamala wins, will be in an actual combat zone and war that there is no escape from?

How do you feel about it? And I'm not just talking riots and protests. Will she force America to openly engage in actual combat and battle after all these years if she wins?


I will not fight for Democrats.


Blast this double post.


She won as Vice President and the world has been closer to WWIII than ever before, something that was expected. Democrats are very anti-Russian and pro-war industry. If this evil entity wins again WWIII will be a reality.


Is the anti-Russian sentiment unwarranted? They did invade a sovereign European country in an attempt to annex it in its entirety.
Both Dems & Republicans are pro-war industry.


The sentiment? No. The POLICY? Yes. There is no threat to American interests or the global balance of power to justify our involvement, even as much as we are involved.


Most leaders in Western Europe & the US disagree. They believe US security is tied to European security as it has been for decades. What Putin did was incredibly destabilizing to the region. Former USSR countries, some of whom are our allies, are right to be concerned.


HOw is US security tied to the Ukraine? HInt: It's not.


SecDef Austin on aid support for Ukraine: "It strengthens NATO and helps to bolster the defense industrial base in the United States, Europe and the world. It enables our own security."

Austin again:
"...we also stand by Ukraine because it's crucial to our own security," he said. "The United States would face grave new perils in a world where aggression and autocracy are on the march where tyrants are emboldened and where dictators think that they can wipe up a democracy off the map.,today%20and%20into%20the%20future.%22



Jesus Christ, that fucker really said that? That the reason to spend this money, to fuel this war, instead of seeking peace,

is to "bolster" our "defense industrial base"?

That is the worst justification for a war that I have ever heard. This fucker should be dragged out of his office by a mob and tarred and feathered.

People are DYING, by the thousands, so that defense companies can make some fucking money?

I'm a REPUBLICAN. We have no problem with corporations wanting to make money.

But encouraging a war to continue at the cost of thousands of human lives, for corporate profits is not a just cause.

This man is a soulless monster and I pray that there is a hell, because this guy needs to go there when he is dead to pay for his vile sins.

ALSO, to a lesser extent, MUCH lesser extent, I want to also note that the money spent, adn the increased risk of escalation, are also bad outcomes of this war, that I am against having as part of the policy.


The whole quote:

"The support doesn't just help Ukraine," the general said. "It strengthens NATO and helps to bolster the defense industrial base in the United States, Europe and the world. It enables our own security. The collective support will ensure Ukraine is successful today and into the future."


Yeah, I saw that, "strengthen nato" is meaningless shit talk.

"Enables our own security"? NO, IT DOESN'T. The Ukraine is in Eastern Europe. We are in NORTH AMERICA.

The only real point was the corportate money one, and that was a TERRIBLE REASON that only the most vile and soulless sub human piece of shit would consider a valid reason for supporting a war that his killing people by the thousands.


You speak as if Republicans are not also pro-war industry. Hell, Trump is the one talking about how he increased military spending, claiming they had no bullets when he was elected!


Republicans may have a war history too, especially under the two Bush administrations, Bush Junior being one of the most idiotic Presidents ever. However, GOP is led by Trump now, who is the most peaceful President since Jimmy Carter.


It'll be baaaaaaaad... just axk him :


She will not win unless they rig and steal the election again; nevertheless, riots will only occur when Trump is POTUS.


Just fear mongering. They said Biden would take us to WW3 and crash the economy, yet to see it happen. Trump is using the same talking points on Kamala now and it isn't sticking.


MAGA are mostly a bunch of fat lazy flabby slobs, they aren't gonna do jack shit. If they were going to do anything they would have done it after "the 2020 election was stolen from us! >=("

A few hours of pathetic ineffectual rioting was all they could muster. They sacrificed one whack-job of a woman and then ran home with their tails between their legs.


What the heck are you talking about?
